
The Bledsoe Show

The show formerly known as "Bledsopia" On this podcast, you’ll learn from thought leaders who are dedicating their lives to being a positive force for your physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual health. Your host, Mike Bledsoe, seeker of truth & perpetual student, spotlights premier thought leaders in the fields of emotional & intellectual expansion, behavior change, sexuality & alternative medicine that empower you with the tools and inspiration to transform your mind, body, & spirit. Every week, this is your opportunity to get downloads from exceptional people that will guide you to the connections between your own source, to live your best life & enjoy the process.
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The Bledsoe Show









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Now displaying: 2022
Dec 21, 2022

In the last couple decades cannabis has slowly moved into our culture that has become more and more accepted. Normalized.

But the true power of it is commonly overlooked. With stereotypical stoner movies creating a particular narrative that people who use cannabis are slow, stupid, and find themselves in strange predicaments.

And while the stereotype may be true in some cases, there is another story to be told.

Cannabis an incredibly potent plant medicine that when used correctly will expand your consciousness. Make you a better, more aware person.

It’s not just for numbing out physical pain or anxiety. Yes, it’s used for that in a very incomplete way most the time, but there’s so much more you can do with it.

Cannabis when used to its full potential can be as revelatory as any other plant medicine out there.

And today we have Ryan Sprague on The Bledsoe show to share about it. I met Ryan a few years ago and his use of cannabis has been incredibly enlightening to me.

Dec 19, 2022

How does social mind control work?

Are there specific examples of it at play?

That amongst many other interesting topics are on the menu for today’s Monday Morning with Mike & Max show.

Dec 8, 2022

Today’s show is with Nathan Riley, MD, FACOG. He’s a holisitc OBGYN as well as a Chek Institute professional.

That’s right, a couple of dudes sat down to talk about birth.

As someone who is obsessed with human development this interview was a real treat. What could be more pivotal to your development than what happens before, during, and after a pregnancy.

For the ladies out there, I hope you find the conversation insightful.

For the men, I know this will be insightful. We play a major role in the whole experience… and we’ll never know what it’s like to give birth.

I’ll never give birth to another human which is a bummer, but my role for my future children is no small feat.

Oct 31, 2022


Dr_ Placebo

Pretty funny before they wouldn't They wouldn't know what I wanted like they didn't understand what come sit stay meant so I was like yeah that's Fine. You're just Puppies. You don't understand what I want now. I'm certain that they understand what I want and sometimes they just won't do it. There's like a little rebellion phase that's happening right now.



This payback.


Dr_ Placebo

And well you know so far. We've just been using carrots. Basically no stick for our condition and.





Dr_ Placebo

My special lady friend is a really kind soul it it would she would like lose her mind if I struck a dog I don't want to anyway. But I I get this feeling that they know that I'm all bark and no bite. And that's why they're like yeah okay keep talking big fella like I'm just going to do what I want to do.



Yeah, um I learned this trick for dominating dogs which is you want to make sure you got control of their snout when you do this because I've done this with a big pit before which is you bite their ear so you take like your.


Dr_ Placebo




Your canine and you dig it into their ear until they until they yelp and then they know because that's how dogs talk to each other right? like 1 dog is going to dominate the other and then they they bite an ear or they put their their mouth around their neck and then the other dog kind of gives up.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? right.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, oh man, my dogs battle each other so aggressively all day long I mean I'm glad we got two I can't imagine just getting 1 dog and I don't like to say that too much. Because I don't want to make everybody who just got the 1 dog feel bad but it seems like they have some level of communication between them that I will never really understand they're on the same level. You know what? I mean.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

They can play in a totally different way. They communicate in a totally different way. Um, but man it is it is aggressive and then I remember like oh yeah, playing it is two things. it's ah practice for killing and and it's ah socialization that's that's what play is and for humans that's not how we play typically but that's in the animal kingdom that's what play is that's how you first learn how to how to kill things or not get killed depending on what the animal is. If you look at though I'm trying to think of ah what play looks like for herbivores. It doesn't occur to me right now. But for carnivores there's its play is basically practice for killing and it doesn't it's. Just reminds me of the circle of life. Something needs to die so that you can live and it doesn't matter if you're a vegetarian you got to kill that plant and that plant becomes part of you so it's kind of like the highlander there can be only one like you can. Eat it or it eats you basically and then when you die provided you you don't put yourself into one of those fancy boxes then you get eaten again after it's all said and done and that's ah I mean that's a funny thing maybe not cemeteries aren't funny.


Dr_ Placebo

In a traditional sense. Maybe but it is weird that we try to take the the physical body out of the ecosystem. It's a really interesting practice.



I Mean it's happening. You know we build homes we built. Ah, you know because nothing in nature is Square. You know have straight lines like I look around my house I've got a flat floor flat ceiling flat walls and they all meet at Ninety degree corners. And for the most part So We we basically separate ourselves from nature by putting ourselves in these boxes and then when we die we want to continue the separation So casket we go I need a new buck. This one doesn't have to be as big.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

I need and I need a new box.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, that is kind of funny. That's like the whole whole life is like I need a new box I need a car that's like a mobile box and then I need a new house and that's a stationary box and then I need a coffin That's a very snug. Ah airtight.



Yeah, you leave you leave the box. That's your house to get in the box that your car to go to the box. That's your work and or or maybe you're just building boxes for your work too. Like yeah yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Waterproof box.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Yeah I mean if you're in construction you're building boxes. Basically it's it's funny. It's just so it's more ah comfortable on the inside right? I'm surprised. There aren't more oh it's It's actually because Ah. Squares tessellate the best so you can line a flat plane full of squares and rectangles. But if you try to do it with Circles. You have a lot of space left over but I think ah, a big dome would be really cool.



Yeah, there's um I'm sure you've been in some cathedrals where the the ceilings you know they're they just kind of go up into a point where I've been in. Um I've been in big malokas.


Dr_ Placebo




And the jungle where they're doing medicine ceremony and it all goes up to a point and I heard somebody talking about why don't we build our homes with a point um and or a cathedral like what why don't We build our home like a cathedral where there's this. Point that's going up right? and I think it might be that It's a little ungrounding and your attention gets funneled into that single place whereas with a box you can diffuse your attention a little more easily.


Dr_ Placebo

Um I think it's probably that plots of land are rectangular and a rectangular house will maximize your living space on them honestly and.



I Mean what if you had a rectangular house with ah with your ceilings coming to a point like to a single point like a tepee.


Dr_ Placebo

And and no ah, no rooms just 1 big room and.



Yeah, may well that that would suck So the round room doesn't really.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? I mean there there are some cool. Ah, there's some cool domes. There are some really cool like I've looked into it. Ah you know me I've looked into a lot of different alternatives for how to live and how to eat how to live how to exercise like what alternative is there. Let me.



Ah I mean.


Dr_ Placebo

Let me at least examine it and you can you can get a house built like a dome you can buy yourself a plot of land and you can have basically a kit sent to you because it's all triangles you know Buckminster Fullers the inventor of the geodesic dome. And it's ah it's a kit that 2 people can put up this whole thing because it's just like 1 row at a time of the ah same side same size triangles the whole way through and it's really kind of an interesting thing. Um.


Dr_ Placebo

But I think a lot of it has to do with the the plots of land and blending in.. There's most places that people live. There's a homogenization right? You you kind of want your house to look sort of like everyone else's and everyone has. This idea of what a house should look like like a fancy house looks like this and a medium fancy house looks like this and a not as cool house looks like this or whatever and we have these ideas of what it should look like right. Um I think it is if you have a rectangular plot of land though you're going to get more ah space with a rectangular house that that's for sure.



Yeah, well I think we need to start creating triangular plots of land. Let's see what we can do with that you might be able to fit more houses in a single in ah in an area who knows.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, that would make the thing that would make the well you also need roads too right? So it's ah it's interesting though to look at um.



Those damn roads.


Dr_ Placebo

Like New York city right is basically a grid like you know if you're on a and tenth street. you know exactly how to get to b and Twelfth street you know exactly how to get there



Well the but 1 of the best grids on the planet is phoenix completely flat. It is a straight up grid. Well I think about I think about ah like New York or Boston you look at the East Coast and


Dr_ Placebo

Because just straight up grids. Yeah.



A lot of those roads were built when you know it was horse and buggy or carriage and so they're not that wide and then only that they have to they have the there's might be some old buildings that to go around So it's not it is grid but not as great as Phoenix which was way more planned and then you have to worry about the.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

And more modern right.



Yeah, the the coastline you have the coastline that you have the that you have to work around. That's why on the west coast like you know like you can end up on a street that you're going east 1 minute and then north the next minute because it's having to go around everything but you go somewhere like Phoenix where it was.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? so.



Laid out in a grid. It's flat. There's nothing to go around is just a desert and now you now you get like this really, you can you can go to a street in Phoenix and look down the road and see blocks and blocks and blocks and blocks down the way without without any any blocking your view.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Um, and a lot of older cities are are more like um branches of like root systems or capillaries. Like Paris for example, there's like a central location and then it branches off. It's not really a grid. It's more like branches and rings. It's it's really interesting to see how we try to ah transport people around and if ah. If a place is growing um it it actually makes a lot of sense that it would be more like ah, a branching type of thing like a root system.



Yeah, well I think about shapes and um, what that does relationally for people or communally and one of the things that happens at burning man is everything's done circular so you have the center of the city.


Dr_ Placebo

Nothing of 1


Dr_ Placebo




Basically black rock city and then ah the roads are by time so 2 to 15 to 30 so you've got a clock so those are your roads that that extend out and then the rings going around are abcd and of course.


Dr_ Placebo




Every year that like the D is different like you know, depending on the theme or whatever. But in this circular community.


Dr_ Placebo

So of course I don't understand that less.



Ah, what do you mean? Oh sorry, No no, no, no like E might be a different word. Yeah elephant one year. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Abcd and then it's different like it's bigger or.


Dr_ Placebo

Like Elephant Okay, got it? Okay, ah you're like of course I'm like am I supposed to feel stupid now.



But the whole point of this podcast and see if I can make max feel stupid. But ah it hasn't It hasn't worked I don't know. Ah so that I think the circle um.


Dr_ Placebo

I Always feel stupid. Ah.



When people this is this really cool topic to talk about because we're talking about environment. How environment it's what raises and rings. Yeah Raisin rings are who I like that. So with the raisin rings. What I what I think is happening. There is it.


Dr_ Placebo

So it's rays and rings. it's it's rays it's Rays Rays and rings. Yeah.



Creates more? Um, it's It's hard to to say this is where this ends and this begins as much and there's more opportunity for people to interact from someone across town. So I can just follow this road and then now I'm on the other side of town.



Whereas with a block. It's like if I want to go? Yeah, you know if I want to go anything other than North Southheast or west if I want to like cut across town then I'm zigzagging or I'm having to make this big loop. But with the raisin rings you you can start at the center and then get anywhere. You want.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




By just pointing and going. So I think there's.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, I mean you're always going to have to take somewhat of a circuititous path no matter if it's a grid or raises in rings that's kind of the nature of roads.



No matter what but I wonder I wonder what creates how what the social impact is if we're say say you're in ah and a structure you go into a tepee.


Dr_ Placebo




Or you go into like a lot of like places where you do ceremony. They're all circular structures almost always yeah and it's because it it's like diminishes hierarchy and then ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Nights of the round table. Totally.



I Think it makes things more communal people are more if you're sitting in a circle you're more likely to talk to each other than if you're sitting in a square then it kind of feels a little weird. So I wonder.


Dr_ Placebo

Or like a big long rectangular desk where I sit at the head of the table in a really really big chair which is of course how I like to have all my interactions with all my lackeys lining the sides.



Um, yeah, exactly? Yeah, so yeah.



A good example like I had dinner a few weeks ago where there was a dozen of us at a table at a restaurant and half the table I didn't talk to almost the entire time. But if we were sitting in a circle. It would have been a completely different experience so thinking about cities that are designed to be squares or circles. Um.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, right.


Dr_ Placebo




Also I I heard this recently that ah cities that are more circular based get more rain on average I need to find the information like actual data on that. But yeah.





Dr_ Placebo

More rain all fit I mean that's ah I have no clue what you're talking about I Understand the words you said and I wonder if it has to do with places that have more rainfall had. Earlier civilization and earlier civilizations had more circular ah systems of travel. But yeah, that's really interesting. Yeah.



Could be could be yeah I Just I think about um the older I get the more I think about how the environment is shaping. People's behavior in general because I think that the majority.


Dr_ Placebo




I know we talk about incentives here a lot too. But if you look at in what your environment and how that shapes someone's behavior and then the incentives put in place those 2 things are likely the biggest drivers of ah behavior.


Dr_ Placebo

Click m.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, right? So where where you are and then the carrots and the sticks. Basically when I was doing a lot of ah virtual reality. It made me think a lot about environment because when you set up ah like a fancy.





Dr_ Placebo

Vr system. They have basically different areas where you can do different stuff. It's very compartmentalized and of course as you know I've been learning a lot about compartmentalizing with the puppies because you need to have them in a specific zone that is cleared. For puppies to not destroy all your shit basically and then you know I had this idea of basically you have a console for work and that's where you always do work and then you have a console or you have an area for eating. And that's where you always do your eating and then you have a place where you do your bathing and your bathrooming and we sort of have that. But um, just to even focus it down even more So. There's no question about what you do. When you're in a specific Area. You're like okay I'm at the console I'm doing ah you know writing and emails boom and that's the only thing I do in that place and when you're in a virtual reality. It's It's exactly that you can't do. Anything else because as soon as you're like oh I think I'm going to play a game. You actually are like teleported basically to a different place so you're not even there Anymore. So I think that's actually pretty valuable is to have a place where you go to work.


Dr_ Placebo

Place where you go to eat a place where you do this. It's not necessarily very very flexible. But I think it can help you get into that laser versus the lantern type of focus.



What you know? ah when Covid hit a lot of people were concerned that you know work wasn't going to get done and then they found out that people were working even more hours when they were working from home and they're.


Dr_ Placebo




Inability to compartmentalize work from the rest of their life was demonstrated and and a lot of people didn't know how to manage that.


Dr_ Placebo

So so so they all became entrepreneurs.



Well, ah, the the amount of freelancers that exist is has skyrocketed in the last few years Tons of new freelancers. Um I did a presentation recently where I was highlighting that it was um I want to. Can I remember off top my head I want to say at least 15 % of the workforce in the us of freelancers maybe more um and it's just like it's growing at ah at such a fast pace and it's and it's a sign of the decentralization of. Of labor and ah these companies don't want to have you know people don't stay with the company for 203040 years anymore like they used to the last time I heard a figure on it was the average and this was like. Ten years ago they were talking about how average employment link has gone from 30 years to 7 I'm sure it's more like three or four years now so people are switching jobs a lot faster. Um companies want to be more agile.


Dr_ Placebo




Which means they need to be able to exchange their people out faster which means that employment contracts get replaced with with and and people are becoming more specialized due to technology. So now it's like I specifically work in this type of marketing you can hire my firm which might just be me.


Dr_ Placebo




And might be me and a team and now I'm ah now I'm contractor so now these what's happening is companies are even the big ones are reducing the amount of employees they have and they're increasing the amount of ten ninety nine s they have the the contractors.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




And um I my theory is this is this is part of the why they want to hire 87000 irs agents is because you have a bunch of people who have had taxes deducted out of their paycheck.


Dr_ Placebo




Every paycheck for their entire life. They just went freelancer. They just turned ten ninety nine they didn't file their they didn't ah pay quarterly payments. They went to file realized they didn't have the money to pay the tax and not only that we're in the middle of recession.


Dr_ Placebo




So and people are out of money already anyway and so now that's one I'm sure that's a ah factor. It's playing in in this decision try to squeeze the middle class more All these freelancers is ah is because of ah.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




People don't know how to file their taxes now. So now they gotta hunt these people down.


Dr_ Placebo

Well I mean I I think it's even more simple than that if you hire a bunch of those thugs. It's ah 2 ways to win and no ways to lose because you're not even paying them with money that you earn you're paying them with money that you steal. So It's like.. It's kind of like two ways to win and no ways to lose which is a good way to go through life If You're an individual like give yourself opportunities where you have multiple ways to win and no ways to lose. Ah so I think it's more just like they can and why wouldn't they if that's their prerogative. But.



Yeah, um, no.


Dr_ Placebo

I Mean we don't want to have the whole podcast be ah, just about that. Probably just just another episode of fucking Max Angry. Ah. Episode 51 max is pissed Again. Ah.



Ah, it's not fair.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, oh man, but it's not fair, but then again like once again like it's so important to have perspective and recognize that there's this constant rebalancing between business. And state where the the business is like okay you know you're going to work in our coal mine and by the way we have a little general store on the way out so you can spend all your money at our general store after your you know.



That I tell you about this.


Dr_ Placebo

12 hour shift in the coal mine you know because I feel I feel like ah yeah, yeah, yeah, like only 30 episodes ago. Ah like you you basically have your you basically own this little work town more or less.



Yeah man that shit blew my mind.


Dr_ Placebo

And South Park app actually did a little episode about that. Ah, where all a lot of the people were working for Amazon and then ordering packages on Amazon so they basically just got a job at Amazon doing grunt work. So they could support their habit of buying shit from Amazon it's like work 16 hours what do you get another day older and deeper in it. It sounds and it's like this whole thing. Ah so there there's like a constant. You know rebalancing of that right? but it still it still falls into the natural order of an alpha dominating everybody else and it doesn't matter if you're a wolf or something like that. You know it doesn't matter what animal. There's always this pyramid. Type hierarchy and um, you know that's I know you talk about decentralization a lot where everybody is more or less free to make their own choices and once again, that's what that's what America was originally intended to be I think was. Everybody's more um, sovereign over their choices and the consequences of those choices which is a big part of it right.



Yeah, with that comes the responsibility right? The yeah and that's I mean I think that's the key to the development of consciousness and people's ability to get in greater contact with reality is to. Suffer the consequences or reap the rewards of your behavior and when you're shielded from any of that.


Dr_ Placebo

And that's also the worst. Oh that's also the worst type of governance is when the people making the decisions don't assume the consequences for their behavior right.



Right? Well this this happens in um and business as Well, right? So when we look at and it usually so government creates Corporate. You know the idea of corporations right. Some some businessman comes along and says look if you allow me to create a corporation then I can and it'll shield me from liability from personally personally from my decisions in business and they go Oh. There's a great idea. It's gonna make a lot easier for. For investors.



I lost you for a second you there? Okay, good. Um and so and so this idea that people are now shielded from liability now you've got.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Oh yeah, I'm here.



You know, ah was just we can take it up and in their notch. You know you got Pfizer who was had the largest fraud case in all of human history and had to pay out all you know how much money it was it was a ridiculous amount. Not as much as Alex Jones Doesn have to pay for running his mouth but ah, that wasn't a fraud case. So this is like 1 of the biggest fraud cases in all of history less than a slap on the wrist and then ah, what. And which results in people dying. The results are people dying and what happens with a Ceo fizer the one who's ultimately responsible for the company. Nothing nothing the company pays the fee pays the fine. No repercussion. And a lot of people go well, that's capitalism and I go no this is this is a people who are capitalistic who are capitalizing on the use of government for violence so without without them leveraging government. Pfizer would be in every individual if you take the government out. Well then people start looking around with well who do we blame you know and you can start pointing fingers now I don't think that I think that the.



Even going after the Ceo of a company that just makes a drug is a diffusion of responsibility I would say what doctor prescribed this doctors are are shielded from liability as long as they follow these rules now they can't be found guilty of anything in court. Even if they were truly negligent and not practicing medicine appropriately as long as they follow the algorithm so you have all these things all these rules that are put in place. All these things are shielding liability that create an environment where people actually. Are not practicing judgment from moment to moment. They're just doing what they're told.


Dr_ Placebo

Like which is what you would want if you were in charge hundred percent like if I'm in charge I don't want people questioning what I say I would like to have a small secret group of advisors.



Um, which is yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

That help me make decisions but I wouldn't want the broad population to question anything I'm saying under any circumstance because that would just make things very difficult to do what I want right? So It makes sense that you would not want that. What's. Interesting to me is you know there's all this like wrongful death. Let's call it I think that's what we would Call. That's let's call it wrongful death if you can if you can pay a fine for wrongful death. Why can't you have a slave.





Dr_ Placebo

Like like if there's a number that they've decided is like okay that's all right? You paid the money you you do your thing That's fine like why can't you have an indentured servant or something like that. It just seems I don't know.



Stop using your logic max. You're gonna you might trigger somebody. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

It's like we try to say oh you can't value a human life and yet we do all the time.



Ah, it's worth $15 an hour for minimum wage for for minimum people. Um.



I Mean we do have all right all right? So so.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, it's It's a little bit weird the way we try to like value human life. Ah like monetarily it sort of makes sense I guess like what you'd like I don't know the way that we.



Well, this is how I break it down look.


Dr_ Placebo

The way that we punish wrongdoing is really weird it Most of the time doesn't really provide any relief to the victimized party right? Someone commits a crime and we're like we're going to send you to Jail but then the victim is just fucked basically still.



Um, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

So the taxpayers foot the bill of this alleged criminal now. But there's no like rested I mean once again like a lot of the stuff is done as badly as possible but like you say it's all about the incentives at play more than anything.



Yeah, if someone wrongs somebody else or say we want to be humane right? We're not going to pay him back? Yeah, so like you Rob somebody maybe you you injure somebody and.


Dr_ Placebo

Pay him back. Pay him back.



They lose an eye or an arm or whatever it is. They can't do their work anymore. It's like all right? Well now you're working for them. You're not gonna enter.


Dr_ Placebo

Insurance companies figure it out insurance companies figure out exactly how much they're willing to pay if you hurt your leg. They know exactly if you have a pancrea Titis they have a schedule.





Dr_ Placebo

For exactly how much they're going to pay to help you resolve your pancreatitis. So why don't we have I mean look you just put me in charge and I will fix everything ah right before I'm assassinated.



Um I Love how we're solving all the world's problems right now.



Ah, yeah, so I mean this is interesting like you're right? There are all sorts of formulas for figuring out what the cost should be so somebody injures somebody else. It's like okay you owe me X amount of dollars and you've you've got to give me.


Dr_ Placebo

And then ah.



2 wo-thirds of your money that you make until then and so you're basically you basically lose your freedom of labor and time and of your own life in exchange for your wrongdoing and no one had to die that person could still improve their skills.


Dr_ Placebo




As a and they're late their skills of labor that could still contribute to society. They could still help build the wealth of the society and the person who is wrong gets made right.


Dr_ Placebo

Well and that's what taxation is right? It's part-time servitude and people don't recognize what an imposition that is especially when you consider the fact that there's no incentive for the people spending those stolen dollars to be efficient with them. You know.



Um, right? But what about the roads max. What about the roads.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, we would We would never have roads ever unless we were like deeply gouged every fucking year. There's no way. No one would think to lay down asphalt.



A lot of the roads out in California were not poured by anyone wasn't paid for gut by government. It was private roads that were built by lumber companies and other things that were later.


Dr_ Placebo

I Mean it's ridiculous like these arguments. But.



Purchased by the government but government didn't build those roads.


Dr_ Placebo

Well and just to push back I agree with you and I'm also glad that we didn't just let the lumber companies go full hog and completely take down every tree that existed in the western side of the United States because when you start looking at how efficient we have gotten at processing the environment. It is. It is really insane honestly, how good we are at catching fish. How good we are at processing lumber. Um the speed with which we can. Expand and procreate I mean even with relatively few offspring ah per couple per coupling. We can spread crazy fast. Um and I was I was watching this thing the other day it was about.


Dr_ Placebo

Another animal documentary. You know I love that stuff and these fish these fish these herring on near Vancouver island they go to lay their eggs. There. They do 20000 eggs per fish up to and they they plant them all individually. Everywhere. So. There's this huge influx of like a million fish. They each drop off like 20000 eggs and a lot of them get eaten by in the environment and then you have these wolves on Vancouver Island and they have like 2 wolf pups like 2 compared to 20000 so the amount of sophistication required and the investment per offspring is so significant the more complex of an animal you get. But I mean look how crazy good humans are at keeping offspring alive. It's incredible. So. On the one hand I guess I'm glad we didn't just go total free rain on ah you know, cutting down all the forests and eating every single animal. Um, but at the same time There's an incentive if you're a lumberjack to not. Ah, cut down every single tree right? So once again, you just want the incentives to be in place I always think of the Roman Bridge builders that's like my favorite example, you build a bridge you have to stand underneath it when we test it out that that's my favorite example.





