
The Bledsoe Show

The show formerly known as "Bledsopia" On this podcast, you’ll learn from thought leaders who are dedicating their lives to being a positive force for your physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual health. Your host, Mike Bledsoe, seeker of truth & perpetual student, spotlights premier thought leaders in the fields of emotional & intellectual expansion, behavior change, sexuality & alternative medicine that empower you with the tools and inspiration to transform your mind, body, & spirit. Every week, this is your opportunity to get downloads from exceptional people that will guide you to the connections between your own source, to live your best life & enjoy the process.
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Jun 20, 2022



I Think yeah I did one of those um inner Tube River Lazy River thing never done it before been Whitewater raft and canoeing always in Rivers never did the I'm not can hardly do shit as I let the water take me.


Max Shank

Sounds good to me.


Max Shank

The Lazy river.


Max Shank




Yeah, so it took a friend organizing it with a bunch of people who I actually like to spend time with to get me to do nothing on a river and I got out there I got out there and it was. Ah, there was a crowd it was it was like bumper boats for 4 hours in this river it's in Austin yeah south of off and Marcos and when we got there, we're like holy shit's busy and the people working there go oh hasn't gotten busy yet. So.


Max Shank

This is in Austin. Well yeah.



Anyways, yeah, that was ah that was my weekend that and barbecue and laughing with friends.


Max Shank

Lazy River is exciting.


Max Shank

I'll tell you what makes me laugh is your story about you having some very close friends give you permission to just float in a River it sounds ah like this joke about um, meditation and yoga. It's like.





Max Shank

People in None world countries need someone from a None world country to remind them that it's okay to do nothing for 20 minutes it's like you get permission to do nothing for 20 minutes with meditation class or yoga or something like that. It's like.





Max Shank

You just do nothing.



Yeah, we had a friend of her for dinner on Friday night and we talked about that which was you know talking about you know oh I got a meditation practice and I got a visualization practice and I got qi gong and it's like all these practices and talked about just. The value of not you know, getting trapped in the in the practices and the value of just sitting on the side of a lake and staring at the water and doing absolutely nothing and not worried about your posture or anything like that in just that space.


Max Shank

Well, it's like not concerning yourself with the outcome right? Like you don't you don't care if you have produced more widgets or harvested more grains right.



You know.



Yeah, it's kind of like play.


Max Shank

And that's what we're doing. That's that's like how we judge if if we're good in a lot of relationships because that's where we gain our judgments from is these relationships that we've had so we say it's good to do this. It's bad to do that and. What's interesting is how few people can balance out both and I'm speaking from my own experience as well. It's like None or the other typically and figuring out how to rive the natural cycles which is a wave.





Max Shank

Um, is super valuable. Skill no wind to float in the Lazy River and you know when it's time to climb up the mountain or dig out the gold mine or ah till the field you you go get that shit done with total focus and it. Kind of goes back to what we talked about with the the Jungle cats and the lions and predators of various kinds. It's like they they basically are in rest mode rest and recovery and form bonds with the family or focused. They're not.. They're not hurrying typically right? There's a difference between being hurried and being focused and that's what I try to do sometimes I even get it Sometimes I do it where I'm I'm just focused or relaxed and if I'm relaxed I'm.





Max Shank

I'm letting my focus diffuse into a soft glow like a lantern that you could look directly at it doesn't hurt your eyes or you can focus down like a laser pointer or a laser cutter and you can actually slice through metal with it so being able to. Lazy River or Whitewater Raft. You know that sort of thing or lantern versus laser.



Yeah, um I think back in my early days of all a not not understanding the value of the space of doing nothing and just playing with no outcome and and how much benefit that gives me on the day. Ah. When I do want to focus the ability to do so is there and I like we were saying about the the lantern and or the laser yesterday is a good example that is I did float on Saturday but yesterday my fiance.


Max Shank




So I got says I I need a lot I got a lot of work to do and I said you know what I got a lot of work to do too because I've got a summit coming up and you know there's a I've got a long list and I've got a couple podcast episodes to record this week so there's some things I need to prep for but I'm not gonna. You know it's Sunday and I know that I've got I'm working till next Sunday I don't have a day off between now I'm next Sunday and I'm going to take it easy I probably was more productive and enjoyed my work more without worrying about how much I got done that day.


Max Shank

I mean.



And yeah, it's I find that especially when I was younger a lot of time spent a lot of times spent chugging coffee and overstimulating myself for the purpose of thinking that was going to help me do something better.


Max Shank

Totally power through baby well and you'll be more good as judged by all of your peers. It's all the program that's been installed and if everything is sacrificed for the outcome.



Right here.


Max Shank

The extreme example is someone who's going to blow themselves up because the programming was so effective That's crazy so being able to draw boundaries is really what it comes back to is can you draw a boundary for space for yourself.



No no.


Max Shank

And I actually remember a conversation I had with a member at my gym once and I watched this person transform over a period of time I learned about how their work and their life goes and things like that and they were you know real high performer Worker. And her her biggest challenge was to set clear boundaries for herself to do things that were for her I mean she was give give give essentially I'll I'll get all the work done and then just pile some more on and then I'll get that done too and.





Max Shank

Always the last priority and I remember she was asking if she could drop the the personal training from her membership and just do the classes and I said look ah personal train do classes. Whatever you want to do but make an appointment for yourself every week. That you never miss Basically like you have to keep that as a priority and that's one of the reasons that personal training works is because the person is heavily invested to show up at the given time and once that billing and scheduling is all dialed in.



Yeah, yeah.


Max Shank

It makes it very easy to show up every time but if it's ah, a group membership and no one really is going to follow up if you aren't coming in there. It's a totally different Thing. So I think it comes back to drawing boundaries. Between those times where you are allowed or allowing yourself to do nothing.



Yeah, yeah, my None task on Monday mornings is to schedule out my rejuvenating activities for the rest of the week when am I going to work out when am I going to go song a cold plunge when am I going to hang out with my friends.


Max Shank




All that scheduled out None thing Monday morning before I even look at what I need to do for work that week and yeah it for me it. It requires that level of of commitment to self in order to follow through on that stuff.


Max Shank



Max Shank

Oh draw boundaries. That's why relationships don't work right? Well, that's why relationships go South is ah, people didn't draw boundaries quick enough. Basically.



But most people never do it. Yeah, didn't yeah, they just don't even consider the boundaries in the None place. Yeah, you know? Yeah, they're not even aware usually like the the boundary most people.


Max Shank




Discovered that the boundary even exists when they get mad like ah, a boundary getting crossed it it triggers anger and then a lot of times the the right? the right person to be angry at yourself. But.


Max Shank

Um, it's internalized like right.



It's projected out and blamed on someone else when you know my big thing is anytime I get angry with somebody else I check in with myself to say you know what boundary was crossed and did I communicate that boundary and most of the time I didn't and then I got.


Max Shank

Yeah, yeah.



Check out in myself. But then I go have the conversation about where my boundary is with that person and you know it's always things usually clear up after that.


Max Shank

Um, yeah, yeah, um I would I would agree I think people um often don't check their boundaries. Quick enough and hold true to those lines and it makes it very difficult. Ah, and it's kind of an ah accumulating Burden I think even and you don't really know how much you.



Now just.





Max Shank

Like resentment and blame you can start hanging onto just just because 100% your responsibility you should have drawn boundaries. That's why anytime like what you're saying oh I'm mad at this person. It's like well that's silly because. Whatever happened happened and that was possible from from back when you started that relationship right? That's that's fine. Whatever just ah, try to learn from it and this back to the thing about being focused versus hurried or.



Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Max Shank

Whatever there's a big difference between just putting all your focus onto something and being emotionally charged up about it.



Yeah, so we want to talk about today. Yeah I think we've done boundaries before.


Max Shank

What do I want to talk about I want to talk about the well. Okay, last week we talked about stuff basically which was cool. We talked about stuff. Making stuff.



I Only remember what what stuff will we talk about.


Max Shank

Um, we were talking about how come on you we were yeah but you're supposed to treasure mine forever. Whatever I say I'm sure you have like a separate diary just for the conversations that you and I have.



I've had a lot of thoughts between last week and right now and it gets cluttered. Oh.


Max Shank

I mean I know like everyone can tell that you get really excited throwing a word the round throwing around the word fiance now. So I know you got a lot on your mind. You're you're going to be this new person. You're going to be like oh well, you know now that I'm married.





Max Shank

And it's going to be just like last week when you said well now that I'm you know a little older a little wiser I think it's just going to play in to that that guru status that you've developed because now you'll be older wiser married get some kids going and then your avatar. Will be complete so you can you know really have some authority on these messages for the men who listen to us significantly long that we shouldn't even see the neck on that tank top. It should go down at least ten more inches gandalph style.



Yeah I need ah I need a longer beard too.



Now see what Ashley says about that.


Max Shank

No, we were talking about making stuff though last week like the the value of making stuff physically with your hands and there's and there's a lot of truth that is discovered when you do that because there and it kind of ties so I would tie back.



Oh oh yeah.





Max Shank

We talked about last week into the so that was the matter or the stuff and maybe we could go into the pattern of things so we could talk a little bit about vibration and rhythm and frequency if if you wanted to It's kind of a. Challenging topic to really follow, but it's um, the reason it reminded me is father's day. It was father's day and you know the word father comes from the word ah pattern and the word mother comes from the word matter. So there's.






Yeah, why say we go with that. Let's go with that. Yeah I'm I'm down to tackle the pattern conversation that sounds good.


Max Shank

Matter and pattern so it seems like a nice logical transition.


Max Shank

Yeah, so let's say we try to break it down into ah patterns of human beings which is kind of like programs of human beings. So we have that which is I would say that's the most practical level. Is the patterns of humans. Ah we also have ah Dna is a pattern and another synonym for pattern is code.



I think.


Max Shank

So you have Dna you got computer programming you got programming human beings. You got the different ah frequencies and wavelengths of things as it relates to the materials we make.



Yeah I think it's gonna be a fun topic Actually the more the more you're talking I'm thinking and yeah, this will be a full.


Max Shank

Um, you could argue that matter and Pattern are the only topics that we could discuss.



I think so yeah, everything falls under those 2 categories. That's right.


Max Shank

Stuff and not stuff like okay here here's ah, an interesting example right? We have all these forces which is the way we describe. Okay, all right? No, we're Okay, we're we're kicked.



Hang on hang on. Let's kick the show off and then get into it. Yeah I think I think we're set are we clicked I wrote the date on the top of the page. Um.


Max Shank

Okay, you took some notes.


Max Shank

I have this I have this fantasy in my mind when I see you looking down and writing something that it's like oh these like excellent notes are like a mind map or something like that or maybe a checklist of things to cover. Really you've just written your name in the date in the corner.



Um, no half the time It's the date I'm practicing spelling my name. Yeah.


Max Shank

Okay, so we'll talk about Pattern for in honor of father's day.



Yeah, yeah I said I say ah why don't you go ahead and do the intro and then we'll talk about the the membership site and then you can go into your explanation for. Father and pattern How about that and then we'll just go from there.


Max Shank

And the membership site just so I'm clear is in the beginning of the show I put my camera to expose the nipples and then when the public show starts I tilt it back up. So the nipples are ah not visible is that.



You got it. You got it? yeah.


Max Shank

Is that right? I'm a simple man I like a simple plan. My nips are only free to me but not to you.



All right? You want to kick off the intro today. All right? yep.


Max Shank

Yeah let's do it already. Ah None 2 None welcome back to Monday mornings with max and Mike Today we're gonna. Follow up what we talked about last week last week was a heck of a fun conversation about stuff matter substance working with your hands a little bit about manufacturing. It was a crazy excellent conversation. Go check it out Today. We're gonna talk about the other side. The pattern. I think it's very cool that the words mother and father are actually derived from matter and pattern and so that's what we're gonna talk about today. We're gonna talk about how pattern is present in your Dna your cell phone behaviors of human beings. And much much more and welcome welcome again. Mike thanks for sitting down with me I'm very excited and a little intimidated to tackle this topic today.



Well said.



Ah sorry I can make a bunch of bullshit up. Ah so for for those of you who who love this show.


Max Shank

I Don't like it for the record folks I don't like when he does that.



Ah, but for um, all we we decide to open up the membership site and we're gonna be posting exclusive content. There's a conversation that always happens previous to this show today's show we had 16 minutes and 55 seconds of content. Of us figuring out what we were going to talk about. But of course we can't help ourselves from delivering gold at every moment. So if you yep, None nipples on the preshow. So do that one.


Max Shank

There were also 2 nipples on the pre-show in case that matters I don't know why why should people do that one like what are they going to get out of that. Are they going to get some more interaction with us.



1 maybe it's exclusive content for now we're going to see where it goes. Yeah well I had a guy.


Max Shank

Just exclusive content I Think yeah, we should see what people want though also because I could see ah I could see something really cool forming out of this So I just want to serve our our customers The best way I can.



Yeah I had a guy ah on Instagram Atx window tent and clean. He sent me message it and said he would donate for more podcasts with me and you so um, what I want to do is we're gonna set it up. It's not set up. As of today. But if you're listening to this what I'm Goingnna do is I'm going to create a link on the So if you go to there. There's going to be a place where you can sign up for this and it's gonna be pay what you want so it's donation based anywhere between a dollar and $5000000 ah.


Max Shank

Love it.



And we'll set up a we'll make it a monthly subscription and as long as you're.


Max Shank

Are we sponsored by Austin Tint and window by the way atx tint and window.



You know we may mention him more depending on the size of his donation or her donation I'm not sure if it's a man or woman. So I the this.


Max Shank

So wait. So wait, you're telling me they can pay what they want and we don't even really know what they're going to get yet. We know they're going to get exclusive content. There's no question. You're going to hear words there that you won't hear anywhere else but there might be even more than that is what you're saying So it's like.






Well well part of this yeah part part part of this. Well the thing is the people that are going to donate to the show. They're going to contribute funds to make sure that this show keeps happening because you know what it takes a couple hours out of max and I week


Max Shank

Ah, bonus price Mystery box That's incredible.



And you know we got to keep the lights on and all that. But ah yeah, so the people.


Max Shank

Well you vote with your dollars too I'm I'm a big fan of that. So if you like really want more of something then you know that's that's the only way you can really influence it I say that in your whole life too. You know, buy what you like.



Yeah, yeah, spend money where you want things to improve So Ah so for one if you enjoy the show and you just want to Contribute. It's a great way to do it. You're also going to get exclusive content And. Ah, you are going to have the loudest voice out of everyone who has an opinion about what we should be doing So We're more likely to listen to those who are donating the most amount of money So That's all that's all on that So we'll get that set up I've got a summit coming up this weekend. So.


