Drew’s New book coming out this week!
Detoxing life, crushing limitations, owning your awesome
Owning your power and being the brightest light, you can be
Creating your “whydenity” and finding your purpose
Cutting out the noise from others so you can use your gifts and hold your magic
What are frequencies and how higher vibrations and higher frequencies attract certain people and things into your life
Why complaining about others is actually complaining about yourself!
Explaining the universal ‘law of oneness’
True masters admit to not knowing anything
Drew’s awakening to his way is NOT the only way and how his ego was getting in the way
How to be open to other beliefs and starting from a place where everything is accepted
Sexual Transmutation and how to channel your sexual energy into creating something positive for your business or life
What does being spiritual vs. religious mean
Drew's recommendations for high levels of consciousness and abundance books
Drew’s abusive home growing up and how he took this to go within and change
Negative charges with money and unwinding personal value with money
What Drew shifted in his beliefs to charge $25,000 a day for training and make Organifi on of the top 100 fastest growing companies in the country
Power of your subconscious mind
How money is a game and keeping from a struggle mindset
Drew’s advice to those who are charging too little for their products or services and how people are paying for your life experiences not your time.
Why you can charge whatever you want and will attract those people who will pay it
Bringing your intuition back to its original state and how the masses keep us from our personal power
Soviet Union and long lost hidden research
Psychedelics and Human Performance
Training from a holistic perspective
Mega-dosing and bio hacking with nutrition
Why stress is a habit that can eventually embedded trauma into your nervous system
Breaking through the mind and body interface to recode yourself (not just as athletes but as everyday people)
Signs of overtraining and what this does to your equilibrium
Why the nervous system can’t rewire when it’s in that stress state and how to know if you're a “freezer” while training
Breaking bad patterns and tips to athletes who have hit a wall
Age regression and temper tantrums
Mediation opening up plasticity on a physical level to trim off weaker cells and replacing new ones
Understanding why you need constant stimuli’s
Project 47 conference and how some people don’t need LSD but mushrooms would be more appropriate for training
Use psychedelics to recode your mind and easier time in life
Psychedelic for athletic qualities and how this gets 5x -10x faster skills learning
What's in Matt's tool tool kit to enable faster performance and better health
Gaining stronger more resilient organisms
What do gut triggers after a bad encounter actually mean and why dealing with this is more powerful than positive thinking and affirmations
Surviving drug addictions, being shot 4 times, becoming homeless and paralyzed
The failings of chasing material and outer things to fix inner happiness
Going from football role models to gangster role models
Heroine, crack, mushrooms and trying to finding drugs of choice to try to fix life problems
Finding supportive people even behind bars
Messages from his dead mother that gave him hope to live
Overcoming what was medically impossible to find body movement again
How deciding to do that one thing you've never done might change your life
Distractions becoming attractions and leading to those negative indulgences
Discovering what are the lies that dress up to look good to tempt you
Keeping to the present times so you don't fall back to your old ways
Finding strength to stay focused and on track