Dr_ Placebo

So when you're looking for someone who's going to work for you. Make sure that their performance and their incentive are related. Simple is that if you're looking for work ah make sure that your performance and incentive are related. And all the other stuff we're talking about is mostly mental masturbation. Um, because it doesn't really affect the bottom line of what an individual can do what an individual can do is um, get clear on their values. And figure out how to provide value so value and values and regardless of what you decide to do as a profession just make sure that the incentive and the ah consequences are in the like the same place. Basically. So you can get so you can earn more if you do better and you earn less if you do worse and that way you really have Um, you're like the master of your destiny so to speak.



I Want to go back to the lumberjacks. So there's no one So there's an incentive for them not to cut everything down but the problem is sometimes people are short sighted. You need somebody else to come in with an objective.


Dr_ Placebo




And objective perspective and go hey hey I'm looking at the bigger picture here. Don't do that anymore. Do it like this and then people either listen or don't listen, but that's where government comes in this because the government says well you have to listen to me or else I'll conduct violence on you? yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Shoot you right? or put you in a box back to our boxes. We'll put it. We'll put you in a box that you don't want to be in you want to be in this other box. But we're going to put you in this one.



So you know yeah.



So How do you?? How do you motivate people I mean some people will argue that um I mean I do which is the lack of of ah the repercussions hitting that person individually is what's keeping them From. Understanding their their um the impact they're having and that's been going on generation after generation after generation they're shielded from it so people are actually become too dumb to realize the the impacts of of their behavior. So How do we.



How do we do? How do we do that without threatening violence like how do we get people to expand their awareness and not do dumb stuff without threatening them.


Dr_ Placebo

Well ignorance it.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, well, it's like ah it's like heaven and hell basically it's it's a carrot or a stick and people are the natural condition of humans is ignorance the natural condition of any animal. Ignorance so you need to have some sort of carrot and some sort of stick and ah heaven and hell are really good examples of that but you need to have some sort of ah constructive incentive I Think that's why religion did work so Well. And has continued to work really well because it's like ah it's It's an untouchable goodness and badness like you can't even imagine how excellent heaven is and you can't even imagine how awful hell could possibly be.. You're like oh. You know about hell if you burned your hand.. It's like way worse than burning your hand.. It's like a thousand times worse than that and it's forever and you're like oh fuck forever that seems like a really long Time. You're like okay I guess I won't covet. My Neighbor's goods or something like that right? so. I Guess it's kind of the same thing. Um and some people don't give a shit about whether the local wildlife stays alive and some people take it way too Far. They're like oh you can't You can't build this.


Dr_ Placebo

Bridge here because it's going to impact the spawning of the the spotted pigmy something or other you know what I mean and you have like 5 ah people working full time to figure out and. Make up some fancy charts about why it's bad that you can't ah bad to build that bridge. So I don't I don't think there's a definitive answer other than you need to have with any group you need to have some sort of hierarchy because it's got to ultimately be somebody's decision.



Yeah, um I guess my question is does the hierarchy need to need to include violence you you guys just that's human nature. We need somebody who's gonna like to say you know what you better behave wrong gonna beat you down.


Dr_ Placebo

Well I think.


Dr_ Placebo

You know, a lot of people are robbing stores right now. Um from what I understand and I don't know if I'm getting bad information or not well I mean at my local home Depot I See a lot of ah tools.



I mean it's mostly in in Northern California



Ah, ah.


Dr_ Placebo

That are now locked up that were no were not locked up before and ah, you know there are some like there are some things that you can go on like next door and it's mostly a bunch of curtain twitchers like look lo and busybodies.





Dr_ Placebo

Just like oh can you believe these damn kids were riding their bikes without a helmet and it's like yes, kids are stupid and 1 of them might die and that'll be really sad but like do we really need to talk about it. Um, but they also discuss like what's going look and and you might die.



Ah I never wore a helmet when I was a kid just for the record.


Dr_ Placebo

You know it's just you got to accept the consequences right? code of Hamurabi had clear consequences for every crime if you pluck out a man's eye your eye gets plucked out if you kill a man you get killed if you rape a woman. Have to marry her and pay her dad 50 silver shekels. It's really weird rules but they had a clear consequence for every crime that there was and so people are talking about folks just walking out of stores with a bunch of stuff and I can't imagine. Being a business that's open all the time that people can just jack your stuff and walk out because the consequences of trying to stop them. Are you probably get sued or something crazy like that which is. Is way worse. We're talking like ah you know the litigiousness of our of our culture is so pathetic. Honestly, it's ah it really makes it harder for everybody.



Well this is the difference between what I saw between California and Florida we could take the 2 extremes here is you had people writing and stealing and all that stuff and in California you know you actually tried to stop.


Dr_ Placebo




Like if you harm somebody and trying to stop them from stealing from you like you're going to be in trouble and they're not going to charge a person for theft and they're just like no property rights just aren't honored there or in Florida my buddy he lives in Miami and. All the rightots were were going pretty strong like two and a half years ago and I forget exactly what what person in government said this you know don't know if it was like the sheriff or if it was the mayor or the governor or whoever it was they were like all right. If you own a store and people are coming in that try to Rob you, you can shoot them. We encourage you to they basically encourage the behavior that you're gonna get you know? Ah, ah, what's it called. They're gonna try to do something to you in California. So.


Dr_ Placebo




All these business owners. They're like okay so they go to their stores. They aren't armed I think 1 or 2 guys got shot they died and then all the writing stopped and it it's the you that um.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Yeah Incentives work the incentive to not get shot is tremendous.



But the thing is is what you have in in Florida was the government getting out of the way you say you know what we're actually not going to ah get in the way of you protecting your life your property. Your labor because your property is your labor It's a product of your labor and you know our job is to make sure that ah we're not going to fuck that up and that if someone else comes and fucks up your your property your labor your your life then we're going to help you know, bring.


Dr_ Placebo




Some type of ah Justice there. But in the meantime if you are going to be able to bring your own justice very quickly and defend yourself because if you break if someone breaks into your house. They have to me they initiated violence. They just. They broke a window. They didn't harm me physically but they they have just that they put their life on the line there because I have no idea what their intentions are right.


Dr_ Placebo

I totally agree and you don't have enough time to figure out if they're just trying to take your television or if they're trying to murder you and then take your television like there's no way to tell so basically in Florida what they did is they.



There's no way to tell.



Right? right.


Dr_ Placebo

They did not interfere with self-defense. That's all they didn't do right? So if you just don't interfere with self-defense things have a way of rebalancing themselves and it reminds me of when I was in Oklahoma with ah my grandpa.


Dr_ Placebo

He took me to this jewelry store where ah we didn't have to go there like he wasn't going to pick up jewelry or anything. He just knew the owner of the jewelry store and wanted me to meet this guy and see the bullet holes in the wall.



Ah, and yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Because this guy I was like fourteen years old I was like whoa this is pretty heavy stuff. Ah, and so basically some some guy came into the jewelry store and said to the owner give me your money but the jewelry store owner had a shotgun mounted. Underneath the ah ah like display case and he just fired out like both barrels of a shotgun basically and he left the little beeb's ah, some of them were red some like red Beebe's in the far wall and he just left them. There. And I was just saying wow that is like a strong incentive to not do that and it's like if that's not ah if it's not okay to defend yourself. Do you really want to be part of that group and I think for most rational people they would say no. Right? I don't want to just be a sitting duck. Basically.



Yeah, well I think it's um I found it interesting over the last couple years how a lot of the same people who have been preaching consent around sex are the same ones that.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh yeah.



Ah, will be the first ones be like don't defend yourself and went from things that aren't rape. It's like it's like it's like it's like ah sex gets put in a super special category I think I think I.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Rape is not about sex Rape is not about sex. It is about choice almost everybody really likes sex. It's just that they want it to be their choice right? That's it. It's like most people like food.



Um, yeah.





Dr_ Placebo

They just don't want to be like force fed food through a funnel or something like that. It's all about choice. It has nothing to do with sex is like just barely the ah the medium for that removal of choice.



Yeah I think I think when it comes to sex is extra touchy because women specifically are at a disadvantage in those scenarios right? It's very rare.


Dr_ Placebo

Well why would you say that I don't understand can you explain because women are just as strong as men.



So ah.



Ah, they can also have penises.


Dr_ Placebo

And their penises are just as big. Ah god.



Ah, yeah, ah actually to make this a little bit more clear for people. Um, yeah, if you're if you're a man then your your job and for sex is to penetrate and then for the woman is to receive that Penetration. So.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh God I've been doing it all wrong.



Ah, so ah, yeah, it that the the the penetrators are are more likely to be the rapist is what I'm getting at so that's right the point.


Dr_ Placebo

The penetrators are the perpetrators is what you're saying.



More often than not so um, so I think that in our society sex is ah yeah, that for some reason it's way touchier when it comes to consent when it comes to sex but it. There it when it comes to physical violence or when it comes to injecting people with experimental drugs go going to War Consent. It's I.


Dr_ Placebo

Going to war taxation.



Tell people who go who have the realization that I'm um, talking about here and they go holy shit like these people are like arguing for consent here but not over here and there's a lot of things like that I go. Well yeah, it's because people don't understand principles. People are. Ah, if they were actually principally based they would then say well consent matters in every situation. There are no special occasions for when consent is is not okay or you know isn't isn't useful.


Dr_ Placebo

Agreed greed.



And so ah, the majority of people in politics the majority of people who care about politics are very hypocritical so you know if you're getting mad at somebody else about you know because if you look at the left. They basically say we want consent for this but not this if you look at the right They say the same thing we want consent for this but not this and they're basically just arguing over who's going to be able to boss the other one around and who's going to not be bossed around.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? There's like 5 things that they'll never agree on and never budge an inch and then 1000000 things that everybody agrees on because it's just super obvious and that's what keeps people divided the five things that no one will budge on.



Yeah, yeah, the 5 the 5 things.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, yeah, you're 100% right it is all about consent I think um I mean there's not much else to say really, it's just that people are trapped where they're just feeling something.



5 my.


Dr_ Placebo

Something just feels wrong to them. But the other thing feels right to them and we're we're trained to seek authority from some higher figure and that person is going to make it right. That Authority figure is going to make it right? and it's always like people are always in favor of that people want the leader with a big stick who says my way or the highway until the other guy gets in charge like I feel like a broken record sometimes. But it's like everybody is like oh we hate that guy in Charge. He's doing all these executive orders and then the next guy comes in and they're like yeah look at our guy taking charge making those executive orders. It's like no dude What? like? okay.








Dr_ Placebo

Democracy is also a bad idea. That's why capitalism at least true capitalism would be a lot better because look if 51% of the people vote that it's okay to rape the other 49 of their stuff or their anuses. Whatever. Right? It doesn't matter. That's okay, according to democracy because it's still just glorified mob rule that they put their leader in charge and they can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want because they have the biggest stick around and it's just crazy that people think that is the best way to go go about it. Rather than mostly leaving it up to the individuals each and every day to decide what they value and how they want to spend their dollars how they want to spend their time how they want to spend their ah resources right.



Um, but how could we control them the ah.


Dr_ Placebo

I Mean some things you need if you're going to be a leader though. You do need to have some sort of um, incentive for people to want to be part of your group right? That's the.



Yeah, you got gotta to make someone else the villain you know like I'm gonna save you from these people over here I mean I learned most of what.


Dr_ Placebo

That's the main thing.


Dr_ Placebo

I'm going to save you from an invisible scourge that is ravaging the world by the way. It's totally invisible. You can't see it don't breathe the air. It will kill you.



Other Invisibles scourges inflation. Let's see inflation is Evil Ah, ah, there's another one. Ah and this up.


Dr_ Placebo

So do we talk about how we're trying to fix inflation by printing more dollars and giving everyone more money. Do we talk about that.



And and inflation terrorism. These are things that are invisible that ah you can you can scare the be Jesus out of people. So like you know we're gonna get those terrorists I'm like who are the terrorists. You know the terrorists like can you show me one of them.


Dr_ Placebo

Well, if terrorism if Terrorism is controlling people through if terrorism is controlling people through fear. No one is a bigger terrorist than our own media and government. No question. Not even.



Are they wearing a uniform.



Yeah says Cnn.


Dr_ Placebo

not even close. It's not even close it's so it's so crazy far ahead like Al Qaeda we shouldn't even know their name based on the small percentage of terror they've instilled versus these media conglomerates which people are mainlining. Every day like a fucking drug. They're like oh god I forgot I wasn't supposed to be I forgot I was supposed to be afraid every second of every fucking day right.



I Think the same thing goes for um I got the inflation I think dude.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh my god North Korea North Korea is going to get us that country across the sea that can barely feed themselves. Oh god thanks for reminding me to be afraid of North Korea



Yeah, yeah, ah was it last night I was hanging out with some friends and they were talking about the chinese have created an artificial sun that's 5 times hotter and I go well where is this. And go it's in a nuclear. They got some like reactor or whatever and I'm like man I'm having a really hard time believing this because the chinese are terrible innovators. They're very good at copying things ah like 80% as good as it was originally intended to be but they're not making anything new. They're definitely not creating a sun and extracting energy from it and they were getting I think something like that.


Dr_ Placebo

Well, do they just mean a nuclear reactor that is more efficient because those things are very those things are very hot and you'd be sort of I I believe we can make stuff that's hotter than the sun. Um, don't quote me on that. But I think there's a lot of stuff that we can. Make that's hotter than the sun. It's not necessarily true that we can extract a ton of energy out of it Although Nuclear power plants are crazy efficient compared to anything else that we've sorted out So if they have a nuclear reactor. That's even you know 20% more efficient.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

That might actually already be hotter than the sun but probably whatever information they read is so misleading right? because now we're trying to get eyeballs that have just been skull fucked every day for the last decade of like the 1 thing you should be afraid of or.



Um, well there' a the conversation I was having with my friends yesterday went from it went from China's got a sun. It's hot than the sun or ah, that's hot than yet the sun and then.


Dr_ Placebo

Is the apocalypse happening today here's what you should do. It's like every this is like oh my god like how could you? ah.



It was all ref in the conversation about ah Russia and nuclear war unlike I'm like oh you just got like spun up so anything that you could be afraid of from a country that's on the other side of the planet. You're freaking out and then they're like yeah I mean they mean nuclear war I'm like I'm like.


Dr_ Placebo

Great. Okay.



Russia can't is not gonna get a warhead into like America. It's not gonna like they don't have the they they could shoot something this direction but I don't think it's gonna make it and and again, yeah, it's not good.


Dr_ Placebo

And if it did what's the probability that it hits you.



Yeah I mean people are then they're like oh the fallout and all this I'm like unlike maybe but here's the thing with the chinese sun and the russian nukes I can't do a damn thing about either 1 of them like I I'm not. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Better start building that Bunker blood. So the blood so bunker. Okay here.



Ah, oh we should start selling this all right. The new new New direction for the show. We scare the shit out of people.


Dr_ Placebo

You can order your blood so bunker and it it 5 5 3 2 4 5 call now to reserve your blood snow bunker. It comes with six months of food six months of water. You're welcome simple simple as that right.



That's a.



that's ah that's Alex Jones's that's Alex Jones ' whole thing just scares the shit of you. Oh my god the world's gonna end the pedophiles are gonna drop nukes on us. But and then it's like commercial comes in. It's like.


Dr_ Placebo

I Mean. Totally yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, the pedophiles are going to drop new on.



Buy the fair supply by my food supply.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? Totally by this bucket of slop that will keep you alive in your bunker and okay so one 1 thing that's practical insurance and acceptance most people aren't spending their lives all that well anyway.





Dr_ Placebo

Now I'm not 1 to judge right? But if you're just afraid you're just afraid all the time like is that really a way to live and there are only 2 things you can do about the future insurance and acceptance and if you're going to get insurance.





Dr_ Placebo

You got to set it and forget it Otherwise the insurance is a waste of fucking time. It's like buying fire insurance and then every day worrying that your house is going to burn down. It's stupid. Yeah, very nice. Excellent.



That's why I cover my house with water every morning you know, just in case. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

I'm sure it takes ah a really long time. Ah, just and I'm sure it's really good for the materials to be constantly drenched in water.



Um, oh I I got ah I got a buddy who lives in tahoe and was it last year. Yeah, it was last year basically tahoe was on fire.



While burning renegade burning man was happening so he walks out of his house. He sprays it down with a hose and then he just leaves the hose on to try to make the property as wet as possible gets in his car and goes to burning man for a week


Dr_ Placebo




And that was acceptance. He's like he's like I did the best thing I could do and you know my house and might not be there when I get back.


Dr_ Placebo

That's an option that is an option.


Dr_ Placebo

Insurance and acceptance you got to figure out what'll make you feel comfortable and just set it and forget it. There's no point in buying the insurance If you're going to worry about it all the time and you ultimately. Like everything comes back to accepting your own impermanence and the ego is only ever trying to gain more and more permanence so they're at odds with one another. So unless you bring acceptance into it. There's no amount of insurance that'll make you feel really safe. You'll be.. You'll be deep in a bunker. You'll be like oh fuck I forgot about Earthquakes I'll be totally fucked down here in this bunker If. There's an earthquake and then you're like okay I need a I need it to be in the Sky. No I need it to be on the Moon. And then you live on the moon and you're like fuck. There's no asteroid defense on the moon and it's like ah I don't know kind of like the same Hedonic treadmill where you are just so focused on material. Um things. You're like oh I need a better house and a better car and a better this and a better that and you know realistically ah, most people just want to feel ah like they're in flow with whatever the thing they're doing is some sort of play.


Dr_ Placebo

For some people play is playing cards with their friends or having ah an adult beverage with friends and just talking but people really just want to play more than anything else. But if you're so hellbent on like I got to get safe I got to get safe I got to get safe. You're just gonna be stuck in your lizard brain. So You're not going to make a very good forwardthink decision. You're gonna make short-term decisions that assuage the fear of the lizard. So You know we have those 3 tiers lizard mammal and wizard and if you don't feel safe. You're gonna be stuck in Lizard mode and be like I got to get safe I got to get safe I got to get safe. You won't go to the mammal level where you're like I got to find love I Got to find love I Got to find love of course it's the easiest thing to find you just you just be Love. That's it. It's it's like. The easiest thing ever and the hardest thing for most people to do and if you feel safe if you feel that not only are you loved but you are loved then you have this wizard brain that can be creative and think of new things and. Tell jokes and play music and play games and think about what would be good in the future without being totally trapped by the fear of the lizard or the lack of love in the mammal. But if you're if you're stuck just like being bounced around from fear to fear.


Dr_ Placebo

Via Terrorism I mean you're just playing into the hands of the people who are profiting from that terrorism right.



Yeah, yeah, and you got to be careful I mean media? What what media are you consuming the fact that you're here consuming this media I think you've made a good choice. But yeah, if you're consuming Cnn Msnbc Fox News they're gonna be just scaring a shit out of you all the time. Um. And then.


Dr_ Placebo

And it and it probably won't even change your decisions in like a constructive way. It'll just make you. It'll just make you more afraid right.



Not in a good way Now it'll make you more it. Ah you know you got fight flight freeze most people freeze you know I don't know what to do I'm going to freeze and they they they freeze in.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, yeah.



Being able to move forward in their life. Um, so you got also need to look at who you're hanging out with if you're hanging out with people who are always talking about prepping for the apocalypse you're probably not going to make a lot of forward motion in your life. Ah, if shit hits the fan. You might be a little more prepared may probably not.


Dr_ Placebo




Because my my whole thing on it is I hang out with some people who sometimes get a little far into the prepper mode and I help you know fish them out a little bit and then I also have another group of friends who that never crosses their mind whatsoever and every you know unicorns and rainbows are coming.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

At once.



The reality is somewhere in the middle and the but it's helpful because I like to visit the friends that are unicorns and rainbows because it helps balance me out ah from like hanging out with people who are like freaking out the end is coming I'm like look.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? so.



Things are gonna change. It may be really uncomfortable but like as you were saying the impermanence is always there So how it changes and you think you're gonna predict that I've never predicted how something was going to go accurately. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo




I Mean only vague predictions will be like oh this guy will win. This guy will lose or this even then my predictions aren't that great like the the track record's not amazing is like oh this business work. This one won't well I thought all my businesses were gonna work and not all of them did so not the way I.


Dr_ Placebo




Not the way I wanted them to um, they worked in their own way and so same thing with life.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? Ah so you want the preppers you want the preppers to set up your insurance and you want to hang with the unicorn and rainbow crew because it's going to be a lot more fun. Ah.



I Don't let out my secret man.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh Wow I couldn't have figured that who could have figured that out.



Ah, blowing my cover bro. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, ah boy I'm sure no one would think of that your plus plus if everyone else do is does it then you can't right? That's like ah it.



Yeah I mean we might end up with a lot of really healthy adjusted people if they all did what I did but instead I need to keep some of them in the clouds and some of them in in deep fear.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, it's not ah, it's well it's not a 0 sum game right? It's actually the more like so the micro level like for you and I as individuals. Um the more value that. We can provide the better off. We are the more concrete. Um, our values are the more that we know and can love ourselves the easier it is to make decisions and broadly speaking in a community the more value every individual provides the healthier that. Community is because if you have people who earn nothing and don't provide anything of value. Well here's what you can do you can work. You can beg and you can steal and those are the only 3 ways you can get stuff Basically so if everyone. Has something valuable then we can all work and earn and the overall value and the health of the group economy community whatever is significantly higher I mean that's hopefully what's happening here is there's a small group of people. Maybe a large group of people who are listening to these are like oh yeah, you know what? I I now can work past this fear I was having and maybe I can ah accept my own mortality a little bit more so I can create more value for myself and that has.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, a network effect to everything around them or a butterfly effect or a domino effect. Whatever ah analogy works for you right? So it's um, when everybody does better every does everybody does better even though that sounds really stupid. But it's true.



Yeah, and the only time that's not it doesn't seem like it's true is when people start getting into comparison. It's like the United States due to capitalism has become the wealthiest country on the planet and the average person is.


Dr_ Placebo




Look if you're an american you are the 1 % globally and yet people can't seem to to understand that. Um, so it's good to the only the only time that's not going to apply is if you start getting into to relative comparisons. Inside of ah ah, a small bubble which might be a a single country.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, that's true and and we're taught to look look up right? Who's doing better than us. Um, and if it's inspirational for you Then that's good and if it makes you envious then that's probably not as good.





Dr_ Placebo

Because as we like to say envy is the only one of the 7 deadly sins that you can't have any fun at so why? bother? ah.



I I yeah say we shut it down at that max you want to summarize I mean I think we we had ah another show that was full of many different topics.


Dr_ Placebo

Well I I really enjoyed myself and as far as value is concerned I think there's hardly anything more valuable than your physical and mental health and if you'd like to put some skin in the game you can order. A program at and you will be much better for it and I thank you all for listening Mike.



Excellent. Yeah I'm still up to some secret stuff. You can get on that email list on the the link over in my Instagram account people have been trickling in to strong trickle. Um, and yeah. I'll email you about what's coming up. Got a new course I'm launching the day before this podcast comes out. So if you're not checking the emails and you're already missed out but I'll be ah, posting some more stuff up in the next month so be prepared.


Dr_ Placebo




And my yeah, yeah, it's it's exciting stuff my Instagram account at Mike Underscore bloodso and I'll see you guys next week


Dr_ Placebo

Very exciting.


Dr_ Placebo

Mean. Love you buddy.

Oct 13, 2022

10 minutes after meeting Dr. Ted Achacoso (pioneer for Health Optimization Medicine), he hands me a clear troche and tells me to put it under my upper lip.

This was a trust fall… and he passed the sniff test. Soon after the consumption we sat down for a podcast interview where I experienced my awareness shift and expand into the conversation. 

From gene editing to studying consciousness and the chemicals that dictate it… we cover a lot of ground. Dr. Ted views medicine through the refreshing lens of “optimization” which creates a totally different experience of health and medicine.

Whether you’re an MD or health practitioner wanting to learn how to better serve your clients… or simply a student of health and consciousness this show will deliver.