Max Shank

Very exciting.



My team is completely distracted with things that they think is important so that I can do the show. But.


Max Shank

It must have taken a lot of ah instruction to organize all those people together for a summit. He segwayed perfectly because someone has to orchestrate.



Instruction. Um, yeah, yeah, there's a ah lot of direction.


Max Shank

Someone has to orchestrate the code for getting that job done and if you think about the Pattern. So the bread. The the dough is the stuff. The recipe is the pattern. The sperm is the pattern. The egg is the stuff. Matter mother Pattern father. So It sounds like you are the father of this event because you have determined the structure of its organization.



Yeah, we create this structure and then I brought in a lot of speakers who are going to contribute so they they bring a lot of stuff and I organize it and I time it I announce it I create a container.


Max Shank



Max Shank




So it's a container of time so it starts at a certain time ends at a certain time we we do have a frequency of of time in between so this speaker starts here ends there. There's also a consideration for what type of content is gonna presented it. Be presented in what order to make the most sense so that we can stare step people through a series of understanding. So while I also have no idea what the speakers are going to say like I I know their topic but I and I know they're good because almost all of them been in the industry for twenty plus years


Max Shank

Right? right.



So I know it's going to be good I Just don't know what exactly that content's going to be and that's actually a lot of fun for me.


Max Shank

And that's the that's the practical side of patterns. That's the most practical side of patterns because most of our interactions are with people or or with stuff but usually with people I would say unless you're just specifically with materials and.



Um, yeah art.


Max Shank

That's what teaching is it's basically ah, it's like the least substantial thing there is is pure instruction because there's no stuff being transferred. There's only code. Being transferred.. There's only the pattern that is being sent to another person.





Max Shank

But that's what drives people and the bible is a program. The constitution is a program these are patterns. These are these have their own ah force and vibration to them right.



What I'm glad you bring that up.


Max Shank

When it comes to the way that humans interact and behave and you take that plus it's like that plus Dna those are the None intersecting patterns that sort of weave together and you could I don't know I think the nature versus nurture argument is the wrong. Perspective I think it's nature and nurture and it's all the same kind of.



Yeah, and and everything you were just saying right there and we look at the patterns that have had the longest staying power. So like we talk about the bible or christianity. It's a pattern that has had really long staying power a lot of other religions have fallen by the wayside.


Max Shank

Relative to other human religions. It's had incredible staying power.



And yeah, yeah, now the the patterns you talk about nature versus nurture. But what I one of the things that I've found to be ah, really powerful is studying the patterns of nature and then either mimicking that.


Max Shank

Then oh.



Or if we're going to be working with nature which we always are is how do we harness that if you try to create a structure that is not in alignment with nature. You're going to be. You're going to lose that battle and so there is and I think it creates some.


Max Shank

I will know.



Difficulty so one of the ways I like to think about patterns and frequencies and I think about frequencies specifically and I like to start at the macro and work our way down to the micro and then when we do that I think people really start getting an understanding of how the universe works. And this was pointed out to me by a guy named Daniel Schmackenberger he explained it to me and I go huh that act that that's in person in person. He explained it to me.


Max Shank

Um, did he explain it to you in person. What an interesting character that guy is I've listened to a few of his things and he's a very interesting cat. But.



He used to live down the street from us and I probably had a sit down with him every three months when I was living in Socal and we jammed and the guy. The guy is one of the most intelligent people I've ever met. Um, but ah, we were talking about seasons and cycles and.


Max Shank

Um, about that. Yeah.



And lunar and solar and we look at the yeah we look at the pattern and we look at the patterns of nature. We look at patterns of the universe and the the None one the one that's easiest for us to all be aware of is probably the lunar cycle. So.


Max Shank

There's a pattern.



Or the 4 seasons. Um, these are both cycles the 4 seasons all happen in an annual basis. It gets hot it cools off. It gets really cold. It gets warm. It gets hot. It does that ah to.


Max Shank

So like the days and the moons. Ah, and the years are easy are like easy to notice. Outwardly.



They're easy to notice and so you have the lunar There's you know about thirteen lunar cycles in a year. Um some may ah some do argue that the fact that we have twelve months in the year and we have 13 lunar cycles is actually fighting nature a little bit. And we might be better off if we had a little bit different system. But this thing is pretty ingrained the gregorian calendar. Ah we have the lunar cycles which are which are monthly and then inside of that they're really the the weekly cycle Monday through Sunday is.


Max Shank

Oh man. Yeah, we.



I don't really see anything demonstrated in nature that seems like to me a very human construct to divide up those 28 ish days ah between lunar cycles and we want to like look all the way back through history. Yeah into weeks.


Max Shank

into into weeks um I don't know what the origin of the week is actually is kind of an interesting question.



And days are obvious the the daily cycle the sun comes up the sun goes down and I have no idea I mean somebody Dm me let me know and the.


Max Shank

We're just we're gonna trust your dude. Okay, this is why you are not in charge of the fucking research department I'll wait for the None direct message on Instagram to give me the answer and then I just get a fucking go with that you you lunatic speaking of moon.



Ah, no I need a starting point I need a.


Max Shank

That's where the luna lunatic comes from fucking lunatic. Yeah, so just Dm your effect that's like slightly less reliable than Wikipedia.



I. Well no I want to I want to I want the people in the audience to participate in the process of us finding information. They said it to me I'll I'll still verify it I'll look it up but I I'm gonna let someone initiate. So um.


Max Shank

Ah I'm just kidding I Love Wikipedia. Okay, so we have ah we have years we have moons so we have solar year we have moons. Let's forget about weeks. Let's go straight to heartbeats from there so we got year.



So about.



That's ah, that's where I was. That's where we're going is That's exactly what I've written down. Actually we're on the same page but it gets down to you get up and go to sleep. You have a Circadian rhythm you have a hormonal.


Max Shank

Moon day heartbeat.



Ah, rhythm throughout the day based on the sun coming up sun going down moon coming out all these things and then yeah it it comes down to heartbeat brain waves brainwave frequencies and so yeah.


Max Shank

Which is a lot faster because hertz is the way we measure frequency and hurts is calculated in cycles per second. So if something is it and I think we have the ability to hear things between oh gosh. Ah. 1 d-ish hurts to None something around there so we have a pretty big. There's ah, there's a great thing um to visualize the spectrum of frequencies but just remember that hurts is in cycles per second so your heart. Ah.



I should know that.


Max Shank

It beats once every second so cycles per second would be like 1 basically right.



Once a second. Yeah.



You know? Yeah, so we have all these different frequencies and None of the one of the ways reasons I like to think about frequencies in this way is because it allows. Me to see more clearly how I'm connected to the entire universe it. It reduces the amount of separation that I'm perceiving and whole with it. Yeah and I'm tuned into it once I learned this I I got a lot better about going down with the sun and coming up with the sun and.


Max Shank

You feel more whole with it. You feel more part of it.


Max Shank




My health improved and all sorts of things. So I like that the idea of talking about the micro macro to the micro and the pattern is always present. There's nothing that we can observe that doesn't have it and it's not participating.


Max Shank

Yeah, there's a great little chart if you type in em spectrum into Google images you can find ah a really nice little visual aid I think it's really important.



Em spectrum.


Max Shank

Yeah, just type in em spectrum into Google and hit images and that'll show you ah you know on the 1 hand when you have ah something like the visible light spectrum and then.





