00:00.00 | Max Shank | Welcome back to Monday mornings with max and Mike Today we're going to talk about the easiest way to improve your life and that is your environment your environment includes people. Your environment includes the physical space physical objects. The actual climate or weather and not only can you perfectly adapt to the environment you're in but actually 1 of the easiest ways to change is just to change your environment and that's one of the reasons that joining a community of. Healthy fit people is by far the easiest way to get healthy and fit yourself because I believe in the 5 monkey rule which is that you become most like the 5 people that you spend the most time with so let's talk about. Environment how to adapt to it. How others have adapted to it in the past and how you can also change it completely which is a very amazing talent. Mike thanks for joining me again. |
01:07.40 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, this is this is a fun topic topic because um I was at a talk couple weeks ago at an event and this guy was talking about the 3 things that that drive change and ah, you're. Changing your environment and the people you're around your community is by far the least stressful and the easiest to comebine and can have the you know, easiest long-term effects. The other two is people make change when the first one is when people make change when something. Horrible Happens. There's something traumatic that happens or like they they had a blind spot and then all something you know someone goes into the doctor and they got holy shit you got diabetes or you got cancer. It's like oh fuck and then you realize that your your you know your life is finite and oh I had better make a change. Ah, that one that finding change and creating change from that place. Not a lot of fun. Um, that one's yeah pain pain and suffering. Um and then the other one being the other one you could do is strategic. |
02:09.57 | Max Shank | Um, so that's like pain motivation the motivation of pain hunger pain desire Very synonymous. |
02:22.51 | mikebledsoe | You know someone might go hire a coach and then we create a strategy for maybe do some mindset training or whatever it is on how to get you to change your behavior or your lifestyle just by creating a strategy That's also very difficult. It takes some willpower which we'll say for later time. |
02:40.85 | Max Shank | Well, it takes proportional desire to the activity that they're willing to undertake I think having a more tactical approach that may include hiring a coach and coming up with a more concrete plan is a great way to go about it. Use your rational mind. |
02:41.78 | mikebledsoe | But. |
03:00.41 | Max Shank | I would say that the desire comes from kind of the same place. You feel a lack of health or a lack of community or a lack of confidence or a lack of something and there's some feeling there that makes you go You know what? Not only do I want more but I think it's possible that I could. |
03:19.18 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, and so and changing your environment and your community. It's by far the easiest that's that's 1 reason that I run my coaching business the way I do and I suggest other coaches do the same which is make them community oriented have people going through the process together. |
03:20.23 | Max Shank | Get more. |
03:38.23 | mikebledsoe | Because it does normalize things. You know if you're hanging out with a bunch of people who are running triathlons. That's gonna become a normal thing for you to do if you're playing with hanging out with a bunch of tennis players you be playing tennis if you hang out with a bunch of musicians. You're probably gonna pick up an instrument and. It's going to be almost automatic in a lot of ways. So It's going to be easy. Super super easy. |
04:01.14 | Max Shank | It will be easy I Think that's an important point that I would like to I'd like to stop at the definition station real quick about the word easy because in. |
04:14.12 | mikebledsoe | But here we go again. |
04:21.14 | Max Shank | In practice. Ah easy is something that you that you want to do easy is something that doesn't require a lot of time perhaps but I think difficult and easy are more defined by whether you want to do it or not. I think people find it very easy to do something. They love pretty much all day long so they would be willing to spend a hundred times more effort because it doesn't feel like they have to force themselves to do it because the activity itself is intrinsically enjoyable. And if you join a community that is playful with their goal achieving like there's a lot of playfulness in some entrepreneurs and that is ah maybe a defining characteristic of the ones who do much much better is it's a fun exciting game. That they want to play not not just because they want to purchase a boat in the future but because that game is exciting to them so there's that intrinsic joy in the activity itself that makes something easy. I think I think that's what makes it easy is if you want to do it. |
05:34.90 | mikebledsoe | Absolutely absolutely yeah I think they as humans we tend to adopt the the desires of others when we're in a group or we choose the group based on our desires or at least we can I don't think that's what happens when we're young and growing up and we're. Pretty much forced to hang out with whoever's in our you know whoever our parents decide to put in our geographical you know sphere. But um, you know some of the some of the easiest changes I've ever made was when I moved locations. Um I. |
05:59.94 | Max Shank | Um. |
06:12.61 | mikebledsoe | You know there's so many benefits. Yeah I tell people all the time is if you're gonna if you if you're gonna be moving make a list if you're gonna move. Especially if you're moving to whole new New city. But even if you're moving to a new house or apartment or whatever it is. That's when. |
06:13.39 | Max Shank | It's a big shakeup. It's a big shakeup. |
06:29.60 | mikebledsoe | You can introduce new habits most easily because everything in your life is changing so I'll use up. The big thing is if you're moving to a new city. You're likely gonna be hanging out with a whole new social circle and ah, which means that you could either if you if you're not. Intentional about it. You probably end up hanging out with a lot of the same type of people you were hanging out with and you're gonna end up recreating. You know a similar lifestyle of wherever you were so that saying of no matter where you go or wherever you go, you will be there and so what i. What I've done intentionally is when I've landed it in a new town I know that those people they're not going to be judging me on my history because they don't even know it anyone? um anyone we ever interact with is seeing us for for the entirety of. The time we've known each other like when I when I see you max you know I think what we met probably six seven years ago maybe six years ago I'm thinking um I'm basically thinking of max over that entire period of time and probably the things that I was introduced to you initially are gonna stand out. |