Talk soon,

Mike “the psychonaut” Bledsoe

P.S. Links to the project we discuss on the show:


Oct 3, 2022

Mike & Max break down the 80/20 rule on how to optimize your business and life.

Sep 29, 2022

Kyle Kingsbury, Mark England, and Adam Chin. They all have something in common.

A couple weeks ago I invited the best narrative geeks in the game over to the studio to have a little fun with conspiracy theories.

And as you probably already know, conspiracy theories are just theoretical narratives that are labeled as such because it counters the narrative held by the majority.

Buying into any single narrative can be dangerous. Ken Wilber (one of the greatest philosophers of our time) once said “extremists believe that a part is the whole”. That is they only know a part of the truth but treat it as the whole truth. Extremists are dangerous. They start conflict and can never bring peace.

So, whether you’re down with the mainstream or you’re a hardcore conspiracy theorist you’re probably wrong, and partly right. Either way, on today’s show we discuss how to wade through the BS and get down to the facts that will actually help you live your best life no matter what the rest of the world is doing.

Sep 22, 2022

Matt Coast is a former Navy Seal turned women's dating coach. We discuss what's happening in society in 2022 and how we as men can show up to be our best for the women in our lives and for the planet.

Sep 19, 2022


Dr_ Placebo

Welcome back to Monday mornings with max and Mike Today we're going to talk about Mike's funny glasses and we're gonna continue to cut through the Bs where we see it and then we're gonna add some BS. of our own Mike what's up and what's up with the glasses.



Absolutely only the most helpful BS in the world. So ah, you know I had to get the we've already used that title. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh can we call this episode constructive lives fuck. Okay I Guess that's really all there is is that all language Anyway, whatever right.



ah ah I mean the enlightened folk out there I think I would tell you that. So yeah, the glasses are to solve ah a problem that was created by trying to solve a problem that we're trying to solve a problem. So. Ah, basically well these are blue light blocking glasses. So these are not my I still have twenty I'm forty years old 2020 vision to this day I ah I have to acknowledge my parents for their good genetics.


Dr_ Placebo

Quit bragging.



And ah and and my own personal work of doing a lot of things outdoors. No but ah, it's funny because I did start getting some floaters in my eyes and but not I mean I don't even notice them unless I'm like staring at the blue sky you know type of thing. But I.


Dr_ Placebo




Was somebody asked me about their floaters and I go I go you know I'm not really sure what it is but I'm sure that if your body is incredibly healthy and doesn't carry a heavy toxic load and a lot of inflammation your eyes are probably eye health overall is going to do well. But so um. Was like you know what? and it's funny after that conversation I started noticing I was like oh when I'm looking at screens all day. My eyes I can tell like there's I go from being in my living room and then I sit down I have this I have a really big screen at my desk and I got the screen.


Dr_ Placebo




To improve my posture. So if you if you've got a tiny screen you're more likely to be hunched over trying to look at it and your head's gonna jut forward. But if you have a big screen. It's positioned right? You actually have to like sit back a little bit your chin tucks and you go into a much better posture. So I got this big screen and then I.


Dr_ Placebo




Realize that my eyes are just getting blasted by a ton of blue light when I'm looking. There's artificial light I'm just staring right at it for hours and hour hours and hour hours and hours a day and I was like oh I need to get some blue light blocking glasses. So these are like my daytime I have some that.


Dr_ Placebo




When the sun goes down I just swap it out with something that's more heavy duty. Ah and when I wear these glasses my eyes like my nervous system. Overall it's not just my eyes. My nervous system tends to be calmer throughout the day so looking into the blue light all day without anything to block it. Yeah. It was frying me. So yeah, we'll see. We'll see if.


Dr_ Placebo

I Smell a sponsor.



You got to be on my email list be on my email list. You might get links to the you know these products these magical products.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, ah, um, man and ah, all right all right I like it. You know I noticed um because I play tennis and. I Don't know if you know but you really need to be able to see quite well to play tennis at a distance in a variety of light scenarios and I noticed a couple times when I was on the computer a bunch before it Just absolutely. Put my ability to see the tennis ball in the basement. It was really rough. So I try to think of it like you know, um, like rpgs like role-playing video games and some you know you're you're going around. Maybe you're fighting monsters or some shit. But occasionally you find yourself.





Dr_ Placebo

A little console and I kind of think of ah life that way a little bit. It's a role-playing game and I try to be really mindful of how much time I'm spending at the console.. There should be a really compelling Reason. To use the screens basically and we we really we really don't know what the total cost is um, certainly there's the old ah example of the accountant becomes nearsighted and the farmer becomes farsighted. Right? And so I think the cycling between is the key.



Yeah, yeah, dude I I agree this is a I love we're talking about this because Ashley and I oh my my mistake, my fiance and I forget her name. Ah yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Jennifer should come up with a fake name.



Do that now I'm gonna be in trouble. Ah, she'll be the last person listen to this show. She she hears me rant enough. Ah the we we were having date night last night and one these little fancy blind bars. We had bread and accoutrements.


Dr_ Placebo




And i't know what that word means but I know when I order it I Love the food that's put in front of me So the ah the oh yeah, the charouty as well.


Dr_ Placebo

Charcotery is what I like I can say feed me meat and cheese in like 10 languages.



Yeah I mean that's that's that's the necessary skills to have any travel. So. It's basically food and and bathrooms. But ah ah we were talking about Myopia and so I had I. Talked about ah I saw a study there day and said there's a huge rides in Myopia and that is nearsightedness that means that people can see just fine something that's in the room with them but something that they try to see far away appears to be blurry and um. You know it's attributed to the fact that everyone's looking at things really close but hardly ever looking at anything very far away and ah that that had me thinking about a concept and I don't know where I picked this up but I I didn't invent it myself.


Dr_ Placebo




Which is ah basically the idea is that the more time you spend looking close if you're in a room and all that your your brain actually has a hard time conceptualizing very far out into the future your ability to project. Further out your ability to consider more is hindered and so your eyes are basically just like your your brain is reaching out in front to try to capture some sense of the world and ah if you spend a lot of time.


Dr_ Placebo




And a small space. You're probably gonna think small thoughts. You're gonna have there's gonna small thinking your ability to think into the future is gonna be minimized and you know what? what? Mate. What I thought about next is you know the last two and a half years people spent. There's a 2 wo-year period where a lot of people probably the most people most people who were already indoors way too much now decide to lock themselves inside a house and stare at screens instead of.


Dr_ Placebo




Instead of looking at somebody who's ten feet away they're always eighteen inches away and if you're on your phone dude it's it's like it's one foot away from your face. So now you have an entire population of people who are near so ah near sighted they're they're myopic their thinking becomes myopic. So.


Dr_ Placebo




As above so below. So whatever's happening in your physical world is going to dictate how your internal world is if you're living in a messy chaotic space your mind is likely gonna be a little messy and chaotic. So this I remember back to when I was living in California and remember. You remember my house and had that big window that was just dude I spent most of my time like I would wake up and walk in the backyard and look over the cliff into the expanse of the ocean and all that and at any time I could leave my computer and put my eyes out there. And it was all it was really nice to be able to get that that contrast and I and it felt good now. You had the practice of looking across the way and trying to spot little boats or a house down the way and to help with my eyesight and.


Dr_ Placebo




And it got me thinking about just my ability to operate in business if I'm in front of a computer screen all the time you know how does that hinder my ability to plan for the future to see greater opportunities or am I going to be able to just see what's in front of me right now.


Dr_ Placebo

Man I love what you said there starting about ah 2 two and a half minutes ago in case, anyone wants to timestamp this for later ah, because as soon as you said myopia I was thinking ah visual and psychological right? You get totally locked in.





Dr_ Placebo

Your your world literally shrinks your peripheral vision goes away and from just a more mechanical standpoint your muscles in your eyes and just outside your eyes are going to learn to stay frozen. In that certain area. You know most people are looking between twelve inches and twenty four inches away from their face all the time and if you want to do that. That's fine, but just understand there are going to be tremendous costs to this behavior right. The muscles on the inside of your eyes and outside of your eyes are going to start to freeze into that position because remember your body is always and exactly adapting to whatever you do so just the same way if you sit in a chair all the time your body is going to go. Okay, we sit in a chair a lot How do we make sitting in a chair easier. So if you're looking at a screen that's right in front of you or even papers that are right in front of you which I would argue is a little healthier for you to not have light emitting straight at you but instead have it be bouncing off a page but. Ah, you know before there were screens people were still damaging their ability to see further away by honing in on something really close like a scholar or an accountant or something like that.


Dr_ Placebo

Going to get really good at looking at little spreadsheets but they're not going to be very good at seeing far away and it kind of reminds me once again of specialization. It's so useful to have you know 1 person counting the beans. They're locked away in an office all day. And then you have the visionary who never has to look at a spreadsheet in his life. He just looks up from the highest tower to survey the whole situation and lets someone else take care of the details and probably the best. Progress I've made in my life was when I had a clear um separation between those activities. So someone who was really specialized in those minor details. Would take care of that while I was able to see more like the big picture and connecting all these different ideas. So the ah connection between your vision. Ah,, let's call it physically. And your vision psychologically is completely interlinked and there are even um, different physiological responses to the position of your eyes even just looking up for a while.


Dr_ Placebo

Been playing a little volleyball recently and so of course I've I've tried to break down all of the volleyball shots and the stances that you find yourself in and sort of like deconstruct volleyball because I don't like to be bad at Sports I like to be good enough to really enjoy them. And I was just thinking how in volleyball you're basically looking straight ahead or up the entire time and I was like wow this would probably be 1 of the best things for people to do just force them to look up and extend. If they're spending tons of time looking. Let's say down at a 30 to sixty degree angle now they're looking up at a 30 to sixty degree angle and everything is up and the hand-eye coordination. Everything is pointed upwards so that. Ah, equal and opposite force could be really beneficial. So just not only the um the distance away from the object and certainly being able to track an object in and out is one of the more fundamental visual skills but also just the angle. Of your eyes has a big influence on your nervous system. You know you snap your eyes up. You should be going into extension. You snap your eyes down. You should be going into flexion so like a fetal position so the position of your eyes and the distance away.


Dr_ Placebo

Is going to have a big influence on your nervous system Vision's really complex. So one of the most complex things to understand.



Yeah, the the other thing is is I mean if you study any body language like I I watched a bunch of videos by this guy who worked for some intelligence agency where he was. Talking about? Well you can you know their eyes do this. It's a tell right? and then I got into a little bit of Nlp and it's you and you can you can watch people when you're talking to them now and you'll I'll ask somebody a question and they'll start looking up into the right or up into the left.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




And then if I ask them how they're feeling and if they're going to be honest with me a lot of times they'll look down like their eyes will will settle straight ahead into my eyes or they'll drop down or they'll they'll want to close their eyes and so yeah, well the the idea the idea that I'm thinking about.


Dr_ Placebo




Is is when the eyes go up a lot of times they're searching for something in the mind they're looking for a memory right in some people say I don't know how accurate this is up into the right you know is more creative processes are going and that part of the brain up into the left is a little more linear thinking more organized.


Dr_ Placebo

E o.



And so I mean I've watched people as I ask them questions and be in conversation. They're looking up and then they're looking to the right and up to the left and I can I can like I can actually see them searching for the information they're looking for.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

That's why I always just roll my eyes whenever you talk so you can't get a read on.



Um, but yeah, ah I mean try try looking up and looking down and see how that impacts.


Dr_ Placebo

But but.



Your experience in that moment. I mean anyone can try this right now just look down or close your eyes see what happens look up see what goat happens and to me for me. It does it shifts I can I can watch my awareness. Go up into my head or my awareness fall into my body.


Dr_ Placebo

Well, that's amazing I Think a good example is the connection I'll just bring it back to movement because that's sort of my thing still I Guess if you want to like mellow yourself out. You would basically take a lightweight and do some Romanian Deadlifts and you would look down you would you would you would look down.


Dr_ Placebo

You would kind of bend over so you're folding into that fetal Position. You wouldn't stand all the way up and that's going to bring you down that's going to take your nervous system way way down and then um, the opposite would be. You're doing something where you're looking up. And exploding upward whether that's throwing a medicine ball or a sandbag in the air. Um, ah, jumping all that kind of stuff you go up explosively man you are going to jack your nervous system up big Time. So. 1 of the things I've noticed is you can use the eye position as a way to influence the nervous system. Especially if you sync it up with ah synergistic movements along those lines is really powerful. Yeah, you take someone in the very beginning of a session.



I Like that.


Dr_ Placebo

And they're all lethargic and you have them throw a medicine ball up overhead as high and far as they can and snap their eyes upward and within a few repetitions they're they're just absolutely bringing up the level into more sympathetic which is where you're going to get a little more aggression. And then at the end if you want to bring someone back down, you just have them do something kind of eyes down and I'll just say fetal Ish position. Yeah.



Interesting I like that a lot I like that a lot um are you familiar with Paul check's totem.


Dr_ Placebo

No, ah no.



Basically has a hierarchy of of what dictates the health of the body. So at the bottom of the totem pole is the Musculo skeletal system and then you have the organs and then you have ah ah I think breath. And then you have ah your jaw basically your ability to masticate and then you go up level the stibular system and then you go to the ocular system which is the eyes and then above that is consciousness and all of all of like.


Dr_ Placebo

Oo a.



The idea is consciousness as we were talking about last week is what if something's off in your consciousness. It's going to filter down into your ocular vestibular your jaw your breath your organs and your musculoskeletal system. So if you end up with an injury. It may not just be 1 thing so ah say more.


Dr_ Placebo

It reminds me of the neural hierarchy. That's what I've heard which is visual vestibular and propriepptive so visual is the highest vestibular is second inropriacceptive which is your your body and your stuff is third and I've had. Lots of firsthand experience where improving someone's ability to see whether that's just moving their eyes or tracking an object through space has had a really significant difference I mean it feels like Voodoo almost. The fact that some people can have a pain in their back or their shoulder. We do something with their eyes and then it resolves itself and the the criticism of stuff like that is they're like oh well, it won't maybe it won't stay that way but I I would say that anything you can do. To get someone out of the fire basically and into a situation where they can move. Well again is really valuable. So I've seen how that neural hierarchy has played out to be true. You know if someone's got a visual problem. And they don't know that they have a visual problem and their leg hurts. You can do leg circles forever. But it doesn't resolve the root cause which is higher up on the hierarchy just like you know if you.


Dr_ Placebo

Give someone liposuction but you'd never repair their relationship with food. They're just going to get fat Again, you know what I mean so it's about addressing things at the root cause of it and the neural hierarchy is a top-down understanding I mean that's why I say vision is so complex because.



Um, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Our whole frame of the world is based on our ability to distinguish 1 thing from another and being able to label those things so when you see something it's fucking insane. But is actually really going on like we talk about all the different words that the eskimos or inuits have for snow a lot of different words for green and all of it has to do with being able to distinguish 1 thing from another and initially it was just ah like which way is up. Ah, is this thing going to eat me or not in fact, the evolution of the eye is a really interesting thing. There's a book ah by Isaac Asimov who I thought was just a sci-fi writer but he was also a science writer and it's called the human body structure and operation and it talks about.


Dr_ Placebo

Evolution of an eye which started out just as a few um photosensitive cells that could basically just detect photons so you know on the body of some organism. They can detect light or no light and then it turned into a little cup. So It could take in a little bit more light and then this eyeball evolved over time and that's also why like a lot of sea creatures are black on the top and white on the bottom so they are camouflaged against the surrounding environment. If You're an orcca whale and you're above something you're coming out of the they're coming out of the light so you want your belly to be light colored and if you're lower, You're going to be coming out of the darkness so you want the top to be darkly colored and a lot of fish are colored that way specifically. So It's a. Quite an interesting game of cat and mouse between vision and camouflage. Really interesting.



Yeah, yeah, just goes back and forth. Yeah I think I was watching one of these dock 2 series on like a planet earth or something like that and they were talking about the evolution of the eye and how basically. The the basic functions of our eyes are the same as the a fish and just kind of basically well really.


Dr_ Placebo

I think I was saying that last week. Yeah, maybe to you maybe to someone else I talk about that all the time because um, that's there's more similar than there is different. With animals and the fact that a fish eye in your eye are so crazy similar is that blows my mind really because that's a very different creature but in a lot of ways you know they eat or get eaten.



It's tripping.


Dr_ Placebo

Shit stuff out and they have to see what's going on and we're not that different fundamentally. Of course we have all this other ah different stuff like language and metaphor and symbolism and arguably more complex relationships. But even a lot of very simple creatures. Have eyes I mean even ah tardigrades which are like the little water bears. Um, there are really really tiny microorganisms that can survive the.



Are they that that like the smallest are they the smallest living Organism or.


Dr_ Placebo

They no no, no, no, no, they're really weird. They have like 6 legs they're they can survive the vacuum of space they can turn into a crystal if there's not enough water it can survive like radiation. They're really weird. Ah they're. Called water bears but the real name is a tardigrade and they have tiny little eyes. It's a single cell little black spot here and here just in the same place that you would imagine an eye should be and even they have these little eyes. It's it's really trippy. It's it's a huge advantage in the primordial soup to be able to see a little bit further and we talk about ah projection on this show quite a lot and so being able to see further literally with your eyes. And then being able to see further. Let's say ah philosophically or symbolically with like your third eye and being able to project and plan into the future goes right in line with what you were saying before about that myopia of we could call it a. Mindopia like myopia of the mind. Basically that is ah synchronous with the myopia of the vision and once again, it's it's fine because that's how we get the comparative advantage of having someone who's purely focused on a few details.





Dr_ Placebo

While someone else can be focused on the big picture and not bother with those details so much.


Dr_ Placebo

It's like having a lookout on a ship. Their job is to see and the Captain's job is to choose what to do about that.



Very specialized.


Dr_ Placebo

That's that's the name of our game. We specialize you you go kill the stuff I'll cook it I don't know why I made myself the lady in that example, right? there but but that's what it is specialization. Yeah no.



Ah I'll be the dude I'll be the dude I okay well at the end of the conversation I had with my fiancee last night was you know what do we do because you know I did go we but we both left.


Dr_ Placebo

No, one's going to believe that though.



California we're living in Texas and there you know, depending on where you live you may have some views that you can look out really far but where we live that's not really the case so spend a lot of time indoors especially because it gets so hot and we get outdoors quite a bit but. If I were to look at the amount of time I spend indoors and looking at screens versus out in nature and looking far away. The ratio is skewed a bit so we've made a commitment to spend more time outdoors my birthday. We're going to go backpacking. We'll be in tahoe next week um


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, nice.



You know? So we'll be so we're doing that and spend a lot of time in nature. Go hiking every day and yeah, so I think that I mean the way I I typically run my life is and ah you know just a sequence of extreme events and it's like. Extreme smallness in my my office and then going out and being nature for 3 4 or five days and then come back to the office for a week and then back and forth which I think is okay for a period of time but the overall goal is to live somewhere where I can regularly. Exercise my vision and and yeah and have that balance.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, maybe take up bird watching probably some birds down there in Texas really you have a little journal.



Dude I did so much bird watching when I was in California I ah I you know I lived on that lagoon and I had those I had those? no but I would go out there and I I could I got to where I could predict. No. Every month there was a different type of bird that was coming into the trees these trees in the backyard and they'd be migrating and coming through and then these birds would come hang out for February and then they would disappear and then in April another different type of bird would be hanging out in the same trees. Ah, and.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




Yeah I spent a lot of time out there just checking the birds out.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah that's a really ah engaging activity. Actually it's really weird. It's kind of like ah I had this idea that if you see a shooting star. It's lucky, but really. Is it lucky because you are making a wish on the shooting star because if you are that's cool. You're setting an intention. But also if you just happen to be outside looking at the night sky enough that you see shooting stars then that already means like you're bringing that luck. Into your life like that's a healthy behavior and you know it's not like ah this is good and this is bad kind of thing but you know if you are looking at something like straight. Ah you know eighteen inches in front of you ah getting that tunnel vision versus. Actually laying outside and looking at the stars. It's a very different kind of experience. So even if you don't make a wish you just happen to put yourself in a situation where you can see some some shooting stars. It's like you already did the thing that sets you up. For a little bit more peace of mind and relaxation.



Yeah, how often do use Stargas I don't do it hardly at all anymore it it only happens when I'm traveling and I'm out of the city because the city really messes it up.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Um, ah the last few weeks of having puppies I've done very little I've done more helping them chase crickets so ah, looking down I'll like find 1 and point it out and then let them go like try to catch it.





Dr_ Placebo

At night but I would say at least once a week I was ah laying outside at night. Um, and just looking up and it's it's ah another one of those really soothing experience it and it's not for everybody like I mean you don't have to do any of that shit it just. Can be a ah nice way to sort of temper the constant ah dopamine buffet that we have available to us.



All right? This is probably the first time I mean since the invention of the light bulb is you know the last hundred hundred and fifty years I mean really for the average person hundred years the first time that star gazing was not a thing.


Dr_ Placebo




Sun goes down. Everyone's hanging out there's little to do after dark. Maybe you got some candlelight but the stars I mean when you know when you go out into the country you get away from the city. The the stars are so much easier to see it's It's something worth looking at. But if you're.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




And L a and you're trying to look at the stars. Good luck.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? I mean you'll still see stars. You just won't see as many and I would argue that you're better off to to look up at least a little bit I mean should we just call that ah call this episode look up even.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Even that the metaphor of look up is ah synonymous with having a positive attitude right? You can you can look up. You can also look down on somebody. That's a pretty ah unhealthy behavior I would argue you.



Look up to look down on.


Dr_ Placebo

Look up to somebody yeah look up to look down on. Yeah, it's It's pretty big.



You know.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, do you do any? ah exercises for your vision.



Ah, there's one I don't do it frequently enough. But um one I like to do is I wrap a towel around my head um Criss Crosss it to basically keep my head from being the thing that turns basically stabilize that and then take my eyes I got a mandala.


Dr_ Placebo

And. E.



Hangs in my garage gym and I circle the mandala with my eyes and I'm I'm really focused on going slow and smooth and then if I find an area where my eyes want to skip which everyone will find some area. It's like oh down and to the right.


Dr_ Placebo




My eye kind of jumped from here to here. Can I go back smooth it out and then keep going and if you can if you can go each way you know from right? you know, clockwise and counterclockwise around the mendala smoothly then you're going to be in a pretty good space. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

In a.



That's also one way that they're able to see if you had a concussion in the past is if you're if you're either unable to I remember I was I being worked on once and I couldn't look up to the right I think it was.


Dr_ Placebo




Was having trouble looking up to the right? they were doing an eye test on me and they were like oh did you have a concussion and you know where were you hit now. Of course I don't know which concussion they're talking about ah but the the ah.


Dr_ Placebo




They they said oh yeah, a lot of times people they were hit up and to the right, their nervous system remembers that it basically thinks it's still happening and then it's that reaction to try to you know your eyes lead the way and you and you get away from whatever. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo




Force was coming at you and having maybe having some damage to the brain in that area keeps your eyes from being able to go back up and so one of the ways to help heal. The brain is through vision.


Dr_ Placebo

Absolutely I think being able to or not being able to but doing a few um circles with the eyes closed and then with the eyes open really smooth is a very simplified and good way to. Improve your ah overall ability to interact with your environment and then another good thing to add is throwing a ball against a wall with some letters drawn on it and calling out the letter that you see right before you catch it. So You're really tracking something in space I would say.



So you got letters on the wall. Oh on the ball.


Dr_ Placebo

Those are probably 2 of the biggest ones on the ball so you take a tennis you take a tennis ball and if you imagine the tennis ball is a cube you draw a letter or a number on each of the 6 faces of the cube. So whatever, whatever you see last you call that out. And do you have to draw anything on it. No, but if you do you're going to track it a little bit longer. So it's going to make you a little more attentive to staying focused on the ball. So even if that was all you did I mean I've written tons of stuff. About vision. It's in a lot of the programs that I've made. But if you just did some ah eyes closed circles and then eyes open circles and then throw a ball against a wall and track it through space that is going to go a really really long way. To improving your overall eye ability and if you do find a spot that's difficult. Um, you know, hold those 8 cardinal directions up up to the right, right? down right down down left left up left and back through.



I Like that a lot.


