Nothing better than regurgitating shit you saw on a documentary.
That’s usually the extent of most people’s knowledge on the subject. Good thing we’re extra smart over here. The bottom line is our perception of the world shapes reality. You know, actual reality.
I’m not playing that silly game where I say “your perception is your reality”, because that’s BS. Your perception is your perception and reality is reality. You are not the Almighty Creator. If you think that’s the case, stop doing drugs. I’ve got a program for you that will get you back in alignment.
But get this, how you perceive impacts what’s happening in and around you. If you perceive that everyone is an a-hole? You’ll likely make choices that will put you in the way of moody people, and you’ll give off the vibe that you want that energy.
You may think “Mike, who really wants to create that?” Here’s the deal, whatever you believe to be true your subconscious will fight, tooth and nail, to find/create the evidence. No matter how silly it seems to your conscious mind. That ego lurking around in the background really likes to be right. In fact, being wrong is one of the worst things that can happen to the ego. Feels like death.
So choose your beliefs wisely… and maybe try to let go of beliefs and just sit with what you know. It’s a lovely place. As I sit in that space I realize I don’t know much and I’m very happy about it.