07:32.97 | Max Shank | And. |
07:44.50 | mikebledsoe | The most and so as you can imagine. Yeah, if you if you live if you live with your you know with your family or near your family. Your family are they're gonna treat you like your a little kid because they knew you as a little kid and so that's. |
07:44.96 | Max Shank | Like a first impression. |
07:57.80 | Max Shank | And you'll probably act out that role just the same as you have always been acting out that role. |
08:01.92 | mikebledsoe | Totally totally. So every time I've moved I've had the opportunity to upgrade my identity I can I can then decide I'm gonna be someone who you know the person the next iteration of myself that I want to be and I can. |
08:10.77 | Max Shank | The. |
08:20.80 | mikebledsoe | Consciously choose to present myself to new people in that way and I can be careful about the people I surround myself with who are the people I surround myself with now and it's not same people same type of person that I surround myself with before now. It's not. Dramatically drastic changes. But there are some small changes I've noticed as I've gotten older I've I've shrunk The friend circle quite a bit and gotten more selective because I see you know how influenced how influenced I am by the people. |
08:39.53 | Max Shank | Further. |
08:57.19 | mikebledsoe | I surround myself with so if you want to make a change and you want to you know, moving to a new city that I don't think there's ah, a quicker faster easier way to do it Although that may sound like a big fucking deal to somebody because it is but I think that. |
09:07.57 | Max Shank | Oh. |
09:15.44 | mikebledsoe | Moving to a new city is you know, logistically maybe difficult but from a making change perspective so much easier. |
09:22.61 | Max Shank | Yeah, it definitely will shake things up in a big way. Ah, one of the reasons I like talking to new people is exactly what you were talking about I Love talking to new people because I don't know what I'm going to say. And I try not to be too attached to the way I think about things So I I try to really take a conversation as it comes and what I find really interesting is sometimes I will surprise myself with what I say. To a person that I've never interacted with before and it's it's because it's just a different um Interaction. You know this person has no clue who I am I don't have any clue who they are and I'm only bringing what I think right now I'm not necessarily bringing what I thought. Last year. So I'm excited to see like oh this is a really different way that I'm answering this question than the way I used to answer this Question. So I think every time you meet somebody new at least in my case, it feels. It feels different because I'm in such a state of. |
10:26.20 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, no. |
10:38.30 | Max Shank | Ah, flux. |
10:39.13 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I agree with that. Yeah different people bring different parts of us out and I you know we're talking about the community. The people you surround yourself with but there's a lot of other environmental factors aside from the people we're surrounded by that impact. How we live our lives. Um. |
10:57.61 | Max Shank | Well hold hold on before we go on though. Let's let's hone in on the the people thing because I think you want to understand the difference between thinking there are like good and bad people versus there are complementary people. And there are ah mutually destructive pairings so there are like complementary pairings and there are mutually destructive pairings but I try not to think of it like oh this person is better or I'm better and they're worse I mean you could make that argument certainly that some people are better and worse. |
11:35.78 | mikebledsoe | I Think most will do. |
11:35.82 | Max Shank | And many people do. But I think of it more like yeah and ah, of course we don't really know what their experience was like so it's such a slippery slope because then you got to like what think their parents were bad or their parents' parents were bad. It's like where does the blame. Really end with the goodness and badness of our Fellows. So I Just think about the fact that there is a different interaction happening. You know, like musical notes you get this note and then this other note you play them together and you get. Ah. A certain frequency and then you meet someone slightly different and the whole interaction is completely Different. So I think the way people interact with each other ah really sets the tone for relationships in a. |
12:14.43 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
12:28.21 | Max Shank | In a monumental way so you can be ah playful in Conversation. You can be playful in movement and sport or you know I'm not sure what the opposite of playful is maybe like stiff or like. Hateful Almost I'm not sure I'm not sure what would the opposite of playful would be ah but you know what I'm saying like the interactions with other people are so big in how you evaluate and interpret your life that if they're if they're not playful if they're not loving then. |
12:50.57 | mikebledsoe | I'm trying to think of it. Now. |
13:07.75 | Max Shank | Ah, you you it. It can be a real problem and sometimes carving it out is really uncomfortable thought for people but it's not like the other person's bad and I'm good. It's just like this this pairing doesn't work together. |
13:15.87 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
13:22.67 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, and and those pairings may not work. They may work together for a period of time and then they don't and it doesn't mean Yeah, ah I've definitely experienced that. Um, that with my my ex-wife even that was there was a period of time where that worked great and then there was a period of time. It stopped working. |
13:28.20 | Max Shank | Oh yeah, a lot of stuff works for a while. Um I mean if we're talking about. Love Yeah, if we're talking about love. Ah, if we're talking about love and romance I mean my lord. |
13:42.16 | mikebledsoe | And it served both of us to to walk away. Yeah, what are the antonyms for be sad. |
13:47.63 | Max Shank | Could be sad. |
13:54.00 | Max Shank | Be sad and work Those are good opposites so that's. |
13:55.89 | mikebledsoe | Be sad and work that makes sense. |
14:03.84 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
14:06.40 | Max Shank | That's big I think drawing clear boundaries about what kind of interactions you are going to participate in sometimes it is better to just like take your ball and go home play with yourself. |
14:14.52 | mikebledsoe | I like to I like to extrapolate on these types of things and that you know as above so below you know things that are happening at the smallest level are also happening at the largest level and when I look at say a relationship between 2 people. We can ah extrapolate that out to interactions between different cultures. We could say you know 2 different countries. You know you got a culture over here and that has certain values and you have a country over here. It has certain values and these countries may get along really well these two groups of people. |