Max Shank

You go beyond above it. You have ultraviolet spectrum and then you have infrared so below what we can see and there's all this stuff happening and the way to tie it all together and simplify it in my mind is to say that vision.





Max Shank

Doesn't show you everything. That's there. It just shows you? What's important and there but there's so much stuff vibrating everywhere and everything's got its own um frequency to it and that goes all the way down like. Most watches are set with a quartz crystal actually because it vibrates at a certain frequency and I think ah the way an atomic clock works is with something like caesium.



Everyone's cell phone has a quartz crystal in it.


Max Shank

And so you think here's this this like bunch of stuff like a crystal but it's got this frequency that it's emitting from it all the time.



Man I spent hours talking about crystals on Saturday night with some friends. The I think we might open up a crystal shop here in Austin the next the next business venture. You think it'll be good I think we could we could pull.


Max Shank

I Think if you focus on it. It will be I think if you focus on it. It'll be awesome and if you ah, don't try that hard then it depends on who you partnered with.



All right? Yeah I'm I'm looking for solid partners for crystal shop here in Austin Texas.


Max Shank

I Like talking about crystals too but not with people who only know the esoteric side of Crystals I need someone to like bridge the gap between the physics and the more esoteric kind of philosophical Astro astrology because.



Boy Yeah I have a friend.


Max Shank

I'm I'm hip with it and I I like to know what's really going on in there.



Well, both sides are really nice I What are my buddies he used to be in the crystal business and and he can talk about how the crystal in your phone works and tie that into more of the esoteric as well and so he can He spans the whole thing I'm gonna have him on the show.


Max Shank

You gotta work them together.


Max Shank




Here in the next month or so and I don't know if we'll talk about Crystals because he's an expert in other things as well. But maybe we'll cover that for everybody.


Max Shank

Yeah I have a friend actually who I have a friend who his whole ah career. Basically right now is studying crystals so his his equipment that he has available in the lab is so tight that he can actually fire a neutron beam. To see really really tiny crystals of proteins to make for pharmaceuticals so his whole job is like trial and error. Let's let's throw some fucking heat and some of this over here and he's basically in a laboratory and then firing a little beam. Neutrons to look at the shapes to see if they're going to be able to bind or unite ah with other molecules in the body. It's it's really fascinating and you look at how all of those different interactions are things usually have a charge like positive or negative. And they often will also have a ah conforming shape and you can take that all the way down. It's it's easy to get lost with how many branches that you can take this down in terms of the energy transformation because that's really all we're doing is we're taking. Energy and we're transforming it into some other type of energy. That's really what family is about. You're taking energy from outside and then you're adding it to the family fungus is doing that we're doing that Orca are doing that. Basically you're trying to assimilate more energy and grow. Size of your empire ants fungus us and yeah and ah different creatures do it in different ways like ah in the life of a mycelium fungus that's slowly branching out a myceoleal network.



Simulate organize create a structure with that energy divert that energy.


Max Shank

They don't really budget time for ah like deviance and pleasure and vacations and things like that and we we do. We have all this crazy stuff Beyond grow the family but that's the that's the prevailing pattern because.



Yeah, yeah.


Max Shank

If you don't have that then that branch of the family tree cuts itself. So you you almost have it's why religions kind of follow the same thing Thou Shalt have no other gods before me because this has to be the foundation of your pattern of your programming.





Max Shank

Right? You can't like just pick and choose oh hey like you know you hindus. That's pretty cool but I like steak So I'm not going to go with this crew and you Christians are great but I want to eat pigs or you know whatever they don't like that doesn't it doesn't have the same um unity. It doesn't have the same.





Max Shank

Ah, resonance and harmony of the the the vibration there isn't it interesting that they also sing every Sunday that that's a big thing is singing together. We got to get back to that though.



Yeah I. Yeah, yeah I notice having interacted heavily with the new age spiritual Community and I I've never really considered myself new age. But the. The new age Spiritual Community is interesting because it does feel like a lot of the people in that community are adopting they're picking and choosing. They're cherry picking things from different religions and then creating their own little thing but it really does lack a foundation that I.


Max Shank




I Think that the that community it feels very wishy-washy feels very too flowy to there's there's some people in in this community that are very popular and when they post things and when they talk about things. Sounds very flowery. But I don't know exactly what they mean and I don't think they know what they mean either.


Max Shank

Oh you mean like a flower like that thing that is designed to attract I'm not surprised.. The only thing we can possibly get is people being little flowers. There's no way. We you? you can't rise above the noise unless you make yourself into a pretty flower like you know you could tell people the truth is like look um there there are a lot of tools out there that we can use and you don't really know what the.





Max Shank

Potential benefit and potential cost of those tools is you? You don't really know how those tools can be used. You don't know the pattern or the code of how to put those tools to the best use and that's also what coaching and instruction is it's how to get the most out of those tools. So. The recipe for bread the recipe for making ah semiconductors and computers and automobiles. Ah what is that without the instructions. It's just stuff without the the instructions to put it all together. It's just stuff. Dna same thing. It actually determines where the protein is going to go where the collagen is going to get laid down. It's insane ah to try to like differentiate those 2 things because.





Max Shank

What is the stuff without the the movement of the stuff. What I mean there's there's nothing. That's perfectly still is kind of ah a weird ah trip to think about and I think a lot of that um can be described by like. Atomic structures as we understand it like the density of the packing of the atomic nuclei and the lattice work that they take ah see this. We're like way too far outside of my understanding but basically things are packed much tighter. When they are more denser so you have a ah gal you have ah an air compressor. You can compress the air and actually shove more into that same space and then as you get harder and harder Materials. There's less and less give that you can shove into that same space.



Yeah, yeah.





Max Shank

And that's also why in order to have a faraday cage which doesn't let ah electromagnetic radiation in it has to be made out of metal. It can't be made out of wood because it can get through because wood is less dent like how crazy is that when you think about it because the wood is still solid.





Max Shank

But the reason you need it to be metal is because of the closeness of the lattice of those atoms. So. There's actually less space than usual and then with air with wood with metal. Tungsten Plutonium All that other stuff it's because it's more and more tightly packed and that's that's also um, how nature patterns itself pretty much if you look at a tree and a set of lungs. It starts out with a big pipe. And then it splits and splits and splits into little branches and ah leaves and branches branches little capillaries alviolles and things like that. So you're trying to maximize the ah surface area right? It's like giving yourself more.



Yeah, yeah.


Max Shank

Ah, relationships with the environment.



But that Pattern works best with the planet Earth for the exchange of of air of Oxygen carbon dioxide. Whatever it is whatever the exchange of these molecules are and when you're talking about Oxygen Carbon dioxide. It's no. A mystery why the lungs in the tree look very similar. It's just a shit works. Um, yeah.


Max Shank

Gas exchange happening all the time and that's a pattern that's a relationship between those 2 inhale exhale without algae and trees. We'd all be dead.