Dr_ Placebo

And what's interesting is if you do it with the eyes closed. You can focus a lot more on the extra ocular muscles because you're not receiving a lot of input about like oh I'm trying to look at this or that you can really just focus on the movement of the balls in the sockets.



You can feel it more.


Dr_ Placebo

Actually some of the yeah, it's some of the fastest muscles blinking is the fastest thing but your eyes can move really fast, pretty pretty fascinating that we can like look and cover so much distance. Like you can cover way more distance by looking and moving your eyes than you can by moving your body So It's a huge huge advantage. A lot of creatures don't have eyes and they figure it out just fine. They basically have to sniff and bump into stuff.






Yeah I was ah I was watching a ah documentary on hunting and they were talking about they they were with these tribes people who had basically um. They would find an animal. They want to hunt and then they would basically creep up on it and then chase it until it ah was exhausted and they would kill it persistent hunting and um it was.


Dr_ Placebo

And persistence hunting.



Really interesting because I mean the the human body is made for that endurance. It's able to endure whereas an animal. Maybe some of these animals may be really fast but they can't cool off fast enough ah like a cheeah like you chase it long enough. It's going to tuck her out.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, like a cheetah. Yeah. But dude Cheetahs have absolutely shit endurance like they can they can They can hum their motor for like cats in general but Cheetahs especially they can rev it really high but they just can't go very long and.



So yeah I think that's cats in general.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

I I talk about this all the time actually because if you look at the human body ah compared to a lot of other animals. It's It's so fucking flimsy it's were. We're Squishy. We're Squishy. We don't have Claws. No armor, no poison. No Venom We're not particularly Fast. We're not particularly Strong. We don't have a lot of offspring. It's It's like really sad but we have Thumbs. We have neocortex and by working together. That's basically good enough that we can have these like.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Squishy Bipedal bodies and just dominate every other animal.



Yeah, yeah I mean one of the things about the persistent persistence hunting the two things that stood out to me was one is we as humans can keep our bodies cooler for long distance than than a lot of these animals and then.


Dr_ Placebo




Yeah, just being able to sweat versus you know, most perspiration coming through the mouth through a lot of these maybe an antelope or something like that that they're chasing down or a buffalo and the other thing is ah if you look at the anatomy of a lot of apes.


Dr_ Placebo

That's why dogs pant and.



They I don't remember the exact like joint it is That's in the neck you may know that allows us to stabilize our vision on the horizon while we run So ah, a typical ape wouldn't actually okay.


Dr_ Placebo

It's a vestibular ocular reflex. So that's one of the drills I have people do in Primal Athleticism is to keep your gaze fixed on a spot on the wall. You can draw a spot or put a Post-it note and you move your head left and right you tilt it left and right.



Is this a.



They have.


Dr_ Placebo

And you nod up and down and you can stay focused on the spot over there. You can do figure eights and if I do figure eights I can still see you crystal clear and that's that's pretty wild. Yeah yeah, this yeah.



I Like that just doing it with you for the people who are only listening which is everybody. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

You're really missing out on our funny head movements while we stare into each other's eyes.



Yeah, yeah, yeah, so it really stood out to me is the the thing that really the the 2 things that allowed humans to consume more meat and more what I would imagine be enough fat. To to sit well 2 things. The fat helps build the brain and gives you the ability to sit and think because you you get a ton of calories for you know you expend some calories you kill the animal. But now you have a lot of calories to sit around. And consider things or to build something whereas ah most animals I think they spend their days finding the food chewing. Well a lot of apes I know it's chewing. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

It's chewing chewing and it's just chewing. They're just chewing all fucking. How do you get to be a giant gorilla with huge muscles and you're a vegetarian you have to be chewing all fucking day. You're just chewing all day.



All day.


Dr_ Placebo

And we have these vertical bodies So We're also not encumbered by gravity the same way like if you imagine just how much less work you have to do by stacking your entire mass like a pillar. Instead of like a bridge. You know if you're a quadruped you're basically doing a plank all fucking day. So you're constantly expending energy just to to stand. Let alone walk. You're expending even more energy. So The fact that we can use our Skeleton to support our structure in.





Dr_ Placebo

Perfect alignment with gravity more or less with these nice Arches through the neck and the spine and the hips and of course our hips are highly optimized for ah, walking and running especially walking. It allows us to cover a lot of ground much slower. But a lot more ground with a lot less energy expenditure. It's incredible and see further. It's like we're in a constant ah prairie dog position where we're up being able to see further along the horizon right.



Yeah, what.



Yeah, the do you have any exercises for working peripheral vision specifically it seems like the the figure 9 might help a bit.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, ah, um, so if you're doing it yourself. You bring your arms all the way out to the side and you start. Ah, you point your Index fingers straight up and you look straight ahead and you start wiggling your fingers and slowly. Bringing your arms forward until you can see your wiggling fingers and what's interesting is um I can't remember which book I wrote it in but the eye loves movement. The eye is attracted to Movement. So if you um, try to see something in your peripherals. That's.





Dr_ Placebo

Still,, you're probably not going to see it because what ends up happening is you only see like a small field of vision of your focal vision. It's called versus your peripheral and your brain fills in the rest. This is what this is why vision gets so fucking Crazy is. You see stuff and then your brain fills it in based on what it thinks is supposed to be there. But if you have like wiggling objects come in from the outside of your periphery you're going to see them a lot easier because your eye is attracted to movement and of course that's ah, an evolutionary advantage. That you want to see any shit that's moving way more than stuff that is ah, not moving right? Another another thing you can do for a peripheral vision is if you have like ah a partner to do that for you coming in.



Yeah, something I want to kill or avoid to be killed by.


Dr_ Placebo

From the peripheral or even throwing a ball over your head in front of you So you're waiting your partner is behind you and he tosses a ball ah over the back of your head into your field of view and you try to catch the ball. As it goes from your peripheral and to your focal vision. Yeah yeah,. But even if you just do the the the finger wiggling thing that'll give you something and it kind of reminds me of that.



I Like that a lot that sounds fun.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, martial Arts Soft eyes where you try to diffuse your focus like the lantern versus the laser like we talk about.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? No, we haven't talked about that I'm getting getting and getting a lot of silence over here.



Um, totally I yeah I'm having a you know I didn't get a lot of sleep last night is two weeks in a row I'm just I now I know you.


Dr_ Placebo

Here We go with the fucking excuses you son of a bitch I don't want to hear that shit just fake it.



Um, just having I'm having I'm having a time in my life. You're gonna have to carry me a little bit I think we're gonna We're gonna be okay max.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, fake it like your wife cinnamon. Your wife's name is cinnamon Cinnamon cinnamon.



Oh yeah, cinnamon cinnamon cinminnamon in oh I think we covered a lot of good ground here. A lot of practical ah advice things for people to do go outdoors.


Dr_ Placebo




Ah, make sure you're looking far I don't think anyone needs to be told to look close I think we're getting plenty of that just make sure you're getting some type of balance there move your eyes around ah circles are great. Ah, what else you say we got. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

So you have ah visual tracking so being able to track a ball coming in at you. Um, there's way more. But for the sake of simplicity. Yeah, even if you just did the eyes closed ah circles and holds.





Dr_ Placebo

Eyes open circles and holds and then tossed a ball against a wall preferably like twenty Ish feet away and then the other thing I would say is whenever you sit down at a console set a fucking timer. We have. These magic rectangles and one of their functions is that you can set a timer just don't get frozen in any single position. You know you want to have the farmer vision and the accounting vision. You want to have the lantern and the laser and it's the Alternating. You know another thing I have people do um in the primal athleticism program I do nearf far drills which is you basically put a post it on the wall twenty thirty feet away and you draw something on it a letter a number something that you have to really be able to focus on. And then you hold another one in your hand like let's say twelve inches away so you have something that's twelve inches or twenty inches away in your hand and then you have something that's about 20 to thirty feet away on the wall and you basically try to see how quickly you can cycle between focusing on each one so you know let's say I have a written in the post it in my hand and I have b written in the posted on the wall and I'm going to try to cycle between a and b back and forth as quickly as I can and of course you can move the post it around.


Dr_ Placebo

And have it be down a little lower but the main thing is that you're just changing the distance of your focal point because if you're focused on the post it in your hand. You're not going to be able to see what's written on the posted on the wall and if you wanted to you know?? um. Upgraded a little bit. You could write like love on the wall and courage in your hand or something like that. So you have more of like a psychological thing going On. It's you know a little bit sterile to be like ah look at a and then look at B Ah so as long as you're going to do that You might as well.



I think you should put Mike and max on these postcards that that you know, ah if you if you go to if you go to the website and there's a lead.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? perfect.



Well, there's a pdf over there. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

This is getting weird I love it. But basically you just cycle back and forth see how quickly and use a metronome if you have 1 available to you get free app on your phone and cycle between the close and the far vision.






But the you introduced me to using the metronome with training for all sorts of different things that was incredibly useful for me appreciate that I Highly recommend it? yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

So that's another thing you can do. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh my god yeah, it's ah it's an absolute game changer people are so focused on how much mass is being moved versus how much acceleration is happening. And 1 of the most fundamental physics. Equations is force equals mass times acceleration and I think it's hilarious. This perverted obsession. We have with mass and this complete neglect of acceleration when in actuality. Um, people care way more.





Dr_ Placebo

About how fast they can move rather than how much stuff they can move and the people who have the best longevity are the ones who retain their ability to be able to move quickly and in fact, that's the athletic attribute that deteriorates more rapidly. Which is why ah sprinters you know tend to peak before age 30 but power lifters tend to peak often in their 40 s late 40 s fifty s so ah, way too much focus is spent on. The amount of mass that is being moved versus the amount of force that is being generated which includes the acceleration and a metronome improves your coordination. It proves your rhythm and it also is a way to very easily ah increase the force. By increasing the acceleration as opposed to just increasing the mass really powerful stuff. I mean there's a lot of other eye Exercises. You could do with it. But yeah for sake of simplicity ah eyes closed make Circles eyes open make circles throw a ball against the wall.



Yeah, love it.


Dr_ Placebo

And then try that near far drill and then use a timer so you're not stuck ah on any 1 ah console for too long. You know there's like the twenty Twenty rule every 20 minutes look twenty feet away for at least 20 seconds that's fine ah a little bit longer would be better though. You know so every 15 minutes or so look at something further away for a little while it'll make a big difference.



Yeah, so we call it is anything else. You want to leave him with feel like got some Yeah, everyone's got homework to do. Don't go back and put these things into practice.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Do do some drawing and doodling do doodling is better than dawdling is what I say so if you're if you're stuck like draw dry it out. You know, a lot of ah. 1 of the big advantages we have is being able to draw symbols and shapes and connect different ideas together. So if you're if you're not sure just start just start drawing shapes and ah connecting words and ideas with lines so you can see it all. Big picture and I think this is probably one of the things that I do best because sometimes I have difficulty staying engaged with details but I will often get out a piece of paper and just draw down some ideas but I'll connect them with ah shapes and lines and diagrams. And I'll try to make some math equations there too but getting your ideas. Ah not only down on paper in words but also connected together in shapes and symbols and lines is really powerful and so you will be able to improve your ability to visualize. And ah envision the future if you use some symbols on the paper. So ah I'll just I'll close with that. Thank you guys. You can see me Mike Bleso you can find him on his new newsletter where you can get.



That hurt.


Dr_ Placebo

Hot Fresh ah wisdom delivered to your inbox and then also blue light blocking glasses I think you can learn the secret as well.



Yep yep, just go go go find on the newsletter. Maybe one day I'll yeah I mean if you actually there's if you Dm me I can get you on the newsletter. But right now I don't have anywhere.


Dr_ Placebo

Where can they find that strong coach. What where do I sign up for your newsletter dude right.



For anyone to sign up so I'm ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, how convenient it's like it's like a secret club with no sign on La door.



I Got I've got a I got my email list that people that got in or get my messages. The people who want in are confused. It's okay I'm I'm rebuilding some things. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah I like it so send you a dm Mike Underscore blood so if you want to get in on it I like it.



Yeahp Yeah I'll I'll add you and yeah I like to keep it tight I Only want to be talking to people who really want to be talking to me. So yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

All right? nice. Keep it keep a clear vision until next time folks. Thanks Mikey! Love you buddy.



Love you lady y'all.

Sep 12, 2022



Oh last too bad. Yeah, it's great. It's great.


Dr_ Placebo

All on my end I Still don't see it look. Do you see that see the levels. There's nothing there. You think it's great that we can only hear you talking on the recording is that what you're telling me.



Now I can we can hear you just fine. We're working on Max's audio again. Um, how's your week ben.


Dr_ Placebo

If you say So oh.


Dr_ Placebo

My week's been good. How about you.



Ah, man, it's been ah, it's been a lot of lot of fun I'm I'm rereading a book right now dollars flow to me easily by Richard dots and highly recommend it to anyone who well. Wants easy transformation. So that's really the book has little to do with money has everything to do with ah creating an inner state that ah of goodness allowing that to emerge and then ah.


Dr_ Placebo




Allowing the universe to deliver all your intentions and desires to your doorstep. So if if money is what you need to reach your desires then you know I find that when I find that inner peace and goodness and just sit in that. Really cool things. Emerge.


Dr_ Placebo

Kind of reminds me with ah dog training that it's not about training the dog. It's about training the person a lot of the time and as far as creative work is concerned if you are in a.



Um, yeah for.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah heightened state of some kind whether that's a flow state or otherwise you're just going to do your best work right.



Yeah, you know what? I Also find that I've never figured anything out in Business. It's never been. You know there's definitely things to Learn. There's skills to learn. You know, managing finances and budgets and. Learning how to copyright and all these things are really useful skills and it doesn't mean you need you, You should avoid learning anything but it ah for me to sit with oh I'm going to sit and think my way to a solution when I'm having a problem is rarely.


Dr_ Placebo




Ah, how it works out I can't even think of a time where I thought my way to a solution most of the solutions that have occurred to me has just been. You know you're in the shower or something or ah, you know I'm thinking about something I go to the fridge.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




So it's um, yeah, what I like about this book is it really puts me in that place of just observing what's good and then watching these things these ideas emerge and I definitely had that experience yesterday and um.


Dr_ Placebo




Was being interviewed by John North um of weightlifting talk and he he and I had like similar rises of notoriety in the in the weightlifting Crossfit world and like at the same time and then also had you know.


Dr_ Placebo




Kind of disappeared into the ether around the same time I I ah regularly get hit up by people on Instagram or Twitter and they're like oh shit, you're still alive like yeah yeah, still hanging out still doing some stuff and we had he. He.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, yeah. Um, funny wo who.



He asked me he goes he goes look. We can talk about all the good stuff we could talk about the good times. But why don't you tell us about the dark moments in your career in business I was like oh boy, Oh boy I can deliver that.


Dr_ Placebo

Um. O.



There's some dark moments. And yeah I don't know how long the show went on for it felt like 2 hours and it was you know I think it's the most emotional I've ever been on a podcast I don't think I've ever been interviewed and gotten that emotional.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Woo Whoa. Oh.



And um, yeah I really just I but basically I covered the year of 2017 for me and I didn't go through the whole year in detail but I went through the the thing a lot of the stuff that you know it's a good story. So I recommend anyone go listen to that. Um.



Ah, do weightlifting dot com and you click on the podcasts. Ah and it was.. It was so emotional and it brought up. You know? Ah, Ah, you know if I could label the emotions. It was just there were it was just ah, a constant flow so much. So like I don't think I felt my emotions that deeply for that period that extended period of time in a very long time and when I got off the show. My fiance she she went off to dinner with a friend of hers. So I go sit in the sauna afterwards and meditate and just Sawa and cold plunge and then came home and got in bed and it. It occurred to me I was like this story that this story of 2017 is there's so many lessons that I learned that I really a lot of times I share the lessons in a very straightforward way but not in. But I could be sharing it from a place of storytelling which as you know that's the best way to get a point across is if you can embed it in a story.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

We need an arc with no arc no one care. No one cares without an arc. It might be true. It might be correct, but no one cares and that's been ah that's been something that I have hardly capitalized on much.



Yeah, so no one cares.


Dr_ Placebo

Because I don't care about the story interestingly enough I just want the I want the bullet points I want them in the correct sequence and I want as little fluff as possible but that's just not how people work.



I yeah.



No yeah mean we live by narratives and archetypes and archetypes is even a narrative about a type of person and ah you know? And yeah, so in in the world of you know speakers you know.


Dr_ Placebo




I know you know this is every great speaker has got their keynote story and speakers that have been around for a long time people who get on stage. They'll have 2 or 3 depending on the situation and I've had so many I've had like so many they. So.


Dr_ Placebo

A good.



Speaking Coaches Love targeting me as a client they're like okay you know you're you're good on Stage. You're good at telling stories all this but you haven't really honed in on a story that converts people into a product that you're selling or a service. Or whatever and I go Yeah, you know, ah all the greats. The people who can sell a lot. They do it through storytelling and I've tried different stories and nothing really nothing really stuck. Nothing was super powerful and.



I'm in bed last night and I'm I'm simply in the fields of my feelings and emergency goes. Oh that's that's the story. You should tell because these guys were on the edge of their seat at the end they were blown away they were it was it was obvious it was and I had never told the story in.


Dr_ Placebo




That much detail before on a podcast partly because lawsuits are a part of it and ah you know while lawsuits are going on. You can't go around telling stories about it. But it's ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Um I would check with someone who knows these things rather than your hunch.



I Think enough time has passed I think I'm okay.



Ah I'm pretty sure. Um, yeah, the contract said something about 3 years and it's been more than three years. So I'm not too worried about it.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, it's Interesting. You mentioned that because I find I know I'm in the minority but I find ah nothing ah less genuine and more fake when I see a speaker going through this big personal story. I'm like I I want to go like I know what you're trying to do. Can you stop it. You're annoying me like I came here to learn something and if you give me this long thing about your life I'm only going to leave. Basically so I I I know I'm in the minority. Um, with with that. But I mean.



Okay, yeah.



You are.


Dr_ Placebo

Really successful guys. Ah, really do like Tug the heartstrings they play they play a crowd like a fiddle and it's quite a cool skill. But if I'm in the crowd I I like start to hate that person almost and I hate that person that's too strong but it makes me.



Yeah there.


Dr_ Placebo

It makes me ah feel less connected to them because I know that they're not doing this to provide a service they're doing this to like puff up their character right? who.



Right? right? Yeah I mean um I think you and I are like in that way and that might be why we avoid you know, telling that story and um.


Dr_ Placebo

It depends on what message you're trying to convey to right? like it's possible to tell a good story without making it about yourself right? You can talk about like.



Um, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Costs and benefits and consequences and archetypes without telling a 20 minute personal story during a 30 minute lecture



Well one of the most popular one of the most popular books on leadership a couple years ago was extreme ownership and I don't know if you read that is by Jocko willing and the entire the there's like ah a paragraph that gives the lesson embedded in.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah I did.


Dr_ Placebo

These war stories. It's worst. It's war stories and I was like what what? yeah.



this this story it's all war stories war stories with like ah like you could you could have gotten the point in like 2 pages the entire book. But it's buried in all these war stories and everyone loved it and I was like I like I was it was okay.


Dr_ Placebo

I Find that? yeah well, what's funny is um, like I I don't like the book I think he is a really interesting character and it's the perfect example. Of who you want to lead a team of killers like but but is that who I want to emulate in my personal life as a leader and it's like I don't think so you know there are qualities that you can pick and choose and that's why it's so tricky to.








Dr_ Placebo

Pick someone to emulate consciously or subconsciously because you're only ah seeing a window into their life and you may not want their life. Um, right.



Well in addition to that I mean you referred to dwayne the Rock Johnson in that regard before I think even on the last show but the the and I agree with the Jocko thing there was there were.


Dr_ Placebo

That's my go to.



There were certain things about that book and his attitude that just don't don't jive with me either and it's always been funny because people people are like oh my God It was so good I'm like well what parts are like all of it I'm like ah maybe not all of it. But some of it was Good. Um. And it because we do. We do need to be careful about who we model and.


Dr_ Placebo

We're supposed to think that the books are good sometimes sometimes you're just supposed to think a book is good like my ah my friend was really kind. She got me a Tony Robbins book ah his newest who is his newest one life force.



I who.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, and before you think this is a plug This is the opposite of a plug. Whatever I'm about to do right now I was like I was it was fucking unreadable. It was so embarrassing like it was a giant infomercial of widgets that he's invested into.



Ah me. But.





Dr_ Placebo

Very unclear, very superficial, hardly practical, really like off the-wall shit that applies to nobody I Fucking hated it and of course I told my friend this too I told my friend this I was like that's one of the worst books about health that I think I've ever Read. It was hard to Read. It wasn't Useful. It wasn't simple. It wasn't clear but I really appreciate the gift. You know what? I mean like don't like hey I I Really appreciate that someone would buy a book for me I Think that's really nice but I don't have to like it just because.



Ah, good effort.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, you're supposed to like it and I think that happens quite a lot and.



Well, you're gonna be my editor for my book. So it's gonna it's gonna have to pass the the max shank Sniff test.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, oh dude, ah call me the copy doced. Yeah copy doctor a doctor the copy up I'm I'm great I'm great at that sort of thing.



The what the copy Doc Oh okay, all right, all right? Perfect Oh perfect, all right look at that look at that folks. We finally agreed to do something outside of the podcast. So.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh perfect.



Ah, well you brought up something interesting and because ah we are we learn through modeling but we also have anti-models and there are people that we don't want to be like and we got to be ah, equally careful of that. So. There's a number Tony Robbins would fall in this category right? Maybe maybe for you I'm the same way I've never.


Dr_ Placebo

I Think he does some great stuff by the way I think there are people that he legitimately helps so much and I think that's fantastic and I think that book was awful.



I agree. Yeah well I think his style overall is just not for me I don't think you're going to find max and I and a crowd of 10000 people you know psyching ourselves up. It's just not kind of not going to happen and we don't need that we're we're past that.


Dr_ Placebo

Woo Totally right? Hey people like different things.



And people like different things but we're not going to model Tony Robbins you're you're not going to find max or I on stage. You know, screaming at people and getting them pumped up with music and jumping around and it's just not going to happen. And we should. We should just do it just to just a fuck with people like.


Dr_ Placebo

Cut to a year we're both on stage with headsets on. Are you guys ready to do fire breathing and then ah.


Dr_ Placebo

I would do I would do a fake one I would I would do a fake one and just ah play a character I think that would be hilarious.



Too bad We don't live in the same town Anymore. We can make a bunch of Spoofs about personal development programs. But ah, we got to be equally Careful. So ah, you know I don't think I shared this with you privately. But I didn't share this On. Podcast and I'll I'll share it I won't mention who this person is but I was hanging out with this person and they refused to wear a seatbelt why because they were because there's a law that says they're supposed to so they just don't want to do it and then the same person.


Dr_ Placebo

Rebel without a cause sure.



Ribble without a cause and the same person opens up their mail at the house opens it up. There's a picture of a license plate and saying you were speeding in the zone or whatever he rips it in half throws in the garbage can he's a god that's the thirteenth one this year and. Ah, and you know I I don't disagree I would handle that differently. But there's a lot of like really easy easy legal ways of getting out of traffic tickets that involve automatic cameras. They pretty much have. You pretty you challenge it at all and they have to drop it because nobody caught you in the act. So ah, the the point is is a lot of times people who who are the rebel without a cause they just rebelling so they they may find some. We could say some people just rebellious in nature like I'm I'm very rebellious you're rebellious I can tell you that you you don't match the status quo heartily at all and yeah, and.


Dr_ Placebo

But only because they're really Ill like if they were healthy I would like I I don't even really want to be a rebel I Just want to get a good result. But.



But to be. Yeah, you're selective right? And so I remember you know I'm in the car with the person and they're not wearing their seatbelt I'm like why you know why didn you put on the seatbelt like yeah, that and I go Well, you know it's it's you're following in the same trap of lack of critical thinking.


Dr_ Placebo




You don't want to be like this person so you don't do anything like that person does it like ah Tony Robbins like you were saying there are some aspects of his life that should definitely be emulated. But if you go look I don't like Tony Robbins I'm not can do anything and this is a lot of people and people general.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

So it's the devil.