14:37.49 | Max Shank | Um, so it. |
14:51.70 | mikebledsoe | Me say countries because I think the whole idea is going away but the yeah these two groups of people are either getting along or they have a lot of conflict and I really I think about this a lot and then also what. |
14:53.78 | Max Shank | At groups. |
15:08.32 | mikebledsoe | But I like about looking at culture more and large groups of people was I think it's ah easier to see what has created the way that they are as ah as a culture. So I really like to look at the Eu. The european union is a really good example of this and so. What you have ah is you have a lot of the countries in the north and you have a lot of countries in the south that have all they all said you know what we're gonna try to get along. You know we we haven't tried to kill each other in like you know a few decades. So maybe we should you know. All fall under the same currency and you know give each other a pass on the passport thing and all the things that happens with the european union but what happened in the last decade yeah I think was that the the euro was probably what a decade maybe 2 decades old I forget how long it's been around. |
15:49.80 | Max Shank | Ah. |
16:07.86 | mikebledsoe | I Think it's been around like 20 maybe a little more than 20 years at this point nonetheless. Um, they basically took all these countries and they put them on the same currency and so some countries whose value of their currency was low automatically got propped up really quick. And in some countries whose value is really high got brought down really quick and what you ended up with was it tan be yeah oh yeah, yeah I thought you're talking about the discrepancy but the yeah. |
16:28.61 | Max Shank | Right? It's like a marriage it I mean it's like a union you know, know that that's what I'm saying that too I mean in a. Ah marriage or in a business partnership or a union of countries or big groups. Um, you know there's there's give and take and yeah. |
16:54.40 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, so so I mean what? what ended ones up ends up happening this this really is a interesting study for me and what ends up happening is you have places like Portugal greece who especially Greece I think from what I understand. They went from being like ah you know, not that wealthy of a country to hopping on the euro and then all of a sudden people didn't have to work much anymore because they were instantly more wealthy and so there was a little less work that had to be done which in Greece there. |
17:22.13 | Max Shank | Um. |
17:30.80 | mikebledsoe | They're they're not. They don't work as hard as say the Germans So I think we can look at that's exact. That's what that's what yeah, that's what I'm getting at yeah is when you look at the northern countries in the European Union These countries are very good at planning. |
17:34.17 | Max Shank | Um, pretty different climate also interesting to think about? yeah. |
17:48.93 | mikebledsoe | They're very good at saving. Um and they're there's they're way more strategic in a lot of ways whereas when you look at the southern countries you look at italy you've got portugal. You've got greece all these countries life is good. 24 7 3 65 the necessity to think ahead is just so much lower like why would you? you have you have generations of people that didn't really have to think ahead more than a day or 2 and then yeah. |
18:16.68 | Max Shank | It's in. |
18:20.62 | Max Shank | Yeah, let's go fit. It's fine. Let's go fishing. We'll be all right? It's fine. Let's go fishing. |
18:24.91 | mikebledsoe | And exactly and then you have the swedes who if they don't you know it's It's winter is coming. Yeah, it's it's June and they're doing everything they can do to you know, prepare for something that's months and months away. |
18:31.48 | Max Shank | Winter is coming. |
18:41.56 | Max Shank | Well and you get the opposite side of the spectrum too when you go to the middle of the freaking desert where it circles back to now it's a different type of harshness of climate and you need a different set of wisdom that is still ah forward thinking. |
18:51.26 | mikebledsoe | In here. |
18:58.83 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, collecting water. |
19:01.50 | Max Shank | And I think it's so yeah, it's so fascinating to look at like the Island Lifestyle because that's what we think of when we think of chill vibes. We think of a beach with palm trees and people. |
19:17.51 | mikebledsoe | This shit happens near the equator. |
19:18.47 | Max Shank | Taking it easy that that but not in the middle of the desert very severe there. It's just where there's like a union of sunny weather and water and food and it doesn't require a lot of. |
19:25.55 | mikebledsoe | You're right. |
19:36.62 | Max Shank | Harsh planning. It doesn't require ah an insane amount of ah like shelter ah manufacturing elegance either. You know. |
19:44.58 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, and so like but and this really gets my interest a lot because it really highlights how different groups of people can be and how different individuals can be and. You know when people talk about you know, global currencies or they talk about trying to bring everybody under a standard set of rules and I immediately go you I don't if you if you want to do that I don't think you really understand how this shit works because we. If we try to bring everyone on the same standard. We don't need everyone having the same architectural standards in Hawaii as we do in Maine these are different architectural standards. These are different currency standards. There's these are all very very different and the result in the year Eu was Germany had to come in and bail out Greece basically and there was there was a lot of people that had a lot of feelings about who really should belong in the eu and should they should they build these countries out because they really just had a lack of planning so in my opinion. |
20:53.60 | Max Shank | Little little more accurate agreement ahead of time a little more clear operating agreement to go on what if this happens what if this have you know some contingency plans right? And and I think yeah. |
20:59.60 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, but yeah, so this was a number of years ago, but it you know things have yeah I don't think things have gotten that much better. |
21:15.29 | Max Shank | Whenever whenever you're trying to solve something where you think it's really really urgent. You typically don't think forward as many consequences of that band-aid like the quicker you are to slap a solution on you're like okay, everybody drop everything. |
21:25.25 | mikebledsoe | Right. |