Very true. The I want to break this down and into and a 4 different quadrants. So I'm I'm a big fan I've I've talked about before of Ken Wilbur's a call map a qal so if you Google a cap a q a l space. Map then you'll get an idea of what I'm you'll get a visual of what I'm talking about here and so it's ah the upper quadrant is the individual the lower half of the quadrant is the collective. The left side of the quadrant is the interior or the inside and the. Right side of the quadrant is the exterior. So if we go to the upper left hand quadrant what we're looking at is the interior self. So if we want to look at I really like talking about this map because it allows us to break down a topic as big as something like patterns into something that. We can look at and step by step and talk about it so to really simplify what's happening in the upper left hand quadrant which is the interior of self I really think about that as like thoughts and feelings your thoughts and your feelings. It's your internal world and there's patterns there. And so we have emotional patterns we have thought patterns and we have psychoemotional patterns where the thoughts and emotions have a pattern between the 2 of them. You have an emotion then there's a pattern of making meaning of what that emotion means and then. That can cycle cycle cycle so we have psycho emotional patterns that we need to be aware of and the certain certain things trigger those different patterns and it could be something like father's day something could get someone thinks about father's day and. The pattern may be celebration feeling really good make it mean call your dad that day. So I like to think about no.


Max Shank

I'm sure that's everybody's pattern.


Max Shank




But but the ah but I like look what do what? you think about the Psycho emotional patterns. What have you noticed and learned about that.


Max Shank

So I think of it in a pretty simple way as people repeat what gives them a predictable result. Not even what gives them? ah an excellent result just a predictable one. So that's basically what a pattern is is.






And people people do seek predictability. There's ah, there's a lot of people. They do ah a lot of.


Max Shank

There's predictability to it. So it's why people prefer people prefer the ah ah familiar pain to the unknown.



Yeah I've worked with a lot of people who they they came to me and there's something in their life. That's not working I mean that's that's really the the job of a coach is we work with people who they want something to be different in their life and. They want to change it and usually it's the the individual is trying to change something externally in order to create a different internal experience and a lot of times what we got to do.


Max Shank

Which can work.



Which can work but which does work which we can get into because we can talk about Environmental patterns. Ah.


Max Shank

Because a pattern is a relationship with your environment. There's a relationship within yourself which is kind of what you're talking about. But you're never in a vacuum. You know you take someone out of their existing environment and you put them into a different one and suddenly all their aches and pains go away.



Yeah, yeah.


Max Shank

Worked with this guy joint pain everywhere everything hurts ah instead of being in Boston at home. He goes down to Florida on vacation none of his shit hurts and it's like well why do you think that is like you have to explore what it is about that environment that you're that you have unresolved.



Yeah, yeah.


Max Shank

That your body is like essentially crying out because your ah pain is basically your brain saying ah not like this. That's all just not like this.. It's not ah, it's not. Ah, like bad.. It's not Shameful. It's not good. Sometimes it's incorrect where where you feel it isn't necessarily where the resolution is going to be Found. It's just a nonspecific signal that says not like this if you do it a different way. Maybe so.



Right? just.



Yeah, yeah, yeah, so people at that spot on it pain is just ah, always talk about pain as a teacher. It's it's trying to teach you something and most people just sit in the pain because it is ah familiar.


Max Shank

But not like this.


Max Shank

Um, familiar I.



And people feel safe even in when it's painful. They'd rather feel if they feel safe in pain. They'll take that over you know the uncertainty and freedom and the a lot of times people want. You know who have been focused on changing something in their external environment even that they're not even really willing to make too many external environment changes because of what's happening internally of what that might mean for them and so yeah chicken of the egg. Yeah, and so if.


Max Shank

Um, that's a chicken or the egg type of situation too. Um.



If you've been beating your head on 1 way of making change and changing a pattern you may want to look at something else. So if you've been trying to change something environmentally or you've been trying to change your physical body and it's not working. Maybe you need to look at the internal body or you need to look at your relationships with people instead of just the environment.


Max Shank

And some people thrive on incremental change and some people thrive on radical change and is different for everybody you know, ah a lot of a lot of times where you make a leap forward in what you might call progress.



And so.



That's that's very true.


Max Shank

Because you took a giant leap toward a different environment or a different ah day-to-day Pattern It can be incremental or it can be radical.



Yeah, yeah, so a lot of times these these internal patterns if we can shift those there might be ah emotions that we're making mean something with our thoughts and then that keeps us from maybe moving from Boston to Florida.


Max Shank




You know I I remember coaching one woman at this point and she she did not want to be working her job. She's like I do not like my job I want to get out of my industry I don't want to do this at all. But I'm not good at anything else. That was the story that she had. She had this internal story of yeah, that's the pattern. Yeah, and so it once we got to a point where she and she made really good money is is.


Max Shank

That's the pattern. That's some software. Yeah.


Max Shank




We had to really sit down and and break down is it worth the you know is it worth possibly a lifestyle change downward which by the way is one of the people just don't do it once they hit a certain level of lifestyle coming back down that is incredibly difficult. Um, if you're used to living off $200000 a year and now I'm gonna ask you to live off $100000 a year people I I would I would have a very hard time with it people freak out wouldn't they just don't know how to do it. It's pretty much stuck there. But um.


Max Shank

Tell you? what though they would figure it out if they had to and I can I can guarantee that you know what I love speaking of patterns. So a prison that's that's a series of matter and patterns woven together to keep people inside.



They would fake Always do always do.



Um, yeah.


Max Shank

Designed by allegedly pretty smart people and guys still escape. So prison is full of the criminals who got caught so arguably the dumbest of the criminals because a smart criminal is still outside of the Jail That's what prisons do.





Max Shank

They put all the dumb criminals in Jail to leave the really clever ones out of Jail so they can have the easier pick of what's left. But if you take the smart architects who are putting together this box those really smart guys. But the level of desire to be free of that Burden seems to supersede all of that technical Expertise All of the guards all of the stuff I mean it's what doesn't happen a lot but it still happens.



Yeah, yeah, there's I mean if if you just study what's happening in the prisons right now not even escape but Gangs drugs. There's basically there's nothing but illegal activity happening in the prisons and the you know.


Max Shank

Gangs gangs.


Max Shank

Yeah, how could you stop it.



Ah, the stated the stated intent is for them to not be to not experience that. But yeah, you're basically just concentrating a bunch of people who got caught and ah will continue to do things.


Max Shank

Well I mean the prison system is a bad pattern. Um, because it it maximizes for ah, shame and isolation but not actually for compensation to the fucking victim of the crime.. The only thing we should care About. It does nothing for.. Ah.



Yeah, yeah, I mean if if somebody violates.


Max Shank

It's like it's like it's like okay so a crime was Committed. What are we going to do are we going to help out the victim. No What we're going to do is we're going to take a little bit of everybody's money including the victims and then we're going to take the bad man to a bad place so he can. Get really isolated and angry at everybody and probably link up with a murderous gang. Ah, That's what we're going to do I'm waiting for the punchline but there it's there's nothing. There. Yeah.



Yeah, that's a very poor social pattern. So so I mean that's that's the that's the inside of you know of culture right? culture is the inside How we how we pattern our so our society. So.


Max Shank

Right? Well how you discipline how you discipline society right? because Rule rule is the threat and discipline is the act right? So if you if the culture.



The criminal Justice system.


Max Shank

Is in a bit of a dysfunctional abusive schizophrenic relationship with its policing of Behavior. Do you think that naturally a lot of people would do the same thing internally so that internal or pattern of how you ah Govern or police. Or discipline your own behavior whether you do it with blame and shame and isolation of that part of you versus acceptance and learning and reeducation of that party right? It's like you're putting the same experience through a very different.





Max Shank

Filter which I mean look the way we make Filters is really really tinier and tinier Meshes just like a net a water filter and a net that you catch fish with the the main difference is the size of the openings.