A lot of times generalize this to say wealthy people. Oh I don't wanna be like I don't want to be like that greedy rich guy. So I'm not gonna have any money I'm like you know you can have money without being greedy right? like there's and there's collapsed distinctions in there but you gotta be careful about.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? Yep I know Yep, it's the same ah like God and the devil ad hommonym appeal to authority thing.



Who you're modeling and then who you're anti-modeling.



Um, yeah, um.


Dr_ Placebo

Over and over like if you dislike somebody personally and that causes you to ignore the lesson they have that would help you then you're an idiot you're you're overly emotional and you're conflating this personality that you don't like. Thinking that they are wrong and that's just simply not the case right? You have to be able to dislike somebody and still be able to use your logic to determine whether they're right about something or not and I've had plenty of opportunity to do this because ah, especially. In ah like the copywriting world right? like there's there's a supreme emphasis on exaggerating the truth and maybe even being like a bit of an egomaniac and so those are traits that I really dislike personally and there are even people.





Dr_ Placebo

That I dislike personally but I still want to take the um the idea separate from the individual. It's like ah is Bill Cosby still funny yes absolutely fucking. Hilarious 1 of the best comedians of all time and whether you think he is ah guilty of certain crimes or not should be irrelevant to the comedy. Um, and this is not a popular take by the way I'm not going to win any friends with this. Idea. Ah okay I think people like ah Bill Cosby less than hitler somehow even though it's entirely possible that the guy was completely set up which is crazy to think about you know, speaking of all that I think it's so funny.



Um, I'm going to follow it up with a hitler one. So we'll just lose everybody.



Yeah Trump.


Dr_ Placebo

That we we collectively kind of watch the news and we see something or we hear something we're like whoa how did that happen and then we watch a movie and we go whoa. That's amazing. So realistic and we never think that some of those movie people would. Like create some news like if you're directing a movie. You're organizing thousands of people, computer programmers actors extras camera people and it's like you think these ah geniuses of illusion. Never fabricate some sort of reality of.



No, ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Of course they do is. It's very. It's very interesting. How quick we are to throw people under the bus just because ah he said she said kind of thing.



Yeah, that's absolutely right? Yeah, the the I would say the movie. What's happening in movie theaterore and what's happening in the news is is very much alike I think there's tons of crossover there I mean it what this is.


Dr_ Placebo

Of course, there's incentive to do So What do we? What do we know? if there is an incentive and opportunity it happens like there's enough people that if there's incentive and opportunity. It's happening. You don't have to like it. But that's what's happening.



Yeah, yeah.



Yeah, there's I'm gonna go into like conspiracy theory land a bit but that but there's there's actual evidence of cia being involved in hollywood in the early stages of of Hollywood coming around. Um.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

If if they weren't They'd be stupid to be the central stupid agency if they weren't using the fucking movies and like I mean are you kidding me like this whole.



They yeah.





Dr_ Placebo

Even the word conspiracy is used as an ad hominem attack when the word conspiracy just means that people meet up in secret everybody people meet up in secret all the fucking time That's like almost all that happens.



Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and um, and people have theories about them about these meetings now it and ah even before the cia I mean that's how they drummed up.


Dr_ Placebo

No deck.



Ah, interest or support for the war effort in World War two is they would they would show these they would they would show these hype videos like sizzle reels basically of why you should support the War effort World War Two and.


Dr_ Placebo




It worked it hyped everybody up and they use movie theaters for that early on so when you look at what how that was used then and then you look at ah who if you watch the news like so Cbs is probably the worst Cbs Nbc you watching these major news networks. Almost every evening you're going to see them interviewing somebody from the cia or somebody who used to work for the cia or the Fbi or something like that these intelligence agencies have totally got these ah news agencies by the balls.


Dr_ Placebo




Like they they basically get to weave whatever narrative and they desire and people just buy it hook line and sinker and so I bring this up because yeah, the differences between Hollywood and what's happening in the news same thing same people. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Well. O.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, no doubt like there's too much incentive and opportunity for that to not be going on I would say it would be foolish to not do that if one of the main goals is to control the domestic population and then.



Same narratives.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Maybe like a secondary goal is ah to defend against foreign invaders because one of them is way more likely to cause a problem actually historically speaking I mean yeah.



1 the and the United States that's absolutely true because get waging war on the us is difficult. There's you know two oceans between every yeah, geographically we're positioned really well. There's there's a lot of reasons.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, there's a lot of reasons lot of reasons. Yeah, you got to watch out for Knida I hear their military has grown to 2000 people I don't know why I'm talking I don't know why I'm talking on Canada.






Sorry Canadian listeners to get fired up.


Dr_ Placebo

Like Well what's the point there's it's like ah it's like picking on the small kid that's like hardly fair. Yeah, it's kind of funny I Guess yeah.



Is got. It's like ah south part in South Bark and the was it Terrence and Philip did you ever watch south part.


Dr_ Placebo

I watched ah tons of South Park I actually even caught their ah concert they did to celebrate their ah 25 year ah anniversary um, is on. It's on Youtube they showed the whole thing. It was incredible.



Did you? Oh I thought you caught it live.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh no, no I didn't go live but I did watch it at home. It was fantastic Man it was crazy I mean they got like ah the remaining members from rush to come play. You know they had they had like these serious rock stars like come out of retirement.



Oh man.


Dr_ Placebo

Just so they could play with the guys who made south park and I mean it just shows that what they've created ah goes across all these different genres of art and culture and I think those guys are absolute creative monsters. They played a ton of so it was just those guys are crazy talented crazy motivated. It was a hell of a cool thing to see ah six days to air. Great documentary. Terrific. That's how they stay so current. Meanwhile you know Simpsons. Ah.



Well they they put the shows together in six days yeah Yeah


Dr_ Placebo

Which also ah used to be a great show. Um, they're like six months out basically of what's going on so South Park is always crazy current on what's going on because they ah condense that creative work so much.



Yeah, my my my favorite south part ever to this date I think I laughed harder on any other one was the ah when they covered the recession 2007 2008 and and when they chopped it.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh that was good. So so funny.



Head off the chicken and let it run around to figure out which who's gonna get bailed out next shit shit sent me over the fucking Moon I was I lost it ugly these people are complete geniuses is this so good.


Dr_ Placebo

He's like trying to return a margarita v he's like well what we did is we took your Margaritaville loan and we bundled it together with a bunch of other Margaritaville loans and we traded it on the open market and then we have people betting. On the viability of the payback of those marker. It's like a fucking margarita maker but they're just going through the whole thing. Ah but through the lens of like an overpriced beverage machine is so funny. Those guys are absolute studs anyway, yeah so.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Back to conspiracy theories. Ah which are really just ah I Guess it's like ah hypotheses right? It's not like it depends on.



Right? Well here's the thing is here's the thing is I think we're conspiracy theories people with conspiracy theories get in trouble is when they believe them ah or people who hear conspiracy theory they believe it and it's as if they forget the theory part. And ah, you know there's you know who people are treating like conspiracy facts or conspiracy truth or whatever you want to call it and that's it's it's funny I get sometimes I'll meet somebody who's way into that I'm like like.. What do you believe? I'm like dude I have a hard time believing my own thoughts most of the time let alone some really complicated explanation of how we got this result and somehow you've connected all these dots.


Dr_ Placebo




That are this infinite amount of information and go I know who the bad actorress I'm like oh I don't fucking know but I I do know who to avoid though.


Dr_ Placebo

You know what? I think about all this I think that well when when I think about this sort of thing because I I try to use the scientific method which is not ah science tm it's the scientific method. Which is ah see guess test and record right? And if you're really being scientific about things. It really means you're using the scientific method and one of my favorite examples of abandoning the scientific method. Is by people who are atheists. This is a very very funny thing to me because in order to be an atheist the definition of an atheist. Is you believe there is no god certainly but what's funny is that is so far. Equally unproven as the fact is there are 1 or more gods now once again, it depends on your definition of god if you say god is something you believe without proof then there are ah you know certain gods available. Some people could say that money fiat money. Which is faith money is a type of god based on your semantic definition. But what's funny to me is that atheism is a religion of there is definitely no god meaning it is having faith that there is 0 gods.


Dr_ Placebo

And religion is a faith based on. There is 1 or more gods. But if you are truly scientific about it. They are both equally invalid because the burden of proof should be on the one who's trying to prove it. So to me atheism is the absolute funniest religion because it's just based on elitism of I'm too smart to believe in 1 or more gods. But I'm also but that's what I'm saying. It's ah it's a cult.



Well I think a lot of people just that they claim it because they don't want to appear stupid. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Of I'm smart. It has no bearing on science whatsoever agnostic is perfectly reasonable but atheism is ah like super unscientific right? So just because no one has proven. There is 1 or more gods doesn't.





Dr_ Placebo

Mean that there is definitely no gods. So it's ah it's like the funniest tribalistic religion that claims to be scientific, but their proof that there is no god is just as scientific as the proof that there is 1 or more which is zilch. If we're talking about the scientific method and that's what's so funny to me. So it's that my favorite example is that atheism is a religion also with no proof and so like like it's it's great.



Yeah, there's I think there's a ah Terrence Mckenna quote and he he says something. Ah I'm not gonna quote it exactly but basically take a a scientific based sciencebased atheist and.


Dr_ Placebo

You. Oh.



To explain how the world started and it's like look you just give me 1 single miracle and I can explain everything else and it's like oh yeah, so you kind of stuck there.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Ah, totally even the name is very funny. The big bang that it's like the least scientific ah label I've ever heard. There was a it. It sounds like a a fucking ah ah, primitive tribe.



Yeah, it's um.


Dr_ Placebo

Trying to explain lightning or the sun. First there was a big boom and then there was fire.






Um, as you're you're so spot on so well we got this new telescope out there supposedly I don't know what to believe anymore. Um, probably cgi. Well you you know about the new telescope they put out there that makes the hubble. It's like 20


Dr_ Placebo

I Think telescopes are awesome I Well I I I totally telescopes are cool telescopes and microscopes are.



I Forget how many more times more powerful than the hubble it is but.


Dr_ Placebo

Incredibly cool.



So cool. So um I guess that all these scientists are questioning themselves now they these astrolog astronomers now astrologists astronomers. Um.


Dr_ Placebo

K five.



They're questioning everything because they're looking out there and going oh is the universe contracting and they're doing their job. So but here's.


Dr_ Placebo

Wait They're questioning everything. Do you mean? they're doing science.



I Mean we've already talked about this the scientific community at large is primarily filled with institutional thinking you know and ah yeah, so like I think some of these scientists are having you know existential crises at this moment is what it sounds like.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, ah so it's a it's a little religion. It's a little religion. Yeah.



Because the the new findings put the big bang in question and now they're going. Well we got to find an answer and it's interesting how we as humans. It's like we need to have some type of ah there's this desire to to ah Certainty. It's like if you. If you're an atheist or you're a Christian or you're a muslim or whatever it is. There's a level of certainty that's being clung to and that creates ah safety. So if I can come in the room and I can create certainty in the room then people feel safe and they. Their nervous system calms down and.


Dr_ Placebo

That's why people make bomb shelters and and hide away bunkers. It's because there's a natural tendency to expand your sphere of control and um. So that that is a hunger that can never be totally filled because you're always going to find some new thing further as you project into the future. So. The only path is some acceptance right? But if you're a hardcore control freak and you must know and you must have certainty. Then there's no end to the certainty because then you'll be like okay, what about 10 years from now. Okay, what about 15 years from now. Okay, what about 50 years from now. Okay, what about my great-great-grandchildren how do I make sure that they survive to be 1000 years old and.



Yeah, well, it's interesting. You bring that up the so we think about certainty and we're we're talking about how the universe started people are desiring to have certainty around that so they either choose a religion that has a story about how it started or.


Dr_ Placebo

There's no end to it.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, how nice that they don't have any real problems.



Which which I I really like I really like ah yeah I like and I really like a lot of ah religious genesis stories because there's so many metaphors in these genesis stories around language and basically.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, in the beginning there was the word and the word was god.



Ah, the the exactly and so yeah and if you if you it's so easy I remember being a kid and hearing that and I go I don't know what the hell that means and. All right? So then he created Adam and then he created the mountains and the earth and oceans and all the ship in the the birds and the fishes and um, it's really like the way I read that now is it's um, it's a metaphor for consciousness.


Dr_ Placebo




Consciousness came online for human beings when language came online. Oh I now have a word for this and this word separates me from the from God the natural world and when when read that way. It makes a lot more sense to me. But when some.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

To me God is the genesis of an idea like that's why they say ah you know the word is God and God is the word is that that's the genesis of an idea. So ah, interestingly enough by that logic God is in fact, real. It's just been made by man just like logic is real and it's also a God Basically an idea that's been invented by man. Yeah.



Well the well the idea the idea that um was it men don't have ideas ideas have men. Ah who that that's ah man was that voltaire not quite.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

I think that was ah max shank who said that actually I'm just going to misattributing all these baller quotes from like many centuries ago and they'll be like wasn't that Plato I was like no that was me.



Um, so ah, the a did I I.


Dr_ Placebo

Because no one will no one will follow up very few people.



I love posting really like I'll come across a quote and I'll put it on Twitter and then one out of 10 times I was like you know that's normally attributed to Martin Luther King Junior however it was really said by so I'm like get the fuck out of here focus focus on the quote. Don't worry about where it came from.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah I used to be like that too I used to be totally. Ah well my favorite quote is what's more important the quote or the quoter and that's ah my quote which is fucking hilarious I think because does it really matter who said it and what's funny. Is it.



Ah, oh.


Dr_ Placebo

Does it does a lot of the time sometimes there's a great quote from like an unknown monk in ah, 1500 Bc or something like that or 500 a d or whatever and people are like oh that's really cool but that would be the easiest quote to poach.



Right? Like you know or you know the and Chinese proverb unknown um know yeah and you know that who you're quoting a context matters. So you know if it's a quote. Yeah, but.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? right.


Dr_ Placebo

The appeal to Authority That's God Also so God is the genesis of an idea. It's a word. It's a new idea and it's also um, that appeal to an authority. It's ah like a focal point.



Well are are you coming? Are you coming at this from the perspective that that people create thoughts or ideas.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, that's a good question I I believe that ah the thoughts that people have are a combination or permutation of what they have experienced. So. If you put a human being in a vacuum and just gave it food. It wouldn't learn. Ah how to speak it wouldn't learn language so it's just some sort of um. Synthesis or combination or permutation of everything that you are aware of and that's why the idea of having like the genesis of language at all is very interesting and there's a specificity of language. That occurs in many different animals like dolphins and orca have different languages or at least Orca have different languages based on the pod or the family that they're a part of ah green monkeys can lie and say look out. There's a hawk or and we don't know if it. It means hawk or if it just means danger from above but they have distinct calls for danger from above or danger from low below and what they'll do is they will lie. So like if you have a banana I'll say look out a hawk in green monkey language and you'll look out for the hawk and then I'll snatch your.





Dr_ Placebo

Ah, your your banana right? So like it's literally the oldest trick in the book which is look over there while I Rob you so so language ah is I I think um the genesis of some ideas. But.



Yeah, so.


Dr_ Placebo

You know a polar bear may not have language but it can still plan a spider doesn't have language but it can still plan out an attack where it will like walk around and jump around until they're above their prey and then dangle themselves down mission Impossible style. So.



Well well the question I got to ask next is so are are you I find there's 2 camps. There's one camp which is the most popular camp which is. The the materialistic view which is ah consciousness is a byproduct of biology like the biology exists not is what makes consciousness possible or is our.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




Is physical matter a ah ah manifestation of consciousness.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, you know that's a I knew that's the question you were going to ask actually? um, ah fortunately I have the exact correct answer which is ah how could I know? Ah, it's like ah I.





Dr_ Placebo

I can think so does that mean I am so is it I think therefore I am or I am therefore I think basically so our sensory ah Organs influence the way we interpret the world.





Dr_ Placebo

as well as um the the influence of our surroundings like in Africa there's way more words for green because the distinction between different plants is a little more important different words for snow in the inuit tribes. Because that distinction is way more important for survival. Um, whether you are ah, an animal having ah an experience of consciousness or whether you are a consciousness who has called yourself an animal is sort of like a chicken or the egg type of situation. My. My personal perspective is that the I that I refer to as I is um, basically a fabrication of our culture so without these ideas of. Names and things like that you would just be an animal and all animals have some level of consciousness ah mushrooms have some level of consciousness. It's it's a different level of consciousness than a human being. But the fact that they can you know send information miles across a web of mycelium as soon as they figure out how to digest a certain type of material like the biggest living organism is actually a mycelium I think it's an Oregon.


Dr_ Placebo

And it's several square miles in size which is pretty cool and what'll happen is they'll encounter a material that they can't digest figure out a way to digest it and that information that signal will get sent all the way across the mycelium.





Dr_ Placebo

To the other side and then they'll start being able to digest that material whether that's like some sort of rocky mineral or ah or what have you? Ah so different animals and fungi have different levels of consciousness but ah just like the. Story of of God or no God or these gods or those gods. That's that's our invention.



Yeah, the um, the perspective I I tend to hold is consciousness creates. There's when I when I went through the hermetic principles. The first principle is that everything is of mind and ah. The idea is that ah everything everything occurs in the mind first and when I when I'm holding that perspective I I find that to be the most useful I don't know which one is true and.


Dr_ Placebo




Like you had said, there's no way to know. Um, you know I I think some people have had some experiences that would have them really believe one way or another for me personally I find it to be more useful to ah to be of the. Belief that consciousness is creating everything it to me. It makes everything a little more malleable and if I believe that anything could be changed through thought. Ah then.



Then that that seems much more powerful to me and.


Dr_ Placebo

There's a great book by Richard Bachman called illusions that I really like it kind of talks about that. How you you know like ah the only reason you can't swim through the earth and stand on the water is because of your belief in the illusion.



I've read that? yeah.



Well here's the thing is okay so I the way I see is you don't have a separate mind that I have there's one mind we all share it. You just have different you just you just? yes, you just.


Dr_ Placebo

That it can only work a certain way.


Dr_ Placebo

For humans humans only so one species has one hive mind. Basically yeah.



Yeah, we have a certain filter. Um, you know what? I'm gonna have to sit with that one I'm gonna go back and sit with that that question ah because they animals just may have the filter. So the way I see is we share the same mind Consciousness is expanding.


Dr_ Placebo




Um, the universe is doing its thing and um may Ornet may not be expanding I'm sure it goes through expansions and contractions just like everything else. Another hermetic print principle being as above so below and.


Dr_ Placebo

How could we measure.



We can measure it to a point. But yeah, once you get out there. It's not going to happen. Ah so ah, we all have like this super mind and this is why a lot of the same ideas occur to people around the planet simultaneously or they've done studies with rats where. They're teaching them something in a lab in France and then a lab in Alaska they see those rats be able to solve whatever puzzle that was taught to the rats in France and so you know there they never so met they stayed in those locations. There was no.


Dr_ Placebo




No communication between the two that we we would know about and yet they still do that So there. There are some I don't of I would call it ah evidence for it. But there's definitely correlative evidence for that argument and so I really like to think about it as like. These aren't even my thoughts I'm not these are thoughts that are flowing through me and my filter is allowing me to have you know certain thoughts where I'm allowing those thoughts to come and go and so I become a lot less attached to like this is even mine I get a conversation with someone we're having where brainstorming. It's like. This isn't really my thought it's not your thought it's you know it's this is just a thing that's happening right Now. So I like the thing about it like that and I find that to be ah the most useful there's another point I was going? yeah.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

It makes you sound pretty cool Either way I but I think so ah yeah, it's like ah I I don't think you're using it that way. But it's funny because it's kind of like.



Does it perfect. That's what I was going for I mean that's the real use utility here.


Dr_ Placebo

Kind of like the coolness factor is apathy. So the super enlightened factor is it's not about me man. It's just about you know the collective. Whatever's going I'm just a conduit I'm just a channel for what's happening now there there is no me man and you're like fuck that guy sounds really cool.





Dr_ Placebo

And then what ends up happening is the guy's like fuck. Maybe I am really cool and then it it comes like crashing down and I've experienced that personally a few times myself where I'm like oh man I'm really just like you know I'm I am I'm in it. It's not. There's no me I'm just like.



Um, be.


Dr_ Placebo

It's all happening right now and I'm a big part of it and then I go fuck I think I must be pretty enlightened and then just fucking back to the basement like shoots and ladders all the way back to level 1



Yeah, the the prop the problem is when you get credit for it. That's that's when it happens someone else gives you credit you give yourself credit and then yeah, then it all just falls at pieces.


Dr_ Placebo

Well, that's what.


Dr_ Placebo

Well and that's also like the the bane of the guru like I was talking um talking with my buddy Brian this morning. Um I know I was well I was talking to him. But yesterday I was talking to ah another gal who works with me Victoria and she got me this lovely book. Ah, that I haven't read yet. Just got it for me wrote a really nice note in it. Ah and I was like oh man, that's so nice and it's by brene brown and brene brown is one of those people who if you're a lady you have to think she's awesome and. I think she is I think she's got a ton of really good ideas. But I think um as you embody the guru more and more you have to create more stuff so you have to muddy the waters a little bit otherwise you sound like what people call a broken record. So what I notice. Is that someone will have a few fantastic idea and I don't know I haven't read the book. It could be like life changing best book I've ever read. But if a pert.



Rene Brown is good but to me falls into a similar categories Tony Robbins there's some good stuff in there. But if you dig further beyond the self-love conversation. She gets look. She's an expert in 1 thing and. And think she got lost in some other stuff.


Dr_ Placebo

So selling herself right? And that's what I'm talking about with guruism like you have people with good ideas like Jocko. Ah good ideas. But there's a hunger for more and people are like guru. Ah please tell tell me what. Tell me the truth illuminate the way and if the guru says I already did it fits on an index card like I'm done like go do the thing I said people are like I think I'll find a new guru and they're like wait a second I just thought of something in fact, in.






I got bills to pay. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

In fact, it's even it's even better than what I taught you before. In fact, this secret I Just I just unveiled and you know so like the that's what I mean with like the bane of the guru is now you have embodied the guru. And I felt that happen to myself which is why I just fucking vanished off the face of the internet for several years and people are like what what totally totally man.



As you're as you're talking about this. Um I relate completely because I I kind of I fell off as well. Yeah, it was like it's like oh I got to keep making shit up. Ah life is actually pretty good. It's pretty simple, pretty straightforward.


Dr_ Placebo

I Wrote 200 plus articles about exercise I Taught 200 seminars all over the world I wrote all these books and video courses and they're excellent by the way like my latest couple primal athleticism and elasticity available on Are so good. They're They're really good. But also if you are having to keep pace with some sort of artificially imposed ah like guruism you're going to muddy the waters a little too much and that's. Um I don't know other than repeating yourself a lot if there is a way to avoid that because there's definitely a hunger and a thirst for knowledge and if you have embodied the characteristics or the character. The avatar of the guru. There's There's definitely a pressure to to make more of this this thing than there actually needs to be.



But me.



Yeah, well um, think of my friend Jesse Elder who's amazing. Love that guy and so inspired by his creativity and he tends to attract hit huh.


Dr_ Placebo

Here comes here. It comes. Ah.



But he had. He's very good at attracting a crowd and he's got that guru vibe goinglling on and the thing that impresses me with him is when I met him in 2014 he was just getting started on the like speaking gig thing.


Dr_ Placebo

So ah.


Dr_ Placebo




And what he was talking about then and what he's talking about now is very much the same but he's so good at creating new context and and weaving together stories to bring people in so like it's it's he he really has gotten it to some core truths and he's really good at.


Dr_ Placebo




Ah, communicating it. But what I'm most impressed with is is a ability to communicate those in a way that people can receive has continuously improved over the years and I love seeing you know I'll see him speak and then three months later seem to speak again and he's cleaned it up or he's tightened it up or he's.


Dr_ Placebo




Ah, or he's using a new analogy to get the point across like guy. He's like oh now he's nailing it now. He's nailing it. It's almost like watching you know a comic you know, develop a routine over a year yeah it's like the first show you're like yeah, it's a little clunky and then by the time they're on Netflix special. it's it's tight


Dr_ Placebo

Who hone their routine. It's magic.



So I think that there's I think there's ah that impresses me and I really like that. So there's that's somebody who does have he doesn't I don't think he tries to be a guru but he definitely has you know people people follow him like.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




Cult Leader style.