21:33.14 | Max Shank | Got a solution and they're like but what about what happens next month we can't we don't have time for that. We just have to do this thing right now and next month comes around. You're like hey that solution ah of eating all of our food and burning all the oil. Ah. Is really fucking us over now we we all agree it seemed like a good idea at the time. |
21:58.35 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, but but getting back to is you know? ah your environment where you where you grew up what culturally you know if you had parents to grew up in Russia that you might have an attitude of being a little more um, is it called. |
22:07.99 | Max Shank | Any. |
22:17.27 | Max Shank | Severe austere. Yeah. |
22:18.33 | mikebledsoe | Ah, austere. Yeah, you might have a little more austerity and built into your culture I I have a friend whose family's from the Ukraine and and he moved here when he was about 7 and you know he still has that that you could tell he's still got a little bit like you know we got it. We got to save up for winter type of thing even though we're in Austin Texas. |
22:39.80 | Max Shank | Tote Yeah and some people have that to a much greater degree and some people have that to a lesser degree. Some people. Ah you know don't have any food at home and feel totally fine and some people don't feel safe unless they have a multiple year. Supply of food at home at all times and that's that's a huge spectrum. |
22:58.70 | mikebledsoe | My my girlfriend thinks I have my girlfriend says I have food scarcity issues the ah but the more not and I never thought about it I never thought about it in the context of this conversation because now I'm going. Oh um, I'm extremely. |
23:04.40 | Max Shank | Yeah, um I don't know if she is. |
23:17.82 | mikebledsoe | Fair skin probably from the north where people had to plan for this. She's she's a quarter Nicaraguan half Mexican and has some European Eastern European in her but like she came from where the the water was flowing and the the sun was abundant. |
23:19.16 | Max Shank | Ah. |
23:36.43 | Max Shank | Dude just tell her she has ah equatorial privilege or something like that and see how that goes over you'd be like. Okay, yeah, you guys you guys have a dance festival. We have a farm to tend to. |
23:41.00 | mikebledsoe | Um, I'll bring that up in the next conversation we get in about such topics. |
23:51.36 | Max Shank | And some silos that need stocking you guys enjoy the dance festival. So. |
23:54.37 | mikebledsoe | But ah, but I think a good example of this also is you ever watch game of thrones. So what was what was the attitude of the people from the north and lots of discipline you you do what you say and you say what you're gonna do and. |
23:59.66 | Max Shank | Oh yeah. |
24:05.44 | Max Shank | Um, is about as austere as you get is harsh. |
24:14.15 | mikebledsoe | There is a level of honesty that's necessary because life life was on the line all the time. |
24:18.42 | Max Shank | And then in the south. It's like orgies and you know just free wheeling and dealing kind of lifestyle down there right? and you know there's a lot of I mean it's a story right? But there's. |
24:28.62 | mikebledsoe | Um, yeah, yeah. |
24:37.98 | Max Shank | Ah, guile and lying and backstabbing in all climates. But the austerity of the frozen north versus the temperate tropics is is plain as day in the real world and also in Tv shows. |
24:41.40 | mikebledsoe | Right. |
24:51.91 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, you're hang out in Jamaica they're they're so relaxed. Well, that's a thing is like I I from hanging hanging out with people who are from the tropical regions and being living in San Diego for a while taught me how to relax I was like oh I just need to chill the fuck out or um. |
24:55.86 | Max Shank | Oh my god Bahamas is. |
25:12.23 | mikebledsoe | Stressing myself out. There's something to learn from both. |
25:15.10 | Max Shank | I Think it's ah wise to do it animal style which is you're either um, like resting or you're focused. You're just focused on what it is. You're doing So I think it's. |
25:27.50 | mikebledsoe | Um. |
25:32.82 | Max Shank | Really valuable to um work on a project and really devote yourself to something but all of the the feelings of. Your worthiness attached to your suffering ah that like puritanical shit is probably not very wise. So if you can really party ah like Carnival but then plan like a frozen ah farmer in the tundra then ah. I Think you'll probably find pretty good success and also um, a really enjoyable social life and lifestyle. |
26:15.34 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, you get the best of both worlds I mean and it's 2022 so really good to choose that. Even if you live somewhere that does get cold in the winter when you have a heater and you have cars with with heated seats and all this yeah. |
26:28.97 | Max Shank | Oh yeah, my God but you gotta shovel the walk. Maybe you got to scrape ice off your windshield like I went I went to the mountains. |
26:34.92 | mikebledsoe | Ah, there's still more austerity there. But what I'm saying is like overall things have become a choice kind of like being fit. Ah you you have the ability to be in the best best shape any human being could ever be in because of all the access to anything you ever wanted. But you can also be in the worst shape and you could. |
26:50.00 | Max Shank | And. |
26:54.43 | mikebledsoe | You could just completely waste your life away doing nothing and playing video games because life is so easy and there is abundance or you could or you could choose to use the tools that technology has has given us in order to really leverage. |
26:58.30 | Max Shank | The. |
27:13.25 | mikebledsoe | Strategy in a way that makes a really big impact and so the the amount of choice that we have in these things is way higher. So I think it requires a higher level of discipline If you're gonna I think that a lot I think a lot of people tend to.. They don't even really know what austerity is. |
27:29.50 | Max Shank | There's way more pleasure levers. Well there's so many pleasure levers like you can pull the coffee lever you can pull the Tiktok lever. You can get tits on the telephone you can get drugs delivered to your like I can get booze delivered to my door if I want to. Get drugs I can get all kinds of shit just delivered to me so there are pleasure levers everywhere. So ah, um, I'll bring it back to fasting because that's the most. Ah. |
27:51.80 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
28:02.77 | Max Shank | But apart from safety. That's the most significant consistent and primal desire that we work with hunger desire pain all synonyms. So if you can control that 1 thing with conscious ah thought then you have at least the foundation. |
28:21.26 | mikebledsoe | Um, yeah. |
28:21.44 | Max Shank | To control those other things and so um I don't know if there's it's different for everybody though. It obviously seems easier for some people to not eat tons of chocolates than it is for others. Some people. It seems really hard to not eat chocolates and popcorn all day. I find that a little bit challenging myself I would just snack all day long I'll I will just. |