Yeah, well, it's interesting when I think about these patterns I think about how they begun or began begun began and um these these patterns are fractal in nature so they usually started off as. They always start off as something small if we look at the pattern of humanity and um, there were not that many people on this planet five hundred years ago if you if you went to Paris France Five hundred years ago there weren't that many people there. I mean it was big for its time but compared to now it was just so tiny but all the rules all the ideas about how society should be governed stem from that time and.


Max Shank



Max Shank

From France five hundred years ago or from the greeks like two thousand ish years ago like de ah when was democritus.



Well yeah, you keep going for their back but I'm just using people can I think people I think people can possibly like if we don't go too far back. But yeah you you keep going further and further back you go to the greeks you go to the hebrews you go to the Egyptians and you you follow the the thread.


Max Shank

Right? I for an eye you follow the thread which is interesting because it's like um how they did history for a while was through these tapestries and they would actually tell a story through the the chain.








Max Shank

So it's it's really funny ah connection I made the other day and there are too many word puns to follow, but the funny connection I made is that a link is one connection and a chain is multiple connections in sequence Dna multiple connections in sequence. So that's a big difference. Um. In how those connections work together. Ah um, a chain is many connections. A matrix is also a different orientation of many connections and so different elements have different structures. That are more matrix-like or more chain-like like for example, long chain fatty acids that sort of thing so there are these um, different ways that we connect to things and a lot of it like you said tracing the thread. Back that's what we try to do. We're trying to go back and figure out where those connections started being made and the further back you go. It's none becomes None None becomes 2 None becomes 3 3 becomes all things that was in the dao two thousand years ago that's a pattern that a guy wrote down and we still can't ah absorb it. We can regurgitate it we can bounce it around. We can modify it but all those all those written things left a pattern and that is I think the story of. Human supremacy when you get right down to it. It's the fact that we were able to accumulate written knowledge and access it really quickly so you can take I mean right now on Youtube there's a thing learning about how materials are put together. Ah, Youtube channels called us auto industry and they take you through hydraulics and gears and aerodynamics and drag and they take you through all of these different things. The videos are super crystal clear simple and it's like you took that expert. His whole life and synthesized it into 10 minutes but those 10 minutes were based on generation after generation after generation of patterned ah accumulation of knowledge. So it's like ah, an external brain so we could. Ah, decode for later just very similar to Dna. It's basically a code for making a car or Dna is like a code for making proteins. But it's all it's all based on our ability to keep a record of it and a Dna of course is a living record.



Yeah, well I think about what you were saying with written. Ah we have records written and up until what one hundred years ago most people were were illiterate and a small percentage of the population could even read. So only a small percentage of population had access to understanding and not only that the books that they had access to they usually existed in a university and so there was ah a highly It was a high concentration of knowledge that. People studied that were dictating society and then about one hundred years ago literacy started to really take hold and you know because they talked about the printing press but the printing the printing press it preceded literacy without the printing press. There wouldn't be literacy but the technology. Ah. Of there being an abundance of books caused the human mind to go be curious about that enough to study how to read to learn it and now we fast forward.


Max Shank

Printing press I think that was a big thing for the gutenberg bible right.



Yeah, and I think the I think the benefit of back then was there was a limited amount of things that you could consider and you didn't have to look. You didn't have to sift through as much to go back to the beginning. Or as far back to the beginning as you could now we pull out our phone and there's videos and everything that have trapped us in what's happening right now. The the average American Yeah, the average. Yeah yeah, it's not right now right now it's it's they're sucked into.


Max Shank

Somewhere else though.



What's happening. Well no way that they're they're they're considering what's happening today. What is happening today that matters.


Max Shank

Ironically, it's a portal to anywhere else than here and now that's what's funny because you're saying it's like they're looking what's happening now elsewhere but ironic you're right? But it's also kind of ironic because you're looking for anything else.



Yeah, but the yeah my point is that time the time consideration is is so short like what happened last week doesn't matter anymore. It only all that matters is today and people are so people are so yeah.


Max Shank

But here and now.


Max Shank

Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay so that's insanity. That's insanity full on insanity.



People people are so engrossed they have so much data coming in about what matters today in the whole world that they think they should yeah they don't have boundaries but that person is totally ingrossed andgross in what's happening now doesn't have the opportunity to look back in history.


Max Shank

Because they can't draw boundaries.



To go back and say how was consciousness formed. How did we come to these considerations. What actually is science. There is.


Max Shank

Well think of the usefulness of code and the usefulness of 24 hour news it is antithetical so a book is code a person is the computer Basically that runs that code. And so if you want something to be organized. It should be organized by outcome or by subject or by material. But if you have it organized by what the fucking pricks are talking about on the Tv today. That's the worst organization possible and it's very difficult to get any kind of good information out of that and you're going to be basically putting out your own schizophrenic psychological fires because you're like oh my god didn't realize what was happening in Serbia and then the next week you're like oh my god I didn't realize what was happening in. South Africa and then you're like oh my god I didn't realize what was happening to the veterans and then pretty soon you're whipped up into this frenzy where you're upset about everything but you can't do anything about it and it makes you feel so disconnected because. What you're aware of your radius of awareness and your radius of control are so far apart and that goes back to why working with stuff with your hands even just moving stuff around like moving weights around with your hands that'll make a big difference. It'll connect you to reality.





Max Shank

Go climb a tree. Go take a walk Boom you're immediately connected into reality into moving your body locomotion or projectiles moving other stuff and if you are if you're just whipped into this frenzy because you know people are trying to program other people. It's all we do. In fact.



Um, yeah.


Max Shank

Pretty much as we try to program other people. Ah usually with the best of intentions too like I'm sure there are None of people who think school is like a good idea and and I just don't but that's fine. Yeah yeah, they they probably want people to like.



Yeah, their heart's in the right place You think it's best for the kids. Well people also think that it's um, ah just they they think I think a lot of people they go Well I did it so it must be good. So other people should do it I mean that's.


Max Shank

Behave themselves and like get married and like kept.


Max Shank

Um, well and that's even a different thing like it. It's like hazing.



That's big in the military of like I'm looking at the training and I go this doesn't really make sense. We're not really optimizing for getting better at our job. They're like well this we we went through it and no I'm like all whatever.


Max Shank

Sometimes things are done a certain way because it really is the best way and sometimes things are done a certain way literally just because that's how they've been doing it and no one can imagine a different no one even tries to imagine a different way.





Max Shank

You know and that's why you don't want to fight things Anyway, speaking of patterns when you fight something you immediately create a counterforce even if you punch the shit out of that thing upon that connection of your fist and that fucker's face. There's a counter force going right back into your fist and then more. Metaphorically speaking you're going to create a counter response to your active opposing Force. So That's why it's always better to obsolete than to fight if you have the option.



Yeah I was reading a book yesterday that was talking about that is the the the people who are censoring are fighting. They're really fighting decentralization but censorship creates the necessity for decentralization and. You know Twitter Facebook Instagram they're trying to fight misinformation but the harder that they tried to fight misinformation with censorship the more prolific decentralization becomes because people start getting they start leaving the platform to go.


Max Shank

It's natural. It's like cat and mouse. It's like it's natural cat and mouse evolution. The cat evolves longer claws. The mouse gets smaller and more clever. Ah same kind of idea right? You have hackers and then you got people who work in.



To go to something That's not a platform. Yeah.


Max Shank

Ah, software security which of course are also hackers. But they're basically like 1 upping each other all the time just the way that creatures have seemed to ah grow and evolve and fork out into these different sort of test branches almost.



Now. Yeah.