Dr_ Placebo

And that's what will happen if you get better and better at transmitting ideas right? is you will You will attract a crowd and so it's like can you maintain that integrity without the crowd.





Dr_ Placebo

Transforming you into something different like I saw this great video the other day by this Youtube channel after school and it showed this ah transformation of this kid who was like a violin prodigy and then he turned into this guy who just. Eats tons of food like he challenges himself. So the guy gained like hundreds of pounds of fat. He oh dude. So it's like 1 of the most recent after school videos Skool and it goes through this like no one cared that he was ah.





Dr_ Placebo

A Violin prodigy but he like ate a big meal once and people were like yeah we like that and so he he was transformed by by the audience because they were craving something else and he's like okay I'll I'll just be that right.



Or he's craving validation are you? Oh you're gonna validate me. Yeah, we want to be loved.


Dr_ Placebo

Aren't we all We want to be Loved. We want. What do we want? um attention power Love mostly we want Love if we can't get Love. We'll settle for power if we can't get Power. We'll settle for attention and if you ah aren't getting the attention you want. And then you do something and suddenly you are oh look out that's temptation big time like I used to get ah like high fives and praise and people would even applaud if I could drink the most poison in college like if I could drink a ah. An alcoholic beverage Really fast. So before I knew what was going on I'm taking like 4 lokos and shotgunning them before ten a M because everyone's like Wow What a what a tough cool guy you are and I I Really liked that positive feedback. So yeah, it's.. It's easy to see why people go down certain paths because these ah these base desires for love power attention ah are almost impossible to avoid.



Well that that makes me think about my my fitness career and I remember I was I was fifteen years I was like well I had like um.


Dr_ Placebo

Me too I talk about that all the time.



I didn't feel like I was getting love. So yeah, maybe it was attention but the what ended up happening is I remember I couldn't I couldn't wait till my fifteenth birthday because on my fifteenth birthday I was allowed to go to the gym and lift weights because my parents didn't want me to stunt my growth and which we know is all bullshit now. But.


Dr_ Placebo

But depends on depends on the level I think if you do gymnastics from age 5 You're probably going to grow less.



Like a lot mom.



Yeah, yeah, so ah, as soon as I turned 15 I started working out all the time. My dad worked construction. He saw that I was basically burning a lot of energy unnecessarily you know wasn't.


Dr_ Placebo

O who. What right? right? o.



And wasn't making any money. Ah, he's used to like yeah pick up heavy shit and walk around and you know we make money when we do it. We're we're being of service and and my perception of how he viewed what I was doing was ah that it was just a ah superficial. Ah, frivolous pursuit and he was like he's like you're never going to make any money. Ah, you're never going to make any money working out and I remember thinking I was like I'll fucking show. You.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Um, I'll show you dad I'll show you? um oh my God are those like the famous last words I'll show them I'll show all of them.



Um, and that's what you want to make yourself miserable live like that. So and there were what will ended up happening is I ended up proving him wrong. Um.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, bro.


Dr_ Placebo




And but it's not like I only got paid to work out sometimes I was getting paid to work out but I was getting paid for a bunch of other shit too And um, no, that's not true when I was in the Navy I got paid to work out.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, dude, you never got paid to work out though you got paid to like run a company built around people working out you.


Dr_ Placebo

That's ah like you got paid extra. You didn't get paid to work out motherfucker you got paid to be in the Navy bitch. Basically what I'm saying is your dad was right.



No, no, no I mean it was it was.



Ah, well I'll tell you there there is that I was I was.


Dr_ Placebo

Your dad was right? That's all I'm saying.



I do remember I was I was nineteen years old I was in I was in coronado I'm running on the beach with a group of guys and all we're doing is you know, swimming running and managing being cold as fuck and that was it and I was like I was like.


Dr_ Placebo




Fucking Did it I'm getting paid to work out and you know it was very short lived Um, because.


Dr_ Placebo

And also not true. You were basically paid to be a weapon and your exercising was like greasing the barrel and the parts basically like.



Um, you are 100% accurate about that. Yeah I was ah you know, ah, it's so funny like people are like wow thank you know you're a veteran. Oh thank you I'm like um I'm like I'm like as I got duped you know like I got.


Dr_ Placebo

Thank you for your service.



Like you're like congratulating me for being a ah for getting duped I appreciate it. Yeah I went and basically worked for the the biggest gangsters on the planet. So cool you know? ah I was muscle for the biggest gangsters on the planet for.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, hey if you're gonna be in a gang be in the toughest one. It's still like. Ah.



Ah, through a period of time being the biggest baddest toughest one and I was so so eat it.


Dr_ Placebo

It's still the great. It's It's still the great pirates. It's the same shit is still ah the great pirates who has the fastest boats who has the best range. It's ah hilarious. How true that is.



Yeah, yeah.



Totally yeah so it's funny because a number of years ago. Not that long ago I remember I had that memory I go I go oh my god this is about five years ago I was like oh my god is my entire. Fucking career built around that moment where I was going to prove my dad wrong. do I do I really like working out. Ah do I like talking about fitness do I really like these things and the reality is is yeah I do love health and fitness and I i. Find time in the gym almost every day and I enjoy myself in there. It's one way I show myself love and it doesn't play nearly the role it used to There's so many other interests that get play time and then in addition to that i. I'm showing myself love by taking care of my body but I'm not working out for any type of validation from other people anymore. So it's it's caused me to be in a much better spot and dude I probably make less money because I I seek less validation.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah I get it.



Ah, if I if I was one of those people I I listen like no like no the Alex warmosi was talking about this in a video. He's basically saying like insecurity is what you need to be a you know 100 millionaire I'm like you might be right because i.


Dr_ Placebo

You don't have the same motivation to like you don't care like so value.



Have very few insecurities these days and the necessity that.


Dr_ Placebo

If you don't feel secure if you don't feel secure with $50000000 then a hundred isn't going to make you feel secure. You know what I'm saying like that that's sort of like what I'm talking about is like who's to say that what's right for you is right for me. It's like why? ah like Gary Vaynerchuk



Um, a.





Dr_ Placebo

Gary Vee that fucking guy that guy to me is out of his god damn mind and he might have a few good ideas like let's not discount it. But.



Ah I'll say he's made improvements over the years his message five years ago versus today has as improved and from what I can see.


Dr_ Placebo

And that's cool, but like what we said is you know when we see other people we see through a window so we don't see the big. We don't see the whole thing that's going on and there is nothing to cloud our evaluation of it. When we look at ourselves we look into a mirror so we see basically the whole thing and we have our ego in the way. So that's why I say it's harder to look into a a mirror than it is to look through a window but of course that's because you don't see the big picture. You're more objective rather than subjective about the whole thing. But with um, you know these guys who assume this avatar you know they they embody this persona and you're almost caught in a loop where you're it's sort of a sunk cost fallacy you know Gary Vee I got to own the jets. Someday and look for him that might be exactly the right thing. So I don't want to say that that's a bad goal because it's his goal but it's not my goal like I would not trade ah playing tennis and hanging out with my dogs more often. Ah. To sacrifice maybe owning a sports team because to me that's like no extra value. You know what I'm saying so that idea of insecurity will lead you to a hundred million I mean maybe maybe not but like.


Dr_ Placebo

Why do you want that in the first place is it because you really believe in what you're doing is it because you feel like 10000000 just won't be good enough or 20 or or whatever I mean it's ah it's really a funny thing like how we fall into these patterns.



I I invested in a sports team once to look cool. Yeah yeah, and then the entire league went belly up like two months after I invested and I lost all my money.


Dr_ Placebo

Really nice.



That I what I felt cool for about three days and I I got like I got like 15 now I would say the highlight this is the highlight.


Dr_ Placebo

did you feel cool for two months though did you feel cool for two months though did you get any swag like like ah a hat.



Is what $60000 got me by the way is got me about 10 or 15 tickets at Madison square gardens in New York City ah some like front row shit and I got to like.


Dr_ Placebo




All my all my northeast friends I called him up I was like meet me at Massison You know we're gonna meet at the bar Beforehand have some drinks go watch the teams compete. So like I had ownership in it. It was the grid league. It was that Crossfit Rip off.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, what? what? sport.


Dr_ Placebo




And which I think that sport still exists I actually prefer it over cross so there are things I actually prefer about it over Crossfit it definitely produces high power athletes that athletes were bigger and more skilled because it was not as much of an endurance sport.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo




More of a power sport and um, and yeah I got tickets and I you know I got to be the cool guy I got to like call call up all the other fitness influencers that were in my world and we're all sitting together and dude we had a great time. We had a great time.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, yep.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, yeah, yeah.



It It definitely put me I had status and and I rode that high. Yeah I purchased status more than once and I.


Dr_ Placebo

You can bias status us. You can also sell status for money. It's a very funny. It's very funny how that works.



Ah, yeah, so ah, yeah, it was very short lived it went it went I went from like feeling like the coolest guy to um and I only owned a ah like three percent of the team. Ah I went from feeling like Mr Cool guy status but then like.


Dr_ Placebo




You know a month or 2 after that maybe a month after that the whole thing just came crashing down and then I felt like the most foolish guy like ah I'm foolish and the swings were big. The swings were big. Ah no more sports teams for me.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

But you know that's also that's also been ah part of what has attracted you so much Wealth is because it's been a little bit easy. Come easy. Go right? You've been willing to bet.



Yeah I do have investments in 2 companies are looking to go public so that you know, um now I'm not going to now.


Dr_ Placebo

You've been willing to bet big and you've gotten paid out big and hey there you go can you can you reveal what they are. You don't have to you don't have to reveal the the brand specifically. But. Um, what sector is it like nutrition. Is. It.



Ah, um, one one nutrition and 1 um oh emotional wellbeing company technology into tech company.


Dr_ Placebo

So like software as a service kind of thing. Oh cool. That's awesome. You know that sounds a little bit more aligned with ah your values than ah purchasing a piece of a sports team.



No, it's not software. It's it's hardware and software. Yeah, there's there's ah over over a dozen patents in there which is also nice.


Dr_ Placebo

For a sport that no one cares about that's good. That's good. That's good man. That's very that's awesome.



Ah, yeah, you yeah much more aligned. Yeah, it's exciting and the products are solid. So I write I Really love it.. That's the things like man. Ah you know you for me. And we've talked about investments before I Really like to invest in things that I find exciting and I believe in and products that I would use or do use and um, and yeah, it just it's not nearly as much of a stable way of investing but you know.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




I've had some wins some losses. But overall I'm up So I call it good.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, my my investing strategy is to um, make sure there's some stuff that I don't touch that's professionally managed in a really cautious way and then I can be like a freewheeling ah gambler with the rest and just ah, you know.



Yeah, yeah.



Yeah I mean that's.


Dr_ Placebo

I'll like I'll like pay an engineer to design something for me and ah so far that just has always gone to 0 But the fact of the matter is but but that's my whole point is like you know cost benefit and risk assessment is like if you're going to invest in something that can go all the way to 0



Ah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Should be something that can one hundred or one thousand or ten Thousand x in return and as long as you don't put all your eggs in that basket. You're going to still be okay now granted, that's not right for everybody like I read Richard Branson's book and it fucking almost gave me stomach ulcers. He's like.





Dr_ Placebo

He's like so things I mean he'd already mortgaged his house and his boat several times and bankrupt several times and then finally finally virgin music is this international company. They got tons of amazing artists. They got a huge library. Things are going well and he's like I think I'm going to start an airline and in order to do that. He had to borrow against this successful business to buy like airplanes and engines his fucking dude his board members were like threatening to.



Did had like break at break. So many rules you never borrow against a company to fund another company.


Dr_ Placebo

His board members wanted to kill him. They're like why are you doing this. He's like I need 50000000 for a fucking engine. We hit a bird you hit a bird on our first flight and we owe 100000000 to the bank of England already and I'm just watching. Um.





Dr_ Placebo

I'm watching this I'm like this guy is risking his entire life and what's crazy is there's this survivorship Bias which is another one of those cognitive biases. There are a lot of people who make choices like that and then they fucking go broke and it's game over but the ones who.





Dr_ Placebo

Ah, survive are the only ones that we hear about of course not of course not.



Yeah, but going broke isn't doesn't mean it's over. You know it's I mean I think was it. Ah you know whatever you think about Trump that guy has been you know filed bankruptcy I think ah 2 or 3 times for and maybe not him personally but businesses.


Dr_ Placebo

Dude you you know what? this is actually one of my favorite stories because um, he owed I think he owed like over a billion dollars and was like bankrupt right? And so.



So like that's it. Okay.



It's so crazy.


Dr_ Placebo

What's interesting is people who hated him would bring that up as like a bad thing like oh he can't he can't manage his company look. He's a failed businessman and I was like but the rest of the story is that he paid it all back eventually.








Dr_ Placebo

Like that's what's so crazy like once again, love them or hate him that guy is a character and a half. He's definitely got some negative traits that I personally can't stand and he's got some traits that I find extremely admirable to like face total obliteration and then. Come back out of it is a really admirable quality and if you get too ah enveloped in your hatred for someone you won't recognize the positive things. So I Thought the fact that people I thought I thought the.



You lack learning at that point.


Dr_ Placebo

Fact that people saw that as a negative when actually that's probably the biggest positive is that he faced that total failure. Super bankruptcy I don't know if there's a word for us just like so much and then he's like I'm gonna. I'm going to pay it all back I'm going to come back out of this and I'm going to work and pay it all back and that is ah to me that's way more of a positive than a negative.



Yeah, yeah, that's crazy I didn't know that part of the story only heard the headlines interesting. Let's ah I don't really pay attention that shit. Um.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, wait what weird? Well what was what was the topic today by the way I think it was how's your week one.



But what was a topic. Yeah, that's how we started I was thinking about idling this show. Love power attention. Yeah yeah, dig it.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah I mean that's it right? Yeah I like it I think it's good to evaluate where you are trying to get love from beware of guruism. Ah, both ways. If. There's a guru that you hate but he says some things that you need to hear you should probably ignore your hatred for him and ah accept what's really useful and if you ah idolize someone you might not be as discerning. And what is actually going on there right.



Yeah, yeah, and I want to remind everybody is beware of who you're modeling and who you're anti-modeling and use your critical thinking skills to be able differentiate between the the traits that somebody has versus.


Dr_ Placebo




Their entire being and be able to extract out what's useful for you and what you want to have for yourself and what you want to not have for yourself and make sure to go over to purchase. Ah those books and digital products and I can guarantee. It's good stuff. I've I've trained with max a bit I always learned something new that gets me thinking for weeks and weeks afterwards sometimes months. Even so yeah, you showed.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh that's very exciting. It's very nice of you to say Mike I actually just had ah ah the first member of the gym come back in town for a visit he lives in Indiana now and he started training with me thirteen years ago when I started the gym.



Thank you.


Dr_ Placebo

And he took a class with me and he's like wow that was so different that was amazing and I was like god I hope so I hope I have some different ideas from thirteen years ago it's definitely ah it's been it's been such journey man and there there is probably there are probably few industries.





Dr_ Placebo

More mentally ill than the fitness industry. It's so much about how things appear to be rather than the way things are so ah, thank you guys for listening. Thank you Mike check out Mike Underscore bled so as he.



I am okay.


Dr_ Placebo

Makes his Instagram farewell to farewell to her before going on to other things I think.



Dude I'm I'm I'm close I'm getting there. There is another platform.


Dr_ Placebo

For so for all of you following Mike if all for all of you following Mike Ah just switch over to at ma shank instead I'm like I'm like a vulture like.



Um, will the ah there's ah pick up the dead pieces.


Dr_ Placebo

I'm just circling around the giant carcass of Mike Bloodso Fit guru



Ah, fuck. Yeah I am looking at a new platform that we may be able to host this podcast on and some other things so be on a lookout for that And yeah, yeah, a buddy of mine. He's he launched it.


Dr_ Placebo

That's exciting.



And I haven't talked to him in years and I got the phone with him yesterday and was like oh shit this is legit. So um, people are problem solving problems. Ah, and yeah, if you want check out me my my stuff you know like max said Instagram account but also you can head over to


Dr_ Placebo

Oh no.



Got some ah cool products and services over there and a summit coming up in November later y'all love you max.


Dr_ Placebo

Later y'all love you.

Sep 2, 2022

Today I’m talking with Allison Pelot, the author of Finally Thriving, on the difference between surviving and thriving.


Don’t miss the boat. Give it a listen.

Aug 29, 2022



Ah, it's been. Ah, it's been a week connected so took last week off and we're doing this a little late this week. So I'm sure we've got plenty of catching up to do.


Dr_ Placebo

It feels weird to not talk to you for this long it. It's a part of my way of life now I mean now the only constant in my life is the puppy schedule which I am now strictly adhering to.



It's it's strange. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo




Yeah, how's that ah I've heard I remember Tim Ferriss was writing about getting a dog and how that was created like a new level of discipline and grounding in his life. Are you experiencing something similar.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Totally I was even talking to um, an inventor friend of mine at the gym the other day and we were. We're talking about history and fighter pilots and things like that and how a lot of them say that basic training was the worst thing ever. Ah, during it but the best thing ever Afterward long term and I could describe my my whole life as trying to free myself from any obligation and any schedule whatsoever and what's funny is that I.





Dr_ Placebo

I did I was able to do that I basically freed myself of ah, any obligation. Ah, and you know that's when you can get real weird right? But it's ah.



Been there? Yeah, ah.


Dr_ Placebo

But with puppies if if you try to freewheel like that They'll just destroy your life I mean the life I had already is gone. No question. Whatever I was doing before.. It's like a distant memory.. It's so interesting How this has become an all. Consuming thing So fast.



All right I Want to see these puppies so you got to send me some I'll throw it up in the blog by the way. Um I I'm gonna start having these ah these are gonna be. We're gonna have full blog write ups for the show.


Dr_ Placebo




Ah, they're gonna be posted I'll have a substack up soon that they're going to be going on and people will get emails with a summary and a little little email about the show whenever it pops out every Monday and then the blog will have a written summary.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Wow, That's pretty exciting.



We should be able to just click to from the emails. So if yeah, if y'all were wondering you know when we were gonna turn pro. it's it's happening you know what's really interesting is I remember with barbell shrugged episode 42 was a pivotal show for us. We'd learned something on that show like and we were trying to improve the craft of podcasting and I remember it was episodes 42 through 45 was us going through this transformation and immediately people. Started messaging us saying I don't know what you guys did but whatever you're doing keep it up the show the show that you know is like episode 42 was the best episode 43 44 or 45 you're like oh this is just the new normal. And yeah, so we're on episode 43 of the Monday morning podcast and ah yeah I feel like we're hitting a ah stride with that as well.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah I like the vibe that we've cultivated here. It's really serious topics I mean arguably some of the most serious topics imaginable. It's like ah death and kinks. And entrepreneurship and relationships. But the we're pretty chill about it. It's like serious topics with a ah relaxed vibe.



Well I think a lot of people avoid these topics because they don't they whenever it was brought up in the past for them. They didn't have a level of levity that was part of the conversation if we can lighten it up a little bit makes it way easier to consume. So yeah I think.


Dr_ Placebo




Enough about enough about us just tooting our horns. Even though we have a lot of horns that too. Ah I think that? Ah yeah I want to fill you on what I did last week you know I got so I got stuck in maui for 2 days and hi now.


Dr_ Placebo

Lay it on me, you poor you poor dear.



I I remember I remember having it was kind of like the it's like the first time I was ever used by a woman for my body. You know I had this moment of like oh my god you just wanted me for my body I feel so dirty. And about 2 seconds later I was like oh my god she wanted me for my body I was like yes so maui similar similar situation I go oh oh bummer I'm missing my flight I'm like well I'm in Maui I'll go to the beach.


Dr_ Placebo

So you missed your flight on purpose. Ah.



No, no, absolutely not no I um I spent a week in molakai which is ah ah, an island with a population of 7000 people and 22000 axis year. So I was hunting out there which was just. The most fun I've ever had hunting it. It was so cool. Definitely going back fact I'll probably go back and I'll invite people to come with me as I so I typically do and yeah, you do.


Dr_ Placebo

So you can get a free ride I know you're game blood. So like he's like I love this thing gosh if I just invite like 10 of my friends I can do it for free and if I invite 20 then I have a new career.



Not not not only not only not only do I get to go for free I might get paid and even if I don't tax write offs baby like I'm going to be applying for my Ffl license like all my guns should be tax write offs.


Dr_ Placebo




Organize a couple of hunts. It's a business to business.


Dr_ Placebo

And you know what? it's actually ah we're joking about but it's super authentic and that's one of the things I like about you is you? You are that firestarter you get excited about something and then you get other people excited about it I've seen it happen. Many times throughout the years that I've known you so it's.



Um, sometimes I regret it I'm like oh man I Really kind of screwed that person up but and you know who you are. You're listening out there.


Dr_ Placebo




Ah, ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, so so what do you use? Did you ah hunt them with a knife Ninja stars spear I would love to go spear hunting I feel like that would just be super gangster like a pointy stick.



You know, um, are you not not for deer but you can do that for hog I know there's a place in Arkansas basically where you can hunt hog with a spear and they use ah they use pit bulls they put like kevlar jackets on these pits and then basically you chase the hogs down the the dogs get a hold of it and while the dogs are holding it you you you stick the pig so that's.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, amazing.


Dr_ Placebo

That's ah, got to be a very visceral feeling if you'll excuse the pun.



Yeah, yeah, um, so that's a possibility. But yeah, what what we did was ah I was shooting a rifle. He's a rifle I have a I have ah a savage ah savage one Ten ultralight.


Dr_ Placebo

22 I'm guessing



Ah shoots a six five creed more which is a much faster round than what most hunting rifles are firing like it's a newer round There's there's some others that are faster but this is one of those ah speed matters because the amount that that round will drop. Or how much it'll be impacted by wind actually gets reduced a bit so there's fewer adjustments that have to be made when you're shooting really far. But um, exactly exactly.


Dr_ Placebo

There's less time for it to fall along the same amount of distance if if it's going faster. It's like a laser pointer hardly falls at all.



ah hardly but ah yeah so we're out there hunting I got to got to kill early in the the week spent a lot of time just chilling. You know we were very living very primitive. Um I mean we weren't cooking over campfire. But we it was pretty close. You know a shitting outdoors sleeping on a one inch mat ah doors wide open but ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Well, it makes 2 of us shitting outdoors at a but mine was a plumbing emergency though. So me and the dogs were ah we were all using the yard.



Ah, ah I'm sure the neighbors love that the it's like whoa. What's that smell.


Dr_ Placebo

That's the least of their worries with what I do in my backyard.



Yeah, so I I finished the hunt have a great time. Got to connect with some guys. Um Ben Greenfield was on the hunt with me in fact, him and his 2 boys and yeah, just a beautiful time and yeah I go to you know I leave.


Dr_ Placebo




Molokai that island I hop on maui to to get on my plane to come home and the flight gets canceled so I find a hotel and then I go back to the airport the next morning and I get on the plane and then they cancel that flight or they delay that flight an hour and they. Delay that flight by an hour about 5 times so I'm just yeah I'm just hanging out the airport you know twiddling my thumbs and ah, finally like they're like oh we'll put you on a flight for tonight.


Dr_ Placebo




So come back in 5 hours I'm like all right I went back to the beach and while I'm at the beach I check my phone and they're like oh your flight for tonight got delayed till tomorrow morning. So I I went from like booking a flight where I was gonna catch a red eye on this nice first class.


Dr_ Placebo

Wow man.



Seat and I was going to be able to sleep on the way home and I was gonna be home in like 12 hours to it being like a 24 hour you know added an extra stop in there just to get me home and basically showed up home two days late. Ah my fiance was not happy about that.


Dr_ Placebo




And then ah yeah, just just now recovering so basically lost the night of sleep. You know.


Dr_ Placebo

Sweet. So did you bring back? some meat did you? ah you you brought your own rifle with you. So I'm guessing you checked that and that was no big deal ah is really interesting.



No big deal. Dude after after fly I've never flown with a gun before but after going through the process I realized you could pretty much ship any gun anywhere you want inside the us like they don't They're not really paying that much attention to it honestly. So.