28:47.40 | mikebledsoe | On' the other way I I'm like I for I'll forget to eat type of thing I've I've had to like stay on top of myself my whole life. |
28:52.20 | Max Shank | If you're really interested in something ah eating is irrelevant if you're really interested I'll I'll do that too but like I will I'll go a whole day without eating. Yeah. |
29:01.93 | mikebledsoe | I Think that's accurate. Yeah I'm a very curious person That's probably why I don't eat much. |
29:11.18 | Max Shank | And I'll do that too unless you put a sandwich in front of me like if I see the food if I see the food. It's It's very likely going to be eaten I mean I'll smell it first to make sure it's good just like any other animal but I'm going to eat that food if I see it. |
29:26.34 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
29:28.92 | Max Shank | And I can eat such a tremendous quantity of food. It is. It is outrageous like sometimes I will lift the bowl which is like a giant plate. It's like a twelve inch platter that's two feet deep two inches deep not two feet deep like a barrel two inches deep giant ah bowl and I'll fill it and sometimes I'll be carrying it from the kitchen to the table and I'll go holy fuck this this is heavy lifting lifting. This food is heavy to me. And it'll be like 3 to 5 eggs a couple of brotw worstst some rice and cheese and pesto and ricotta and it just becomes this mass of eggs and cheese and meat and and it's shocking. It's shocking. What's that dude are you kit. |
30:16.57 | mikebledsoe | On the wonder you got fat. Ah no wonder you got fat. |
30:25.52 | Max Shank | I will continue eating like a buffet is like a dream.. The only thing is like how much fried chicken versus fried fish am I going to eat at this thing a buffet is like such a perverted Extravagance. Of Human dominance over the food chain like we just have this cornucopia of different animals and plants that you can eat. It is so extravagant I Fucking Love it. |
30:52.30 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I mean look I'm not that much different if it's in the house I'm gonna fucking eat it like if there's chocolate in here if there's if there's a cake if there's anything that I'm oh. |
30:59.63 | Max Shank | The. I had cheesecake this morning with with coffee I had a slice of coffee ah cheesecake with a cup of mocha. Oh my Oh my God and. |
31:11.62 | mikebledsoe | Ah, my mouth is watering now. |
31:18.52 | Max Shank | It was so delicious and I was just thinking This is what balance really looks like. |
31:24.14 | mikebledsoe | The well for me I practice I don't have that kind of shit in my house I and and because I cause I practice because I'll eat it out I practice I practice my discipline when I'm shopping So I do my shopping online I try to shop when. |
31:30.46 | Max Shank | Well yeah. |
31:41.13 | Max Shank | Um, yeah. |
31:44.14 | mikebledsoe | I love shopping online for my food because it's not going to get here for 3 or 4 or 5 days like I'm on like a subscription thing and I I I have to have my order in by Tuesday so I write so it arrives on Saturday so I yeah. |
31:48.59 | Max Shank | You know this. |
31:56.95 | Max Shank | Ah, that's quite a lot of planning required. You must be from a cold climate. |
32:02.30 | mikebledsoe | I. Ah, well, ah, well, the company sets it up like that. So if I want to get this massive discount I get it's like 40% off the food because it's you know they're they're reduced the reducing Yeah food weight. Well it's those things they're they're pushing my buttons. Okay, our goal. |
32:09.11 | Max Shank | Moon. |
32:18.10 | Max Shank | Guaranteed. |
32:24.90 | mikebledsoe | This company's goal is to reduce food waste. Okay I like that they're going to take things that are in you know too much supply. Not enough demand and then they're going to package it and send it my door step before it goes bad, perfect and all really high quality organic food. |
32:25.85 | Max Shank | Love it. |
32:33.50 | Max Shank | Um, super um. |
32:39.34 | mikebledsoe | So it's pushing that button for me, it's like oh I want to you know help reduce food waste I'm a good person and then the and then it's it's all very high well I'm saving 40% off of stuff if I were to go to whole foods I'd spend twice as much as what I'm spending here. |
32:53.68 | Max Shank | So not only do you feel kind good but you feel smart good. Yeah oh yeah, superior Wow you're so you're you're saintly. |
32:58.67 | mikebledsoe | I feel superior and and good. Yeah yeah, superior and and smart. Yeah, so yeah, yeah, practically and then so so then. |
33:11.40 | Max Shank | You're practically feeding people. |
33:18.24 | mikebledsoe | I I really enjoy I didn't always I wasn't always like this but I I enjoy the routine of it as like oh I need to have my order in by I think it's Wednesday at noon I yeah, it's a ritual I got to you know Wednesday at noon and it pops up on my calendar. Oh time to put my misfit market order in and so. |
33:28.50 | Max Shank | It's like a ritual. |
33:37.77 | mikebledsoe | Ah, by the way everyone wants the code for that to shoot me a Dm and you'll save ten bucks after your next quarter. Ah I mean I've been trying to squeeze that ad in for like 3 shows. Yeah, so. |
33:42.43 | Max Shank | I Knew this was an infomercial for for groceries I knew it shoot better. Get paid. |
33:55.21 | mikebledsoe | The um, so yeah, the and 1 thing I noticed was I didn't order a bunch of bullshit every everyone someone because they do have some bullshit in there I could order some some snack food. Yeah and my impulsivity was greatly reduced knowing. |
34:02.94 | Max Shank | Um, it's less impulsive. Maybe. |
34:13.96 | mikebledsoe | I don't get this food until Saturday and I'm normally ordering the time of day that I'm ordering is usually after breakfast. So like I'm um I have energy my willpower is high I'm um my I'm fed so I'm not. |
34:14.54 | Max Shank | Right? I might not even want chocolates by then? no so you're fed. Wow. |
34:30.31 | mikebledsoe | Like the worst time you could go shoppings if you're hungry and stoned I mean what are you gonna buy at the grocery store when you're hungry and Stone. So I go in I'm I'm wide awake. Um I'm dialed in I'm fed I'm gonna make good choices. So Anyways, I have I don't remember how I got down that track. But I. I Hope it's helpful for somebody. |
34:49.71 | Max Shank | It's you know it's an environmental hack. That's what it is. We're we're talking about environment. We're talking about what kind of food makes it into the house because that's where the battle is That's the important battle is what gets past the front door. |
34:52.59 | mikebledsoe | Really is. |
35:06.56 | Max Shank | What gets in the house. So if you just have some good security at the gate you are going to have a much easier time and that reminds me of the most significant gate that requires security in your life which is your mouth. |
35:06.87 | mikebledsoe | That's true. That's true. |
35:25.77 | Max Shank | Both the things that you say and the things that you consume that that is that is where the ruin of many men really comes from is just weak security at the mouth. |