Max Shank

So it's better to obsolete and speaking of the patterns like we were talking about. Ah, it's hard to recognize which of the programs coming in are important and not important a lot of the time I think that can be a real challenge.



Um, yeah, well that's a pattern too. The things that you're filtering what's important and not important so fast that it's it's built up over the years of life that you go.


Max Shank

Most everything is ah like not important that.



This is this is important. Not important people decide really quick and they miss opportunities really great opportunities all the time just pass right by them. There's there's this thing called the reticular activating system are familiar to ah Ras. Okay.


Max Shank



Max Shank

No, but I'd like to be.



You probably are you just probably don't know by name and it's it's if I start if I go out and buy a red truck. What am I going to see on the road all the time a red truck. Yeah, we prime we primed the system.


Max Shank

Okay I do know what you're talking about.



For now seeing red trucks because red truck has become very important to me I just spent $50000 on a red truck and I love this thing and I have this emotional connection to it and so now I start seeing them everywhere so the same thing happens with ah.


Max Shank




People and their patterns is they they notice patterns and make things important only because that's always how it's been, but you can you can intentionally change the pattern of your mind through things like mantras or by by having a conversation with someone else who can create. Help create a possibility for you. You have a conversation you and I have a deep conversation about a topic and the next thing I know I'm meeting people who can help me with this opportunity. Maybe you and I have this business idea and all of a sudden people start coming through that can contribute to this business idea. And that's the that's the ah Ras and that's most people's ah Ras is really just running the same program all the time they're noticing the same things that no purple cows. Yeah, but if you can.


Max Shank

No purple cows. You're just seeing normal stuff.



Intentionally go in there and tinker with the pattern of how you think which is fairly easy then you can start seeing new opportunities.


Max Shank

You know what's wild is the only reason you can see anything at all is because of Pattern recognition your your eyes just giving you a very um surface level reflection of photons that have bounced back and each.





Max Shank

Color has a different ah frequency to it and you have different Organs rods and cones in your eye that decipher those and eventually it does create this image but the only reason that image means anything is because of Pattern Recognition. So if you um. Try to like if you kind of simplify it down if you see a wall of triangles and then one square in there, you're going to be like whoa. That's ah, that's a little weird. You're going to be like what's that square doing in this wall of triangles and vice versa and that's why as you get to be ah like to have more simple type of vision like a lizard. Ah, many Lizards at least they can't really see stuff unless it moves and that's why they say that the eye is attracted to movement and when you start getting into the neuroscience of Vision. It's It's a deep deep Rabbit hole. In understanding the patterns around you but it just shows you once again, what it's useful to show you so you can find the banana and not get eaten by a tiger or a hawk or something like that.



Yeah, well is where something where psychedelics get really interesting. Take a couple hits of acid and you start noticing what it what acid one of the things it does lsd it. It starts creating new connections in the brain. Usually the neural connections are going between the None shortest points between the None and that's one of the things that creates the pattern of attention. Yeah, and mushrooms do this lsd does this but it starts the.


Max Shank

Um, just like fungus and most things most things yeah water.



It starts connecting parts of the brain that have never been connected before and even there's this thing called I think it's Synestasia where you can see colors or or taste sounds yeah see music and um, but yeah, yeah, bet.


Max Shank

He see music. Yeah sounds cool I've never experienced that myself I would love to see music I mean I've seen like us.



And you've never seen music.


Max Shank

Ah I've seen us use pretty cool tools to turn sound waves into vibrating Sand or lasers or sine waves or.



Um, there was a day I had I was on 2 hits ass and maybe 4 somewhere in there and um, sometimes I heard to tell what you took I was listening to music and I was looking at this picture.


Max Shank

It's another reason why you're not the research department hard to know if it was 2 or 4 Okay, so don't go to Mike for the recipe. Okay I'm not sure if it's one tablespoon of baking soda or one cup I don't know.



Ah. Whatever same thing. Ah so but I'm looking I'm looking at a painting and with each beat of the meat of the music. The colors are changing and the music and the painting are interacting and the painting's actually not that colorful. There was maybe.


Max Shank

It's not the same thing.



3 or 4 colors total but colors were changing and then there were images that were they were appearing that I didn't notice before but you could also go hiking out nature and then it disrupts the patterns of what you already see because people walk they can go walk a trail or they go walk around their neighborhood and they don't.


Max Shank

That's cool.



They kind of notice the same things they don't notice the same things I mean people miss stuff all time if if you you know you've probably been hiking with people and you're noticing. It's like oh or they notice something you don't but if you're on something like Lsd you're gonna notice. So many other things and that's why a lot of times people really don't move much. They don't they're not going to travel a long distance when on that that medicine and they're going to because they're so busy noticing the palm of their hand and looking at oh my gosh look at all these lines and.


Max Shank

Let he.



And your ability to see is just is is so enhanced but that's a really good example of something that disrupts a pattern to where you really can't go about your daily life like if I if I'm on asset and you ask me to go to a cashier and make a purchase. It's It's not going to happen I Just can't do the.


Max Shank




Those patterns that are so ingrained that I whip my card out normally don't even think about it. But if I have to buy a sandwich at a festival. Um I'm having a problem.


Max Shank

My. Yeah I mean when you overdo it on any kind of substance Beyond like capabilities. Ah I think ah.



That's true. Well the difference between that like alcohol like you're just you're like you're so depressed that you can't make sense of the world and with Lsd Everything is so loud that you can't filter it all.


Max Shank

I Just remember when I was in college I was really ah hammered I Drank like a small bottle of tequila on my own and I got into an argument with a ticketing machine on the trolley and we couldn't resolve our differences So I ultimately had to jump. Over the turnsile. But I mean I I literally couldn't figured out how to pay $2 at ah at a screen but thats because I was inebriated Beyond belief but ah you mentioned something cool which is you notice more and what? what is a pattern.



Um, yeah.


Max Shank

Or what is a frequency without a sensor to pick it up so people have different levels of sensitivity to different things like when you're when you're learning how to emf is one when you're learning how to do massage right? I mean.



Um, emf is 1 Yeah.


Max Shank

I'm guessing a lot of people have experienced a good massage and a bad one and it's really obvious when the person can't feel the structures of your body with precision. You know it's very obvious and so.





Max Shank

There are different levels of sensitivity to like let's say your fingertips like think about Braille. For example, if you if you dragged your hand across a bunch of bumps on a page you would have no idea what they mean, but someone who had finally tuned their sensory skills. Would pick that up right away and I think that's what the the substances some substances can do is they can open up your sensor. They basically turn you into this big radar dish that is capable of picking up way more signal than usual and I think why it's so.



Um, yeah.


Max Shank

Ah, overwhelming to go walk around is because instead of taking in. Let's say five gigabytes of visual information. Every step now you're taking five thousand gigabytes or five terabytes of visual visual ah input every step and.



It's a lot. It's a big difference.


Max Shank

You know if you don't have the right equipment. You can't sense those things. That's why we see ah rgb Basically and that's why the little tiny lights on your screen that you may be watching right now are red green and blue because that's.





Max Shank

How we see things and other animals have different ah structure in their eyes like sadly for asian deer they can't really see orange so that makes a tiger that is orange with black stripes nearly impossible to see in that environment. But. If you put that tiger in a different environment like I don't know Alaska or some shit where it's or or somewhere where it's white. It's not going to camouflage very well at all. So it's all about that specific relationship between the deer that can't see orange the environment.