Dr_ Placebo

I Think it has to do with the volume right? I mean there's just so many packages going every which way but that's got to be an odd feeling because you I'm sure you walk into the airport with a rifle right? like.






Yeah, yeah I walk in I check in and then I go I got to go up to like the special baggage place and I go I've got ah I've got ah a gun in here and like oh okay, well here's a special form you know which is basically almost nothing sign it.


Dr_ Placebo

That's funny. Yeah, yeah.



Walk it over to a special Tsa section. They take it and then I see it when I land and you know when I landed they didn't even um, ah one of the trips that didn't look get my Id when I picked up my rifle I'm like so anyone could have just walked up and grabbed this. It's like there's a very interesting. Thing going on here.


Dr_ Placebo

I'm so you know I don't know how much that happens but I I only check a bag under duress like I don't check bags when I fly the bag stays with me because I see that I see the carousel with all the bags everywhere.



Yeah I try to do that.


Dr_ Placebo

And I'm like how do people not just pick up bags all the time like if I was ah a crooked thief. That's the only place I would go I would just go to Airports grab a random bag off the carousel slap ah a funny ah extra tag onto it. So It looks like it's immediately mine keep like a little pink scarf up my sleeve throw throw the pink scarf on the bag people would never think that's that there'd be oh that guy has the same bag as me, but with a pink scarf on it and you see these bags just making laps around there. You're like how. How did they not get stolen all the time.



Well with with my my flight being delayed like it was I Ah, my bags arrived a whole day before me. So I'm like all right I got a rifle that's arriving at airport a whole day before me. Hopefully it's there when I get there and it was It was fun.


Dr_ Placebo

This is something.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, hopefully no one picks it up.



But um, yeah, the meat's being shipped to me they I almost I had to fly in with a cooler because the island is too primitive to carry enough coolers. You're not going to go into like the local hardware store and grab there's 8 of us hunting 8 coolers. It's not going to happen. So um, ah.


Dr_ Placebo




I Opted to instead of carrying it back which I could have I just said hey ship it I'll pay for it and thank God I did because that meat would have not done well over two days of just being in a cooler. Um, but on the spot we did eat Raw heart So we made like a heart seviche so it technically wasn't a heart raw because it was.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Acid cooked.



Had some ah yeah, acid cooked a bit but had some raw liver. We killed that week and ah I got to drink amniotic fluid. So one of the deer had been pregnant and we were able to get the amniotic sack.



Puncture a hole in it fill a cup I drink that I tell you what the rest of my day I was I was on point hump and yeah, just running around hump and deer. Ah yeah, it was interesting I mean basically like drinking stem cells.


Dr_ Placebo

Humping deer.


Dr_ Placebo

Just as I let you're sprouting hooves. Maybe you'll get antlers wouldn't that be a trip I'm not going to read too much into why? That's the case but that's a cool.



Oh I think I think Ashley would be ended at the antlers. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Cool thing I bet we can already do that I bet we already have the possibility to do weird shit like that like they grew a human ear on a mouse like twenty fucking years ago so I would not be surprised if they could grow you a set of antlers if you really wanted to.



Ah, so yeah, that was the.


Dr_ Placebo

Personally I'm waiting for the ah Elephant Trunk ah surgery where I can get an elephant trunk like maybe in the middle of the chest or something how useful would that be super sensitive I could drink out of it hold.



Extremely You just pick off or just shit up I've always wanted an action arm. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Hold liquids I can sniff with it I mean so crazy strong Never go to the gym again I just have this like absolute unit of a tentacle.



What we want to talk about today. What do we? What do we want to dig into.


Dr_ Placebo

I mean hunting is a cool thing. Um, gosh I mean with the dogs ah speaking of hunting right? like there are hunting buddies. You were even saying before how they. Throw the kevlar on the dogs for hog hunting which is pretty wild. Um man I I have an appointment with a dog trainer I think next week or something like that and I thought I was doing really badly. As ah as a dog owner I thought I was so behind thought I was just a total disaster apparently I'm like way ahead of the curve talking to this lady though but having 2 dogs that are siblings. Brother sister is way tougher because.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

When you're trying to train them up. They're just you know, biting each other so you get 1 to listen to you and the other one just tackles the one who's listening so it's kind of a funny experience but I could do a whole show on the puppy lessons I've learned so far I started a puppy journal.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

And I also realized that you know dogs don't have a prefrontal cortex but they're basically like people and I think we give ourselves way too much credit for.



Um, yeah, um.


Dr_ Placebo

Like how clever we could be versus what creatures of ah routine and reward. We really are so you know me I like to ah synthesize things into a little ah easy to remember stuff. So.





Dr_ Placebo

Ah, demonstration is greater than explanation is a good one that applies to both dogs and people and that's also the um, the heart of the the type of teaching I like to do it's like teaching without attachment. To the result of the student because it's a very heavy burden to I used to feel super obligated um to all my customers, especially all my subscribers because the reality is they absolutely um, like made my life I mean the amount of people who bought books and bought videos.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, super enriching both ways. So I felt this obligation like I gotta get them to do this thing. You know so I would explain the ever lovingving shit out of it instead of just being the example and doing the demonstration. It's the same with dogs course dogs don't speak English So An explanation is even more stupid but for a human I think um, same kind of idea is way better to set the example than to than to preach. Ah my opinion of course.



Yeah man Ah, just finished a book last week or so wanting is the name of the book and basically just talks about how we model you know by? everyone's just modeling someone else. The desires are modeled. You don't know.


Dr_ Placebo

That help.



You walk into a bar. You're not you don't want to have a drink but you walk in your friends got a Moscow Mule you're like ah man I need and know I wanted to have one of those but now I do I think that people really can resonate with that that you know there's like I'll have a i. I was at a restaurant a couple weeks ago and for a friend dinner. Everyone ordered drinks I wasn't going to order a drink now I've got a scotch in my hand so you know there's ah no man I can't be the weirdo. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, baby, you don't want to get kicked out of the tribe dude pour me a drink too. That's that's the that's the toughest 1 right is to be exiled out of the group um in a lot of cultures that was. Way worse than death I mean it meant death but a slow suffering dishonorable death. You know your family. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's it's it's it's it's a public shaming that leads to a slow death versus.



Well, you got like death and shame stack together like the you didn't die for a good reason. He he died because you meant you're an asshole.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, like a tribal respect and a quick death which you know one's way better.



Yeah, yeah, not in battle. Um, yeah, say you you want to without your puppy Journal I also have my journal from the hunt. So I think we just go through our lessons.


Dr_ Placebo

You know if you give me a yeah Pauseit or you can ah keep everyone entertained and I'll go grab that.



I'll pause it real quick. Go get it so you want to go first. You want me to go first. We got we got puppies and hunting journals.


Dr_ Placebo

Puppies and hunting Journals I Love it. Let's ah, let's start with hunting.



Right? We'll go with hunting right? So um, we actually did a bit of like that the hunting trips I do with Manzel is is. Is a little different than most people first I'm not going to read it. It's very personal. maybe maybe I'll get the balls to ah, go out. Yeah well I I wrote ah I wrote a letter to the deer I was hunting.


Dr_ Placebo

Personal like sexual what kind of hunting were you doing out there.


Dr_ Placebo




Yeah, yeah, wrote a letter a love letter to the deer I was hunting. Um, um I had I had an insight over the week that I asked myself.


Dr_ Placebo

What else.



Where am I because everything slowed down I turned my phone off completely off grid and noticed I asked myself where am I seeking stimulation over solitude and you know really noticed around. 2 3 days in how I was really was it. It took me 2 3 days to for the mind to slow down and be on island time because we're hanging out with some people who are from molochi so these are these are like they're not from the city these are.


Dr_ Placebo




These are Hawaiians that are like true true Hawaiian like they haven't been you know, westernized as much and I mean they have but like you know they they hold that Island time thing. Everything's super chill slow motion. Um, and you know for.


Dr_ Placebo

They're hunters.


Dr_ Placebo




Ah, guy like myself who's going high speed a lot That's just a. It's a bit jarring but I I really started asking myself. You know where am I where am I yeah seeking stimulation. Yeah, ah yeah, so ah.


Dr_ Placebo

It's like pulling the e break pulling the emergency break at a hundred.



Yeah I really reflected on that and then I I noticed that I need to remove some things from my schedule. There's there's just too many commitments in the future So started moving some things around and some things that I previously.


Dr_ Placebo




Couldn't didn't even consider could be removed or moved and I was able to do that. Um, yeah, actually my summit um I'm gonna move the dates of the summit supposed to happen.


Dr_ Placebo

Really anything. You'd like to share that's pretty cool.



Was supposed to happen next month. But I'm gonna move it to November and you know that's a lot. You know there's people who are looking forward to those specific dates. But I I feel as though it's it's if I wait any longer to make the the announcement but you know it would be a little. Too late for a lot of people. But I think we can do it a month out and be okay. Ah really really got to reflect on how I'm the ah I am the ah result of my ancestors choices. You know whether.


Dr_ Placebo




They be wise choices or or foolish choices every single choice since the beginning of of my lineage has really created this result that I'm right now and I'm I'm the 1 choosing moving forward, but really, um.


Dr_ Placebo




Recognizing that a lot of things that got me to where I am was actually foolish choices I think a lot of times people think about their ancestry. You're like oh there's so much wisdom there I was like there's a bunch of idiots in there too and and what what? what am I What am I making sure. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, just ah, just a long line of Horny retards. Um.



Yeah, was like is like okay like I need to be intentional about what I'm carrying forward because not everything. Not everything is Good. You know and how am I am I carrying those those lessons and how do I Harvest The wisdom From. My lineage without carrying on all the the the Foolishness. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Man Ah, you're talking about ah many many multiple generations but even just the immediate ancestors the parents That's ah that's a really big deal is ah you know I worked with so many people coaching wise and you know I don't want to.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Be, the guy who's laying everybody down on the psychiatrist couch right? but the reality the reality is that a lot of people are working through some sort of ah resentment or ah. Kind of the opposite like a personal resentment because you can't live up to your parents' expectations. It's like 1 or the other right either resent your parents for doing a bad job or you feel bad about yourself for not doing a good enough job. Ah, a lot of the time and.



Yeah, so.



Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, working through those things but not ah, not judging because whether it's yourself or your ancestors whatever which you can think of them all as the same thing in a certain sense. Um, you know everybody's doing whatever they think is going to get them what they want. Based on how they think and feel all the time like everybody's always doing their best and I remember the first time someone told me that I was dating this lady who is ah pretty significantly older than me and she said everyone's doing their best and I said no, they're not I was like 20 years old



Ah, well here's the thing is like I think I think where it gets I think where people get confused about that is like ah everyone is doing their best. But I think there a lot of times people who say that assume that we're all going the same direction is like.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, it's based on how you think and feel at the time is my little caveat based on how you think and feel at the time. Everybody's always doing their best and you know I've talked about it So many times if you're um, getting what they want either love power or attention love power or attention.



Like yeah.



But they're best at what getting what they want? Yeah so not not not for the greater. They're not doing the best they can do for the great Great greater humanity.


Dr_ Placebo

And if you can't get 1 you'll move on to the next one no no and and actually no one is the only reason people do that is because it feels good to them right? The same reason that a guy sacrifices all his worldly possessions to join a monastery is because he thinks that's a good deal. It's not because he's like a.








Dr_ Placebo

Like a noble person. He just thinks that'll get him a better result.



Yeah, yeah, ah all right? So so another another phase of the hunt. We actually had a ah guide take us to some old ruins that were incredibly old I have no idea I probably wasn't paying attention to that part.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, on.



Um, one of those things you're like ah we suspect this is five hundred or a thousand years old I I don't know so ah, we went to a site where it was ah there's ah, a lot of evidence and a lot of stories to support the idea that there were human sacrifices happening. At this very specific site. So ah.


Dr_ Placebo

You got my attention human sacrifice that was the topic I didn't know I wanted to talk about but now that we're here I'm so glad can we do a whole episode on human sacrifice. That's that's such an incredible idea. That's such an incredible idea.



Yeah I think we should do that next week. Yeah, next week well what's interesting is ah ah one of the things I started exploring ah while I was there after this is I've um. So I used to conflate or have the collapse distinction of service and sacrifice and I think a lot of people who come from a blue collar background do and so I've spent like 8 years you know I had that realization and started unwinding that.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh yeah.



And I spent 8 years only trying to be at service but but completely ignoring any possibilities of sacrifice and so I um, so I really did think about it really did cause me to think about sacrifice like ah the final hunt I ah hunted. Ah, multiple times while we were there and the final one was like really the intention was was around the sacrifice piece and I think it was really set up by that whole human sacrifice thing because they talked about how the the people who were being sacrificed.


Dr_ Placebo




Actually saw as an honor to be able to to be sacrificed who knows but um, so we we? yeah I mean that.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? And and everybody everybody's convinced that it's going to be better to do this that That's the whole idea right? We were just talking about that they're doing it why because they think it'll get them a better result than not doing it.



Totally totally.



72 version versions. Ah but the so we sat at the site and journaled about ah death. So as as we're sitting at the site of human sacrifice talk about death. Um.


Dr_ Placebo

A man.



Fast forwarding to my own death and ah where I got was you know spending some time thinking about how much you know will I resist death when it arrives at my doorstep or will I will I welcome it and I think that.


Dr_ Placebo

That's a tough one I hope I I hope I would but I'll probably be like a 80 year old guy and the angel of death will come by and I'll be like oh please no take my grandson instead.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

I'll just be really cowardly at the end of it all have this like super wise life and then finally face it like anyone but me.






Ah, well like an asshole. Ah yeah I think there's an opportunity now I think I I know there's an opportunity to practice dying and practicing death and I think that's something that. I have experienced through through the use of psychedelics. Ah you know you take a big.


Dr_ Placebo

I Got a lot out of the digital death that I did that was really interesting. Yeah I I just evaporated one day like my friends were all getting messages from people like where's max is he's dead is he okay and it it was It was cool.



Digital oh that not going on Instagram.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, because I was like really attached to um that feedback you know the the audience is like hey we we love you when you do that stuff and so in order to let go of that it it is like a little a little death.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Basically who yeah, that's it. That's you dude that was you.



Oh yeah, I mean that happened when I left shrug. You know people people were like you know? Yeah I was like they were um yeah they I did not meet their expectations. Created all these expectations over years that I was going to be there every week and I was going to make them laugh and maybe they learn learn something and then I just stopped and people didn't like that. Um, yeah, so practicing death. Um.



And and then what I what I got to is like will I have regrets and what what just came to me the quote came to me in a moment. Are you put on Twitter so it's it's famous. But I said excuses are the seeds of regret and I was thinking about regret. And that's that's what may I see regret as a thing that would cause someone to resist death like oh I'm not done yet I didn't do the thing that I really wanted to do and I think that really is the difference between somebody who's eighty years old and is able to go in peace. And someone who's eighty years old and and dies with suffering and it what hit me was like anything that is an excuse that's that's what I need to be looking for you. Don't want to think am I going to regret this what you want to be thinking is.


Dr_ Placebo




Am I making an excuse about doing this or why am I am I telling myself reasons why this won't work even though it's something I really want to do and I mean knowing the differences between any excuse and a real reason. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

His father.



Can be challenging at times. But I think that's something that each individual gets to learn in themselves and and these two things feel different an excuse feels different than you know, using your reason to to make your moves.


Dr_ Placebo

There's ah I think the difference between excuse and reason is really hard to pinpoint. Actually I think Excuse has a bit of a negative I mean everything.



Why I tell people to be unreasonable throw throw the reasons out the window like be rational, be rational rationalable be rational, but but don't be reasonable.


Dr_ Placebo

I like it. It's able to be rationed I like rationable that could be fun rational. Ah like okay so.



Yeah, alright Hashtag rationable. It's a thing.


Dr_ Placebo

Responsibility is ability to respond. It's also a synonym for obligation right? and I think I think that's often how it's used like you list out you list out the responsibilities. Well you list out resp responses like okay, you've had people work for you right.



But I don't think I don't think it is a cinnament for that and I why think I think most people will perceive it that way.


Dr_ Placebo

And you list out what their responsibilities are like. For example, every day obligations. No okay you fucking whore Obligations accountabilities.



Yeah I call them accountabilities not responsibilities accountabilities. Ah.





Dr_ Placebo

Whatever you want to call it. It's a thing that you got to do and basically in that situation. What happens if it doesn't get done and that's that's when ah, a reason to me is is always an excuse right? because what you're trying to do is you are trying to excuse. Use yourself from the obligation. Ah so to me, it's very different and like you know you've had a lot of people work for you and it's you can always come up with a reason for why you didn't do the thing you said you were going to do right? But it's still.



Um, ah.


Dr_ Placebo

It's just trying to excuse that accountability right.



Yeah I would say their culture that we we've cultivated with people who work for me. It's been a very like yeah I fucked up and I don't I don't get a lot of excuses from my people which is really refreshing just to.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, yeah, right? yeah.



Have people own it. Okay I think the problem with making excuses is you're doomed to repeat the you don't you don't feel the gravity. You don't feel the pain of of the impact that you made by by screwing up.


Dr_ Placebo

Totally the error.



Like the if you make an excuse for your yeah if you make an excuse for your error. You're sidestepping a lesson. But if you say look I simply screwed up I dropped the ball I'm now making a commitment to ah you know. I'm I'm making these specific changes in order to ah do it differently moving forward. Awesome! That's what I want to hear. That's why I want to hear from others. That's what I want to hear from myself. That's that's an attitude of of learning that's humility.


Dr_ Placebo

Totally no, It's curiosity too right? It's like what can be done differently and it frames it in a in a positive sense so you know right.






We're moving forward instead of dwelling on the past we like we acknowledge that this happened but now let's move forward.


Dr_ Placebo

Well and that's kind of like the it goes back to the sacrifice or the martyr thing right? you you almost feel like you need to punish yourself a little bit and say how bad you were but it doesn't really do anybody and especially if you're like managing people you you kind of just want to be like man that's like wholly irrelevant. Really doesn't Matter. It's really just about what you can do moving forward differently that will make it so this does not happen in the future right.



I Think ah.



Yeah I think I think the pain that we inflict on ourselves through the guilt can can help make the lesson stick like oh I don't want to feel like that again. So.


Dr_ Placebo

Well, totally man, you know shame can drive a culture in a big way. Um, and I know I've said it on the podcast before but 1 of the cultures that I find really interesting and awesome in a lot of ways is Japan where there's a really strong culture. Of honoring tradition and shame. Also, you know there's a lot less homeless people there because it's kind of a shameful thing and there's also a lot less ah broad creativity of brand new stuff. But ah surplus. Of refining old stuff. You know so they might not invent a rocket ship but when someone else does they'll make that rocket ship better than anything else because they'll have you know 10 generations of rocket scientists running the family business and trying to just. Make those marginal improvements. So I think you know shame can be a great motivator ah certainly I gravitate toward love being a motivator right so joyful expression of this ah weird. Black box algorithm that I am you know take what I got and and let it out there like you know, let it go basically um, kind of like we were talking about um service minus attachment. Basically so you do your thing but you're not.





Dr_ Placebo

Super attached to the result or or yourself as the procurer of that service.



Yeah, yeah, all right moving on moving on in this journal see so I was asked for. We went on a a silent hike for a couple hours and ah.


Dr_ Placebo




We're We're asked the question, the prompt to consider while we walk and then you know Journal when we get back and before we get out the door I started making a list of ways in which I don't show up as my highest self um or you just sit look as how do you show up in a.


Dr_ Placebo




And the ways that you don't prefer or you you end up regretting I guess so these are these are the ways in which I am not showing up as my highest self when I am looking for acceptance by others when I seek stimulation over solitude. That's where I got that.


Dr_ Placebo

Another more.



Ah, when I fail to communicate my boundaries Well when I lack a hierarchy of values. Ah, and when I'm concerned with not looking bad.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, those are good. Um, what was the prompt again. It was just go on this quiet hike and then Journal at the end.



Not yeah that well we were to consider this question in which way am I not showing up as my highest self and then 2 hour yeah Yeah


Dr_ Placebo

Okay, so now they provided that yeah that was actually the the thing I thought ah before when you're talking about what decisions will I regret. That's like the same. That's the positive way to say that. What? what would your highest self do here like and how how big a gap is there. Can you repeat that question one more time I'm going to write it I'm going to have ah my friends around here do that with me sometime same seems like a cool idea.



Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Cool, um in which way am I not showing up as my highest self.


Dr_ Placebo




Everyone out everyone at home gets to and get a couple chances write it down themselves all right? Everyone you got a homework expect you to fill this out I mean 2 3 hours I like that.


Dr_ Placebo

How how long was the silent hike. That's pretty nice.



You know what I found when I first got out there is like um actually felt overstimated coming in. Ah and I met several of the guys for the first time and everybody was wanting to talk and I was There was a part of me that was going man I really just wish this was a silent retreat I would like.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, oh man, that's so funny to hear from you did.



Ah, yeah, yeah, so I'm I'm actually going to suggest a monzol about ah putting together. A I would love to do like a group hunting trip where the first 2 of three days is in complete silence. Only. Like a noble silence. You know I could ask you to like help me with something or or could you get the fuck out of the way or whatever it is or you know you you can you can state what you need in the moment but I don't yeah yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

But right.


Dr_ Placebo

Could wear a little wear a little chalkboards.



But ah, yeah, minimize the just the bullshitting interactions and yeah I would love to do like a two day and I would love to do as strangers I would love to go hunting with people I've never met before spend the first two days silent and then the third day because then I I think it would be really fun to. Because what your mind's gonna do is create all these stories about who this person is you know why? they do the thing they do, you're gonna create all of it and then you're gonna talk to them on a third day and they're gonna break all of it and you're gonna go oh my imagination is nuts.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? one? ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Totally well and as it relates to the dog thing. You know they don't speak English Um, they they pick up on your emotions and your postures and I know I've said it before even on the show but I remember you.



You don't say.


Dr_ Placebo

Said to me like dude maybe ten years ago or something like don't don't listen to the words people are saying just watch how they're being and so I started doing this thing where I mean I was tuning out like I wasn't listening to the words I was a really bad listener but I was just watching people's postures their hand movements.



Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

And it it was like the it was like the teacher and Charlie Brown it was like wah walk walk walk walk walk walk walk and I was just listening to the musicality of the voice and all these different things and I would imagine if you are meeting people for the first time and you can't. Introduce yourself like that is such a trip because now you're going to be reverting to these primal instincts of like sizing people up, you're going to pay really close attention to people's eyes and I bet most people have never even ah. Come close to a situation like that I don't think I've ever been part of a group where we didn't introduce ourselves for two days like that's almost psychotic actually when you think about it. Everybody's got like guns and no one saying anything and they've never met before. I mean I don't want you to like give up on this dream but it is a sweet recipe for fucking disaster.



You know I'll try it out with guys I know first? Well we'll baby step our way into this find a few guys that are willing to do a silent hunting retreat and we'll go from there all like let's dig in this puppy journal.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, awesome dude I like the silent hike I like the silent hike thing. That's a cool idea. Well.



I did a whole day I took 2 guys up to I was up in Idaho and was in the sawtooth mountains and we did like ah man it was like a 12 hour maybe maybe thirteen fourteen hours


Dr_ Placebo

Was that a cattle drive or something. Wow.



Ah, not not just hiking up. The mountain started started at the bottom wearing shorts and it was hot and got up to the snow and basically just popped a little microdose and went fasted So all I brought was water.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, how cool.


Dr_ Placebo




And and we did a silent up and I and I ah I was in charge of the hike there was 3 of us I was like we can talk on the way down and and I I started hoofing. Yeah and we started hoofing it down and these guys were just hilarious.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah I like I like that a lot too that.



Just talking about candy bars like because we were fasted. They weren't used to any of this stuff. So the idea of like hiking silent fast. It was incredibly novel to them. So yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

It's crazy how much extra calories you're packing on you Even if you're a lean person check out, check out the math sometime like for those who are every you got to fast, you got to try it Out. It's so it's Stupid. You just you just shut up. And you don't eat for a while and it will heal you more than like 99% of the bullshit out there. But.



It is. It is the dude you just give your system a break. All you got to do is give your system a break and it'll fix itself for for most things.


Dr_ Placebo

Matt Imagine if you just ah had headphones playing music all the time. That's like the equivalent of digesting food all the time and it's it's just a different sense right.