35:28.27 | mikebledsoe | Um, yeah. |
35:38.41 | mikebledsoe | True Dad True dad. Yeah, ah this makes me but so the concept of making poor decision making difficult or good decision making easy One of the things that I've done is. |
35:52.28 | Max Shank | Un. |
35:57.30 | mikebledsoe | I've invested in some crypto and for me to move crypto around or cash it out. It's ah it's a task I cannot without my iphone hit the app on my phone because most 99% of people holding crypto can just pull put in and pull out all willy- nily. |
36:14.96 | Max Shank | Does it make you more deliberate but less agile. |
36:16.74 | mikebledsoe | Whenever they feel like it. Absolutely yeah and for for long term investing why you don't need agility. You actually yeah, you want to sacrifice that for the purpose of yeah being deliberate. So. |
36:30.33 | Max Shank | Especially if you're a very inflammatory decision maker like oh my god it went down 5% I got to sell everything right. |
36:36.10 | mikebledsoe | Right? right? and um, like I don't even have I don't I can't even look at um, why don't have any apps on my phone to even track what's happening in the crypto markets I haven't looked at my crypto holdings in over a month |
36:48.10 | Max Shank | Ah. |
36:54.50 | mikebledsoe | And people are like oh it's going down I'm like okay because I can't see it. It doesn't bother me and the thing is is I'm not gonna I wouldn't cash out anyway. But if I was watching it day to day I'd be experiencing the emotional distress. It's an environmental thing like. |
37:00.94 | Max Shank | Well, you yeah you. |
37:12.14 | mikebledsoe | The the apps on your phone is part of your environment the feed the trough I'm always wanted to get like ah I wanted to create a comic of of and maybe there's one out there where the feed is going into a trough and. |
37:13.80 | Max Shank | Um, maybe like the news perhaps or the feed I mean the feed this the fire hose pointed at your face huh. |
37:32.70 | mikebledsoe | People are just feeding on it. |
37:32.99 | Max Shank | Oh I'm sure you could find that comic right now. Ah, but that's a big part of your environment that's chosen I think it's probably rare that a person looks at a screen for less than 2 hours a day. So. |
37:36.48 | mikebledsoe | Now And um. |
37:52.77 | Max Shank | that's that's 2 hours of mostly receiving messages from ah a carefully curated environment to make you feel a certain way and you know we're always, we're always talking about mind control essentially because even the actions that you take. You got to use your mind and then outsource it to your legs to get up and run or kick or jump or whatever so looking at the direct influences on your mind that make you think or feel a certain way is huge. You know looking at your. Investments every single day can be fun if you're one of those people or it can be a stressor looking at the news every day can be fun if you're one of those people or it can be a tremendous stressor to you and it's all how you ah. |
38:44.77 | mikebledsoe | Um I don't know where fun. The news could be but. |
38:49.44 | Max Shank | I Think some people absolutely get off on it. Um, otherwise they wouldn't keep watching right? Um, there's it's like fear pornography. You know I'm I'm like okay okay horror a horror flick. |
38:54.78 | mikebledsoe | I Think they're addicted to the I mean it's all dopamine. Yeah yeah, it's the same people who like horror flicks I could care less about horror flick. |
39:08.96 | Max Shank | By the way have you ever seen a horror movie that was rated pg 13 and really fucking scary have you ever seen something like that. Okay, so have I and it makes me wonder what's so goddamn offensive about a pair of titties I mean if I see. |
39:15.47 | mikebledsoe | I have. |
39:27.71 | Max Shank | Okay, so titties are rated R but I can watch a fucking demon rip some like young child in half and then like eat their ah like guts on screen on screen and and I can't see ah an Aryola I mean are this is like. |
39:33.24 | mikebledsoe | Oh yeah, well totally. |
39:46.75 | mikebledsoe | Dude dude dude. So ah I'm I'm I'm at my this is like five or six years ago I'm at my ex wife's parents house and the ah. |
39:47.54 | Max Shank | Whose idea is this? What's more damaging. |
40:03.21 | mikebledsoe | You know it's a holiday and they're watching movies you know Tv's on all day and then he's a baptist preacher and so anything that involves sex at all is just a big. No. No, we're watching this horror flick and people are just getting murdered left and right it's like the most violent thing ever. And then there's this sex scene that comes on just for a minute he changes the channel and he's like why do they gotta put that in there and I'm sitting there yeah ah I'm sitting there I'm going I like my my brain was just melting in that. |
40:29.62 | Max Shank | No way. |
40:42.69 | mikebledsoe | Spot I I couldn't even say anything I just remember looking at my ex mean like what? what's happening like this was okay. So so the the demonstration the demonstration of destruction. |
40:42.97 | Max Shank | Wow. |
40:51.17 | Max Shank | That is that is like a caricature. That's so funny to me. That's what we're talking about. |
41:01.25 | mikebledsoe | And death and murder and violence totally fine, but the act of love is is the thing we want to avoid that's ah it's very interesting. |
41:14.31 | Max Shank | Ah, yeah, that's that's really weird. But I mean that is pretty much on brand for for religion to be okay with ah killing a lot of folks but not necessarily having orgies on the altar. |
41:30.30 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
41:33.52 | Max Shank | In fact, the the folks who did orgies on the altar the ah the bigger religions were the first ones to to to stop them doing that right woa. Okay, so you're you're so you're I'm. |
41:40.97 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, get a so it is back on track. |
41:53.40 | Max Shank | Um, bringing this train back on the tracks because we were talking about how the screens are a part of your environment and it's really important to be honest with yourself about how big of an impact they are on your environment from a percentage standpoint because whatever you. |
41:58.69 | mikebledsoe | Um. |
42:11.65 | Max Shank | Ah, pay attention to that's essentially what your universe is like it's your perspective of what's going On. So Whether you're watching horror films or pornography or the news which is basically like fear pornography. It's like the stakes are high and we're going to terrify you. But somehow if you had never heard about this thing. It wouldn't have made a difference.. That's what's so shocking to me. |
42:35.00 | mikebledsoe | You know what are some of the things that ah ah, some of the conscious choices you've made about your environment that help you live the the life that you really want to be living enhance the lifestyle. |
42:53.00 | Max Shank | Oh my god I do have a television in my house and it's huge. Just like my genitals. That's how that's how you measure right? I got a giant truck I have a giant Tv I'm here at a party. |