Max Shank

And the color of the cat and the pattern on the Cat. So. It's is very fascinating. Um, how it's always that relationship. It's really important to think of it in terms of what relationship we would love for some things to be totally universal, but apart from the fact that. You know everything is jiggling around all the time there aren't too many ah fundamental truths that are always the Case. It's usually ah contextual.



Yeah I want I want to bring this to I want to get some ah practical things here. So um, other than taking lsd talking about breaking out of old patterns and into new patterns. Ah, one of the exercises I actually got from Dan Sullivan and it's the None x thinking I think it's what he calls it ten x and it's all right? You're creating an offer. You're you're creating say a coaching package.


Max Shank



Max Shank




And you know so many coaches have a hard time imagining being able to charge more than 2 or $300 a month or $400 a month and so and so it's good to sit down. Go well what if you were to sell something for 2 or $3000 a month. Let's add a 0 here.


Max Shank




What would that offer look like what would make it that valuable and all of a sudden all these ideas come flooding in was a well shit man if I had that kind of if it was of that much value and I had some money to play around with I would actually be able to vote more of my time energy into this person or I would be able to partner with this other. Other thing and maybe I'm doing blood work now on top of what I'm already offering so the the None x thinking saying? Okay, what would you if we were to take 10 ah 10 times what you're currently charging what would that look like and on the flip side. There's also what would you offer. What could you offer for none of what you're charging. What would be $20 or $30 and now you start having all sorts of different ideas about and that's one way of breaking out of a pattern and it doesn't just apply to money it can apply to.


Max Shank

Totally yeah.



A lot of other things that the 10 x thinking or the None thinking if you had 10 times more time in the day you know what would you do or I really like having saying yeah you have yet 10 say there's 240 hours


Max Shank

Um, that's a good question 10 times more time in the day.



And the day that'd be That's more than a week. What if you what if you had a whole week to accomplish what and other people were just living a day. What would that look like.


Max Shank

I think I would. So if I if I knew I was going to live None times longer than them.



Yeah, that's ah, that's a good way of thinking about it. Let's just let's just imagine you're going to live to a thousand and everyone else is going to live to a None


Max Shank

Well so age isn't about the number of days you've been Alive. It's about the knowledge that you've accumulated in the experiences you've had right. Being alive lots of days doesn't mean shit if you spent your whole day just like living inside Watching. Ah.



Well let's just but we're measuring in days. That's the measure all right? Let's say in a month and um and in a month you lived um, you got as much done in six months and everyone else got.


Max Shank

What do you? So what's the question.


Max Shank

I mean.



Done in one month let's just look at it like that I think you do too which but most people don't like most people would what? what? what? What comes up leverage is 1 thing but also when we started thinking about time in this way I think.


Max Shank

I mean I already do that.


Max Shank

Right? It's about it's about leverage. It's all about leverage.



It's a really great way to get away from comparison because if I if I stop I can't compare myself to someone else if we're talking about a 10 X difference in time if I'm experiencing a 10 X difference in time than other people which I think you're one of those people that experience time different. Than other people. Most people are cramming their schedule with back to back to back to back and have no time to breathe and you're someone who is ah has a lot more leisure space. Yeah.


Max Shank

It's hard to get me on a calendar like this show actually is wild because I've never understood the fact that we've been so consistent I mean folks like it. It really just goes to show how much I enjoy the experience because I and everybody else. We do exactly what we want all the time. Ah, we do whatever we think is going to give us the best result this is a lot of fun. So I do it if it's not fun I don't really do it and the idea of cramming a day full of appointments sounds awful but having the ability. To connect with who I like sounds sounds amazing.



Yeah, so we have that that. Ah, if if you could say hey I'm going to live 1000 years how would you behave? How would you? How would you live each day. It would probably you would probably do things differently and if I were to say that you experience.


Max Shank

I would.



You only have let's say 3 hours where everyone else has 24 hours in a day. How do you say you only have three what we call it three waking hours if you only had three waking hours well everyone else had a full you know 16 hour waking day and you only had 3 what would.


Max Shank

Um, yeah, right. Um, yeah now.



What would you do with your time and that's a really great way to find priorities because if you only have most people they look at their day and go I've got a 16 hour waking period of time and I don't have enough time in the day that's a problem.


Max Shank

Well I mean totally what you're talking about is the crux of success or power Even um, basically it's pressure or force per area or per. Distance right? Like how much effort or how much what can you? invest energy wise to get the largest return at the end. Basically ah if you could spend yeah and what you're doing basically is.





Max Shank

2 orders of magnitude mathematical thinking up and down so you have a None x swing in your ideas about that topic. So you're creating an upper and lower bound that are certainly further away than most people would naturally think which is why that ah framework or that.





Max Shank

Ah, pattern to filter this idea through is so useful because it gets you to think how could I divide the membership by None how could I multiply it by 10 how could I get the cost. How could I increase the cost 10 x you know all that stuff. But it's. It comes back down to leverage ultimately because it's how much can you ah get out energy-wise for how much you put in and if we're using time as the limiting limiting factor because ah for us energy and time are. So closely linked. They might as well be the same thing for most for for the sake of most things but it ah it's still important to see like what gives you the biggest return on one hour of your time and just thinking about um.



Um, yeah.


Max Shank

What to do in terms of multiply by 10 divide by 10 very cool but it is ultimately about leverage. It is about how much you can get out for each one that you put in per unit of investment.



Yeah I said we wrap this up. My computer is giving me weird signals and let's bring it home.


Max Shank

Bring it bring it home bring it home I mean that's a see this is what I was worried about I feel like there's a lot left to discuss I feel like we didn't get into the different vibrations of very dense and. Porous materials and I we hardly got into computer programming at all but look I'm going to I'm going to keep it simple from my end all right when it comes to human beings today. Everything we have has been built off of the accumulation of these patterns. These patterns are our Dna. These patterns are the books that have sustained or the stories that have sustained the human programming. That has sustained and the programming or the code or the recipes for how to make really insanely awesome tools and I would say those are like the 3 practical things for human beings and then. I think it's fun to talk about crystals and metal and manufacturing and all that stuff but without the code without the instructions without the chain of events without knowing how to put all those links together in the proper sequence. You can't get a car. You can't get a cellphone. You can't even get a fucking good loaf of bread. The recipe's got to be done in order. The only way you'll know is with the pattern the code.



Excellent, yeah and look at your own Life. You're living out a pattern from day to day and if something's not going the way that you want it to go analyze that Pattern. That's what I call Dysfunction. Something's not going the way you want to go. There's a dysfunction in your pattern somewhere. And it's a fract.. It's fractal Nature. You may need to look really far back and mostly the patterns of behavior and the ways of thinking and your emotional patterns all stem from your childhood. So if you want to be able to to really look at that you might have to get into a really reflective space and maybe. Come to some hard truths and that may give you the opportunity to make new decisions moving forward and create New Patterns. Thanks for joining me max where where people finding you. What are we doing


Max Shank at maxank. Ah, if you guys have any questions for the show or about the show I will I'll I'll answer him I think that would be fun like to connect with the audience a little bit more. So thanks for tuning in. Thank you Mike.



Yeah, yeah, and I got a summit coming up this weekend for coaches out there. It starts on Thursday we're gonna go four to five hours a day and Thursday through Saturday and then if you're an academy member you you obviously get up extra access vi ipd on sunday. Ah, if you want to get it in on that it's a pay what you want go to shop dot Thanks y'all. That's a great deal.


Max Shank

That's a good deal.

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