Yeah, 4


Dr_ Placebo

You don't give yourself a chance. Um, but some people are afraid they're like oh what'll happen am I going to like break down too much muscle or something like that like that like it'll happen in a fucking week I mean some some sure whatever but like a lean person has like one hundred thousand calories



It's all guy. Yeah dudes are well, there's um, sal.





Dr_ Placebo

Storage on them like ah, a lean, a lean man of average size has like a hundred thousand extra calories conveniently distributed mostly in the center mass of their body. It's it's really good design like we would all be dead if it didn't work this way.



Yeah, yeah, it's there for sure. There sal sell from over at mine pump. Um, if you're familiar with the mine pump guys but they do like um, kind of like.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Do they like take ah do they like take pre-workouts and play chess or something.



Yeah, well, they're like ah I would I would they're the closest thing the barbell shrugged but more for like the the aesthetic world whereas we were more in like the performance and they're They're really great guys I've been on their show a couple times they've been on mine. They're fun.


Dr_ Placebo




And 1 of the guys on there I know for a period of time was doing a 72 hour fast once a month for the purpose of building more muscle so there's just like you want to train really hard if you want to grow muscle if you actually starve yourself a protein. There's a super compensation that occurs. So.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

It's like occlusion training you cut off the flow and then you release it and the floodgates open same deal.



It's yeah. Yeah, so I I think that for anyone who is concerned about that because I was actually you know for a lot of the hunts that I do we we fast coming in and one of my friends young younger guy. He was like yeah but you know I was just like worry about losing muscle I'm like you know. Ah, 72 hour fast done right? and when you reintroduce food you could actually put more muscle on because of that just watched all the all the gears in his head had to change direction and and ah yeah, but it's true.


Dr_ Placebo

Plus like what if you did lose a little bit of muscle. You think no one's going to love you after that Jesus Fucking Christ like.



Oh obviously? yeah, well its problem is like I mean you've experienced this is you get praise. It's like oh man, you got a 6 pack. Oh man like get all this praise like well that's must be why people like me.


Dr_ Placebo

I Mean they won't love you as much. Obviously now you're fucking Scrawny bitch who's going to love you now.


Dr_ Placebo

I. Totally totally I mean I feel like I've said this so many times but I would lift a really big weight over my head. Let's say and people would be like hey Wow Max We Really like that.



And then you take that away like oh no, one's gonna love me now.


Dr_ Placebo

Can you lift a bigger one be like fuck. Yeah, are you going to love me more if I do and they're like yeah I'm like great I'll do that.



I mean it's super simple if I put that I think about a year ago I put ah ah a Instagram throwback video of me squatting like I don't know what it was like four 25 for reps or something like that the bars bouncing and shit.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, yeah.



And I got like almost a record breaking amount of likes on that you know and I basically like I basically said in the the what's it called the caption I said in the caption of like yeah this was like peak me hating myself. Ah and like.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh yeah.


Dr_ Placebo




This is all the things I've done a change and all that you know what ended up in some of the comments people actually read the caption but a lot of comments are like yeah man that's big weight I'm like you like let the fuck is going on. Love me. Um.


Dr_ Placebo

Good job and you're like they love me. They really love Me. You know it reminds me of why Envy is such a bummer ah number one. It's the only of the deadly Sins. You can't have any fun at ah which I've always thought was really cool and the no no lust is great. Gluttony.



Ah, interesting. Yeah, there's not really a payoff for it right? like people use it people use it for motivation. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Lust gluttony sloth I mean that's that's like a great day as far as what I'm concerned but but like ah yeah, ah today is gluttony day. Ah but like envy day is is the worst and here's why it's extra bad though.



I Set aside days for that. Yeah yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

So it's funny because it's not that fun but also with envy we're only envying like 1 little bit a fraction of someone's life where we're not envious of the whole thing. Because if we were we would do that same shit ourselves like nobody can see in that video all of the sacrifices you were making and even at the time. Ah maybe you were self-aware enough to be like hey you know I I did this.





Dr_ Placebo

But you you guys probably don't want this in fact, ah you know like my I don't know if this is true. But for me it It was a lot of the time like my body hurts a lot. Um dude like that's probably the.



I was in so much pain. So I had to smoke during that period of time I was smoking weed every night to fall asleep I remember getting in bed and just like my body was hot. My my shoulders were throbbing like like things were throbbing.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




And I'd be lay in bed and then my my ex wifefe would be next to me and she could just feel me she' like babe go smoke some weed you need to go to sleep so just turn into a nightly I smoked weed every night for for years.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, totally I mean that's a good option as far as options go but that's what I mean about the the cherry pick Envy is like we're we're envious cherry pickers. We're like oh man look at that guy's house I'm like yeah that guy.



Just for pain relief.





Dr_ Placebo

Went to medical school. He worked 60 hour weeks and then he worked 80 hour weeks and now he finally has this big house and and and you're only going to be envy it like it's it's insane right? It's the same thing with us lifting these heavy weights we're like wow I wish I could do that I'm like no, you don't.








Dr_ Placebo

A no, you don't because otherwise you'd be doing it and B you don't understand the sacrifices that are being made here. You know it's ah it's hardly fair. But what's funny about that too is ah that's also what inflames people's desires the most like.





Dr_ Placebo

I I was honest, um, like I I was saying like hey man I I train a lot I do ah olympic weightlifting then I do gymnastics then I do a crossfit workout at the end then I go to Jujitsu and then in the evenings I do moyai for 2 hours training six days a week I'm running a business I'm a 23 year old absolute maniac investing all of my time into it and I'm like here's this workout and people are like yeah I want that too but they don't really is my point they just want like.





Dr_ Placebo

Like that Mark Twain quote a classic is something that everybody wants to have read but nobody wants to read. He's got some good ones? Yeah, all right.



Accurate. Ah I think he was ah somebody somebody called him the cause I was describing Mark Twain as someone who had never really knew much about him or read about him and and as I as I was describing.


Dr_ Placebo

And pretty sardonic guy.



They go. Oh he's probably the Joe Rogan of of that time I go you know what? I think you're probably right like that because he was he was funny. He he was he was doing a lot of writing and I yeah was kind of like comedy of that of that era I mean and and.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Um, he was a humorist that's actually the biggest humor award. We have is the Mark Twain ah prize right? There are some good ah acceptance. There are some good acceptance speeches.



Oh I didn't even know that I learned something new about Mark Twain today the more I learned about that guy the more of a fan I become just wild.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, because it's it's you know some people who are just absolute um juggernauts comedy-wise but the Mark Twain prize is like a lifetime achievement award for comedy. So you know chappee has 1 Eddie Murphy David Letterman these guys like.





Dr_ Placebo

Really? ah, really skilled at the craft of humor and what I say is humor drops the guard like Lindsay has noticed that there's basically no conversation I have with someone where I don't a try really hard to make them laugh and b. Actually make them laugh because I don't I don't want things to be serious like that's the last type of situation I want I want to have things be be lighthearted and and humor is a good way to do that.



We go it. Loosens people up, you have you use humor it loosens up the mind people get up catch people off guard willing to entertain new ideas and this is why comedy is such an important thing in society and before you we had the modern comedians you have.


Dr_ Placebo




Want to go back far enough. You got the court Jester and I think a lot of times people think about the court jester as just some fool who knows some you know can juggle and shit. But in ah some traditions you know it's told that. The jester was there to keep the king in check the gesture was the only one that could make fun of the king right? and so it was like yeah and.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? Compartmentalized you can make fun of me and you're going to do it in a way that I feel okay about it. But but when you're when you're Queen or something is like you you drink too much.





Dr_ Placebo

Or whatever he's like fuck you queen I'm the king god damn it. But when the jester is like hey Mr. King guy can I fill up your wine flask again. Oh it's already empty. What does a pre you know Dadada whatever.



Ah, yeah, yeah, you want to break out the puppy journal.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh yeah, um I think the the main thing is ah compartmentalizing on on every level like literally you put them into a compartment you have nap time. Compartmentalized you have playtime compartmentalized. You have mealtime compartmentalized like the more you compartmentalize the lives of those puppies the easier it is like they know when we're outside. It's outside time like we've had them two weeks now and we're batting like I would say 98% ah of potties outside in the same place and I feel like that's really good. We've had almost no issues. No accidents inside the house which I'm real pleased about and when it's nap time. They go into the pen and when it's food time they come out and they get their food and then we pick the stuff up and wash it out because otherwise it's going to be crawling with ants. So everything gets compartmentalized. Um shoes can't live on the floor anymore. So that has to be in a compartment has to be out of reach so it's it's forcing me to get way tighter with my organization. So I think that's a positive I mean look once again like you could look at my story from the outside in and think.


Dr_ Placebo

I'm a certain way but it's just been like a disorganized mess of an insane guy who just happened to be very ambitious and motivated right? So it doesn't just because it like worked doesn't mean I did it well like I didn't you know what? I mean.



Ah, that that resonates like so so like how did you do it I'm like don't do it the way I did it.


Dr_ Placebo

It's ah yeah, totally men. Yeah, right? But what's funny is ah like instinctually they they want to do it that way because it's a proven model and you're like no dude do do anything but the way that I did it.





Dr_ Placebo

Do absolutely anything but that but anyway ah compartmentalizing is huge I already mentioned ah demonstration is greater than explanation I think that equation pretty much rings true for just about everything.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, it really reminds you? What's important like the live like we had to take the puppies. Ah 1 of them into the vet once already to the emergency room and and it's a very binary type of thing. Yeah puppy was really. Lethargic ah pissed herself is very scary I was surprised how much I loved these little fuckers already. Ah and it was like Okay, we either relax, chill out and ah, don't worry about it or we take her to the emergency room right now. Because living in limbo of like ooh. It's kind of scary. It's kind of bad is it's almost like ah an almost emergency is the worst fucking thing ever. It's like buying fire insurance. But then worrying every day that your house will burn down and I feel like that's how a lot of people.



Um, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Live their lives. Um, you know insurance is another thing we could talk about another time but that's not really related to. We did get puppy insurance which is a fucking scam and a half. Ah oh yeah I mean you know it's.



I've never heard of that before.


Dr_ Placebo

Just like anything else. It's ah basically a probability and a fee schedule. Whatever and so if you're going to buy puppy Insurance. You probably would also be well- served to buy some extra puppy food so you have like insurance against like a shortage in puppy food supply Anyway, whatever. Not not more insurance. Ah yeah, yeah, that's actually what it is. Yeah, Ah, it's well because I looked at the fee schedule basically and I looked at like what the payment is versus what they will pay.



Is like Health insurance for puppies her Why you say it's a you say it's a scam.



Right? And like dental insurance.


Dr_ Placebo

For each ailment. It doesn't seem like a very good deal basically to me. Ah, you know they have these maximums for certain things and I didn't think those maximums were very high like I I like to have insurance.



Why did you get it.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, because it is pretty inexpensive and I have had a lot of people tell me who have had dogs that it was worth it and um, so like basically it's a gamble essentially like ah having health insurance or not um.





Dr_ Placebo

You know I I prefer to bet on myself. Basically so um, you know if there's a catastrophe great but everything else just out of pocket. Ah puppy lessons. Ah first one is what you pet you get.



Um, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Which is ah kind of like a derivative of what is rewarded is repeated So that's a big thing.



I was I my mind jumped to Monkey pox.


Dr_ Placebo

What you pet you get? Wow I Don't think they can get Monkey pox.



A greyhound got monkey pox in France recently from a couple of men who have sex with men. Um, but ah god it's a real story. Yep yep, well well you know that.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Is that a real story that you're telling me how do you know this? Wow wild.



Monkey pox narrative right now is it's it's mainly just men who have sex with men. They're not saying gay men on on the news anymore. Ah, and then and then they report oh there's there's ah 13 cases of children getting it.


Dr_ Placebo




Oh it must not be sexually transmitted. Ah and then and then there's ah, there's a dog in France who's owned by a couple of gay guys and the dog gets it and they say it's concentrated around its mouth and belly.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh boy Well boy.



So it must be from ah you know, just close contact skin to skin contact. It's not ah well we didn't ask the gender that the reporter didn't ask the gender of the dog they screwed up.


Dr_ Placebo

Maybe the dog is a homosexual I don't know it's a gay dog I don't know oh God Yeah, you should definitely not fuck your dog.





Dr_ Placebo

I didn't even need to own dogs before I knew that.



All right? all right? all right? Ah what you pat you get not Monkey box. Ok the pumpy principles.


Dr_ Placebo

Ah, so I have I have the puppy principles right? which is ah patience positivity and playfulness and I think patience is really important. It's ah it's a little creature that doesn't know english. It doesn't know the difference between what you wanted to do what you don't want it to do and you you cannot get impatient with a dog or another person you can only get impatient with yourself right? You can get frustrated with yourself that things aren't already a certain way for you. It's like ah. I say there ain't no use wishing words you know oh I wish it were like this well wish in 1 hand pissing the other and see which fills up first. Yeah yeah, so.



Ah, another way of looking at it. Well Okay, yeah I like that's that's totally different than what I was thinking. But yeah I love wishing worse there. There's like little rules like that that are really useful like if you wish it were certain way that that's leading to suffering.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo




Another something that's similar to that is people who dwell on unanswerable questions like oh why did he kill himself. Well, you're never going to be able to ask him so like that that yeah yeah, maybe.


Dr_ Placebo

Right? Oh yeah, yeah, maybe after you die I don't know.



But but the the dwelling on that question doesn't serve you at all it only causes suffering I say that because that that happened to me but like you know and so it's it's ah the but I started noticing that people that.


Dr_ Placebo

No well man like.



I would be coaching someone and they'd get. They'd be getting tripped up on an unanswerable question I go Well you know what? Why did you? You know why did I get fired. They wouldn't tell me that I'm like all right? Well why is it matter you know. If they're not telling you did I Answerable question.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, it's like why do you want to invest so much of your attention into something that you can't um, change with your actions so you have your locus of control which is monumentally small Despite. Ah, what the conventional wisdom may be like you have so little control. Ah, you don't even have control of your entire body like a lot of that shit is happening automatically so you have a super limited locus of control and yet I don't know some people.





Dr_ Placebo

Are like concerned about whether a gay dog in France has monkey pox. For example I mean that's really far outside their ability to control what's going on. So it's funny because like you're sacrificing. Yeah well, you're sacrificing your life for that and if you're doing it for.



Ah I watch I watched the news for comedy.


Dr_ Placebo

Entertainment or just idle curiosity like I Love ah listening to learning reading um shit that will maybe never benefit me in any kind of professional way likely something I can't influence but I. Go into it accepting that reality. You know what? I mean that's why I say I'm not into kink shaming like you do whatever you want if you want to hook up your nipples to a car battery. Ah you know, go with God Frankly, but don't expect that that's going to you know, improve your coaching business. Let's say you know.



Yeah, absolutely.



I I.


Dr_ Placebo

It might it might ah so we have patience number one just like ah I'm being very patient with the erratic flow of our conversation right now then we have positivity because dogs hardly understand not.. It's very related to like what you pet you get, but you can't um so for Positivity ah reinforcement is greater than enforcement and in fact, you can't actually teach a dog anything. You can only reward something they're already doing and positively reinforce that ah like you you can't teach a dog to like like you can demonstrate how to lay down but really all you can do is positively reward the stuff you want. So. Patience Positivity and then Playfulness is ah maybe more of ah a lesson for people than anything else, but dogs are so good at playing. But if they don't play enough if they don't get their energy out if they don't have that outlet. They're going to be a nightmare. Just like a person people are fucking assholes if they don't play and get some physical activity and how could you blame them right? Yeah, you have this creature who arguably has a lot more um needs sociologically than a dog.


Dr_ Placebo

And if they're not getting them. Of course they're not going to act right? They're going to act a fool so you got to? Ah I think it's good to apply these same principles to yourself because people are like puppies. You know, arguably a little more complicated but. Being patient with yourself and others remember you can't be patient with others. It's just patience within your own self right? You draw your boundary or you don't ah positivity so you don't like force yourself but you reinforce the things that you do that work out well and then that playfulness is ah. Really important for connecting with other people connecting with yourself connecting with your body you mentioned before being stuck in your head. Um, play is a really good way to do that gets people out of the ego gets people out of their head and into their body and that's. Super good medicine for the culture we live in so those are the top 3 puppy principles I have um and then I have like the the tools of the trade. Basically so the carrot and the stick in my case are ah and what's funny is. Everybody's got an idea of how you should train dogs Some some people are like you should never say no to a dog you got to feed them a vegan diet. Let them sleep in your bed. Ah and other ones are like you know these prong Callers. You can actually put a shot collar on top of that and then when you dominate them every morning.


Dr_ Placebo

They'll really listen to you and I'm like okay Jesus Christ that seems like pretty extreme on both ends but everybody has an idea of how you should train dogs just the way everybody has an idea about how exercise should work. It's quite hilarious, but I have a spray bottle of water. And then I have a bag of treats. those are the those are the core tools I have I say treats are cheats basically and because it's not ah like you don't want them to to do things just for treats. You know what? I mean you need something to positively reinforce them. But ultimately I want these dogs to be ah individual certainly but an extension of myself so I can take them off leash. They'll listen to what I say they won't run into the street that kind of shit. Um, but treats. Ah, treats in a spray bottle like the carrot and the stick it's like god Giveth in 1 hand and taketh in the other. It's quite hilarious how well it works so the spray bottle is associated with no, they don't like it and it it does get them to stop the behavior which is good and then the other thing.





Dr_ Placebo

That is ah related to something you and I talk about a lot is the semantic precision and I know that most people will make this mistake ah with dogs because they make it with themselves is they have far too extensive.


Dr_ Placebo

A vocabulary that they use with people with themselves and certainly with dogs too was just talking to a dog trainer on the phone today and I have ah I have a little command list that I wrote down in order of like the the main ones that I wanted to use. And I was thinking gosh you know if I can get them to to come and sit within like the first week I'll be rock solid and within the first week I could get them to do that and I was thinking man this is um, this is amazing I don't. I don't confuse them with too many different um bits of vocabulary has to be as clear as possible. It's just like computer programming. Basically you know you can say ah like when you reinforce something. Man. It's so funny I'm I'm talking to my brother on the phone last week and we're talking a little while and then just during the conversation I'm like good potty milo good potty and my brother just starts laughing at me. He's like you are so well lame because.



Ah, well totally. Oh yeah, you have to.


Dr_ Placebo

I Don't want to miss the opportunity to positively reinforce that Behavior. So Basically anytime they do something you like good blank. Whatever that thing is good. Come good, sit good potty, whatever and by doing that. There's no confusion. Because I know they don't know words but as long as the sound is the same. Ah, That's really, that's really the key.



Yeah I think is why some people train their dogs in another language say German is that the only time that dog's gonna hear that word is when they're being spoken to So I.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

Um, yeah.



I've heard of people doing that and that that would I think that would make the semantic precision even easier. Ah so.


Dr_ Placebo

It's a it's a greater distinction. Probably yeah.



Yeah, yeah, because they're not gonna be hearing you say it outside of when you're talking to them. Well cool art.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, it's been a really good experience. It Definitely ah rocked my world I don't have the same life Anymore. It's really super. Ah, super different I Love it. I Love Them. It's a fun time.. It's a nice. Ah. An aspect of myself I never thought I would entertain actually so it's ah the the newness is really fun. Yeah,, that's awesome.






Think it's time to wrap this bad boy up we I think we packed it with a bunch of small lessons I was thinking about our writer putting this together and should be interesting. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, well yeah, right? Um, well, you're probably the same way like ah.


Dr_ Placebo

There's that Mitch Hedberg joke where he goes I'm a comedian. So what I do is I sit in a hotel room and if I think of something funny and then I write it down or if the pen is too far away I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain't funny. So it's like.





Dr_ Placebo

If you're listening to stuff like this just keep something close by where you can jot down a note because frankly, um if you if you pick up on a little thing like I wrote some stuff down that that you mentioned because I just happen to have a pen handy.


Dr_ Placebo

It can be like 1 line from something you said might be infinitely more valuable than the entire rest of the conversation for a particular individual. So. It's really not about like the amount that you take in It's about the amount. It's about the things that like take you almost like it takes by surprise and it creates this catalyst where you're like whoa I never thought of it that way. That's really, that's really interesting like I'm going to do a silent hike I love the idea of no talking on the way up and talking on the way down.





Dr_ Placebo

I Think there's like a lot of good symbolism I Kind of like that better than just ah, ah like a silent hike and then come back and Journal later I like I like silence on the way up maybe Journal at the top and then ah talking on the way down like I.



Now meow.


Dr_ Placebo

That's something I want to set up That's probably the main takeaway I got from today. What about for you.





Dr_ Placebo

And Monkey Pucks in Gay French dogs. Obviously I mean.



Oh what do? what did I get out of today. Um I I mean I think the big thing is I just want a dog now. Yeah I have a house. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Oh shit. Well you could have one now you have a house you got a lady you're getting married soon I think right is that right? That's pretty cool. Yeah could just go down to the courthouse one day. Also.



Sometime next year sometime in 2023 we're trying to make it happen. We'll see there's things happening I've mentioned that to her but we'll see how that goes I think she's a little more attached to the wedding than I am and yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

It's what every girl dreams of baby you and me down at the courthouse random person as our witness.



Yeah, and well she she will remind me she like she's like you already had 1 of these I haven't like I yeah you right? you're right? Ah I didn't like my first one anyway, that's why I was that's I tell her it's like the first wedding sucked for me too. Anyways, so.


Dr_ Placebo

Sorry yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Um, probably feels like an obligation for most dudes.



Was hungover. Yeah I was also hung over so I was just I was just trying to keep my shit together I was I was a mess my my mid 20 s were a mess.


Dr_ Placebo

I'll do it I mean I'm sure you were just as wise I'm sure you were just as wise back then as you are today. That's why you have no regrets baby you're like I would do nothing different. I'm just as wise as I was when I was 25.



Ah, yeah, yeah, oh man? Well my my brain's still catching up so I'm just gonna say I the puppies. Want wanting a puppy myself is my big takeaway. But yeah, all my travel I've had a lot of brain fog. So memory memory is still ah come back online that seems the thing be the thing with my cognition that lags the most with it's like the first thing.


Dr_ Placebo



Dr_ Placebo

With with travel with travel specifically.



Starts going. Not my focus. Yeah, just just in general anytime my cognition takes a hit. It's usually memory is the the first thing that starts to dwindle. So yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Interesting. Well do some sudokus or something I don't know fuck.



That's probably a good idea. Ah yeah, so make sure go to Max Shank Dot Com if you want some some what he what he selling these days sell all of it up.


Dr_ Placebo

I sell it all man ah dog training dog training. Ah puppy manual on the way I don't I don't It's funny I think it is easier to train a dog than a person because a dog a dog won't come in.



Like Shas dogtraining school dot com for sure.


Dr_ Placebo

And say I haven't eaten that much food. But I keep gaining weight like this.



Well, you know they don't have 20 years of trauma before they walk in your door. Yeah.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, you know what's funny too is with that kind of thing. The solution might not be talking it out. It might just be letting it go and playing a little bit. It's very weird. Everybody's a little bit different bullshit.



Could be and not really big on talking things out. Ah.


Dr_ Placebo

Yeah, mean either as we fucking continue to talk shit for the forty third week in a row you li motherfucker I love it check out Mike Blood so Mike underscore blood cell.






Ah, that's right, that's right, all right? all right? Ah check in with us next week on Instagram yep, hit me on the Dms. Why have a conversation.


Dr_ Placebo

On Instagram for all kinds of wisdom about hunting and silence and I had fun. It was. It was nice chatting with you homie. Thank you again. Love you take care guys.



Love to bite.

Aug 25, 2022

In this episode, I talk with Jeremiah Dupin, international entrepreneur and founder of Poke Poke UAE.

Jeremiah shares with us how his experience with chronic illness led him down a path to nutrition obsession. From there we’re going into a deep dive into the nuance of nutrition.

What we eat really affects our day-to-day lives, and not enough people understand what they’re putting in their bodies, and how that affects more than just their bodies. It affects our mood, cognition, sex drive, and more.

That’s why today we’re talking about why it’s so important to understand these nuances and make the right nutritional choices that are right for each of us.

Check it out. You all are going to learn something today.

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