42:54.71 | mikebledsoe | You have a television in your house. Where's it position. |
43:06.17 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, that's pretty much all you need. |
43:12.30 | Max Shank | Um, no my my environment is amazing I have an environment that makes it so easy to play and to exercise my brother came over with his niece or my niece his daughter and son and there's a park. Across the street from my house and and I have every toy I have balls and frisbees and sticks and ropes and games and things like that and it's It's really just the most fun place to be ever and you don't you don't um. You don't play because it's like going to burn calories or because you're going to get some Ah I don't know some ulterior Motive. You just do it because it's fun. Like for its for its own Sake. So My my house is very much. |
44:05.51 | mikebledsoe | There's There's no, there's no necessity necessity for progress to be made. |
44:09.18 | Max Shank | Yeah I mean it's fun to play better at something but playing is by far the best I mean winning is great but playing is the best and once you get to that point then you'll see life a lot differently because you also won't tolerate. Encounters that are not playful and fun like the more you hold a high standard for the types of interactions you want to be in conversations can be kept playful ah activities and sport can be kept playful. It's like. Do you really want to talk with someone who's getting angry and yelling at the time. No Do you really want to play tennis with someone who is getting angry and yelling at the time on the tennis core. It's like no, you don't want to tolerate those sorts of um energies really. So My environment physically is amazing. It's practically cheating I have a pool hot tub I got the whole like spa here at home I Got an outdoor area for exercising I got all the fun Toys Tennis courts across the street. Ah, friends who live close by which is maybe even more important and then the gym is a giant playground really total unfair advantage. Great community, Great friends Once again, um. You You do stuff just because it is fun to do not because you you will get other benefits. No question but ah, just doing stuff that is intrinsically fun with people that you care about is is a huge. Unfair Advantage. So Both the physical spaces that I most occupy and the people that I engage with are very playful, lighthearted funny and I don't have to like filter myself like I can say ah like titties. If I want to and they won't get offended or change the station. So ah, the environment is very open for ah experimentation, exploration and falling or failing which is a big part of learning to I mean I could talk about this literally all day Because. Ah, that's the easiest way to provide a good ah gym environment is to create a community and a space where falling and failing is safe to do both ego wise. Ah so more like metaphorically and then also physically. |
46:57.42 | Max Shank | Like do you have crash pads. Can you teach people How to fall can you? um you know explore your limits without having to be afraid both verbally and physically so I think um I think it's invaluable. |
47:11.97 | mikebledsoe | Beautiful, beautiful. Um, yeah, yeah, well I'll speak about my situation and but I I moved to Austin Texas because I was looking for a new environment to live in I left intonnita is before. |
47:18.98 | Max Shank | That's the easy way. |
47:31.41 | mikebledsoe | Covid hit I think sometimes when I talk to people in Austin I'm like oh you're one of those people that flood California when covid hit. It's like well I left before I was looking for something new before all that mess. Um, and I I wasn't getting I wasn't getting what I needed there for some reason even though. |
47:39.50 | Max Shank | Ah. |
47:50.68 | mikebledsoe | Where you live is basically heaven. Um. |
47:53.46 | Max Shank | Well, you had a lot of things that you were doing that you stopped doing there right? I mean correct me if I'm wrong but was that the time when you like switched businesses and relationships and locations pretty much all at the same time like you're like. |
48:07.16 | mikebledsoe | All the same time. |
48:11.10 | Max Shank | I Don't know what needs to change. So let's change all of it I get it. |
48:13.18 | mikebledsoe | Ah, pretty much pretty much I think I think um, nothing fit anymore and I ended up traveling around I chose Austin Texas because you know I didn't think I wanted to live near a city. But then I realized how much I love all the different amenities. |
48:32.16 | Max Shank | I am. |
48:32.28 | mikebledsoe | And what I realized also is community is the most important thing to me if I yeah my my girlfriend and I we we were I remember we were down in Columbia ah, not this past January about a year and a half ago and you know the world was being. |
48:37.73 | Max Shank | What. |
48:51.93 | mikebledsoe | Was fairly chaotic. We were in lockdowns half the time when we were there. We had the January sixth thing going on up here and I'm like man this is a very disappointing time I don't know what's going to happen next. It seems like this whole situation isn't getting better. It's only getting worse. Okay, if we were gonna get stuck in one because. We're basically stuck in 1 spot for four or five days at a time multiple times while we were there so I'm like all right if we get stuck somewhere for 5 years So let's just do the the thought experiment. Yeah, the thought experiment is you can't leave five mile radius for 5 years |
49:21.47 | Max Shank | 5 years |
49:29.75 | mikebledsoe | Where do you live and and that really got us thinking in a whole new set of terms and the result ended up being Austin Texas because we also realized that if we're gonna be 5 years say we can't leave a five mile mile race in 5 years thing that matters the most is who we're surrounded by so we looked to south for and we looked at Austin because we we had a lot of friends moved to both and and so we ended up here in Austin and made my my ah end up buying a house and the location I bought my house is. |
49:54.43 | Max Shank | Oh yeah, oh. |
50:07.31 | mikebledsoe | Ah, 15 minutes from this place called Kuyja where I saw it in cold plunge two 3 4 days a week and I used to have a son and cold plunge in my house and I and I was planning on getting my own but I realized that when I go do it in community cause I train at my my house I don't. I don't really do a lot of training outside of my house I don't have like that I'm not getting my community somewhere else. Um I'm doing a little more now I'm getting back into it now that? Ah yeah, I'm getting some shit aligned. |
50:29.18 | Max Shank | You don't really do a lot of training period right? You don't really do a lot of training at all. |
50:45.30 | mikebledsoe | But um, the. |
50:46.14 | Max Shank | Ah I'm I'm a fine one to talk. It's sometimes really hard to get me to do like strength exercise. |
50:52.78 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I I probably lived heavy once a week and then I'd fuck around the rest of the time so it is it is now. |
50:59.67 | Max Shank | That's good. It's hard when you're already really strong like I hardly am going to get that much more benefit and I know that's not a popular take for a fitness guy but but. |
51:12.17 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, well the thing is when you got 20 years of fitness under your belt like my girlfriend's like you barely work out and how do you you got muscles and you're strong and I go I've been doing this for twenty years Twenty five years I've been lifting weights for 25 years I don't have to do a lot more. |
51:23.48 | Max Shank | Um, yeah, yeah, maintenance on a maintenance on a skyscraper is very different than building 1 |
51:31.95 | mikebledsoe | Yes, so but I chose to to live somewhere that's driving distance. That's easy to go to this place because that's where I get my community fix. So I go hang out if I have a sun and cold plunge in my house I found that I was doing about once a week when I spend. Couple hundred bucks a month to be a member at this place I'm invested partly because I'm paying for it. But that's part of it. But also it's actually overall cheaper than having a sana and cold plunge I mean that sana I had was like $18000 and. |
51:54.42 | Max Shank | You're invested. |
51:59.40 | Max Shank | The people. |
52:06.78 | mikebledsoe | Cold plunges run like 3 to $5000 yeah and I have but. |
52:08.10 | Max Shank | Well, you can get those both a lot cheaper, but okay, yeah, that is our 18 k for a sauna that is extravagant I know what saunnas cost that's like Johnny Rockefeller sauna over here. |
52:17.82 | mikebledsoe | Ah, ah yeah, ah and you had some bells and whistles. Um, but I go and I for the community. So like environment wise. |
52:28.88 | Max Shank | Yeah. |
52:35.44 | mikebledsoe | Like there's certain things I put in place that cause me to interact with people because I know myself in that I'm a very social person but unless there's a reason to see somebody I'll stay at home. Yeah I'll stay at home I'll make my own food I'll. |
52:47.66 | Max Shank | Feels frivolous if there's no reason for it. Yeah. |
52:53.33 | mikebledsoe | Train in my gym I'll work at the house I'll read. It'll be getting dark outside and I realize that I haven't seen anybody in three days and that that's just not good for my mental health and or my girlfriend either because she'll get caught up in the same thing. |
52:55.64 | Max Shank | Totally. |
53:01.37 | Max Shank | Totally and it's hard to it's hard to recognize from the first person perspective that you're that you're lacking that because you get in your head right? You're in your head you're in your head you're in your head. |
53:10.54 | mikebledsoe | Totally totally. |
53:19.17 | Max Shank | That's why it's so valuable to have people and activities where you get out of your head and you just are ah enjoying being with the community or in communion in communication with ah other people. It's It's really big so we have the places and the peoples basically. |
53:29.59 | mikebledsoe | Um, yeah, yeah. |
53:37.90 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
53:38.61 | Max Shank | Of environment and also the the stuff there are some. There are some things that make it way way easier. |
53:45.24 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, or what? ah ah I put little like things in place I make little rules for myself or I'll make something like I said earlier difficult or easy and one of the things is I desire to work on my garden in the backyard. So I got a new house. And I want to have a garden. You know there's a bit of a garden already going from the previous owner. So I hired someone to mow my lawn but there they only mow the front I have to do the back and if I don't go back there and do something in the garden area at least once a week |
54:05.50 | Max Shank | The. |
54:21.67 | Max Shank | It'll get gnarly. |
54:22.67 | mikebledsoe | It'll start getting gnarly. So and I'm gonna look at it every fucking day every day I walk through my living room and I'm gonna look in my backyard and go man that shit's getting gnarly so it causes me and and when I do get out there i' finished work. You know 4 5 six p m I get out there and I start gardening I love it. |
54:25.24 | Max Shank | Um, yeah. |
54:41.95 | mikebledsoe | Got my shirt off out in the sun feels good like it's the best way to end the day and you know if I had no if I if I ah had if I hired if I if I told the people. |
54:42.84 | Max Shank | F. Not really optimizing your exercise though with that. |
54:57.44 | mikebledsoe | Cutting my grass cost me twenty more dollars for them to do my backyard too. You know from a mathematical perspective. You're like wow the amount of time you'd save but it wouldn't it wouldn't cause me to go take action in the garden. So little things like that. Ah. |
54:59.83 | Max Shank | Well worth it. |
55:15.80 | mikebledsoe | You can you can set up for yourself make make it a little inconvenient to do to not do something. |
55:21.45 | Max Shank | And I think the idea of making everyday things into rituals can be really healing for some people and if you're not if you're not rushing through the gardening if you're just doing it at a comfortable pace. And you're really with the task I think that can be really beneficial for you. |
55:43.65 | mikebledsoe | That I just I um I noticed I've become way more process oriented less results oriented when I look at the what I what I love about the garden is it would never be done. You can't finish that project. |
55:52.28 | Max Shank | Ah. |
55:59.68 | Max Shank | Yeah I mean can you ever ah that okay, so the idea of truly ever finishing a project because as soon as you finish 1 you think of things that you would do differently or want to change. |
56:12.47 | mikebledsoe | Totally. But if you were to build a cabinet right? or you build a dresser and then you put it in your room and it's complete project's done and a lot of people in a race to get it done or. |
56:20.98 | Max Shank | Yeah, the project's done but you might still feel some lingering thoughts. Yeah, that's it I think the the racing. |
56:31.67 | mikebledsoe | Brett I would love about the garden is because you know it you can't finish it. It's more about yeah I'll just be out here for an hour and I'll just do what I can do in an hour |
56:35.17 | Max Shank | Yeah, well, it's the difference I mean maintenance like that is very different than creation of something. Especially you know a living breathing thing like your yard versus. Let's say a cabinet. Which would require some maintenance depending on how it's built certain maintenance depending on how it's built but the garden is very different because there's no,, There's no finality to it because it's always growing right. |
56:56.21 | mikebledsoe | A. |
57:07.38 | mikebledsoe | No. |
57:12.97 | Max Shank | I think being ah in touch with dirt and grass and trees and water is really valuable and I don't have a specific study that I would like to cite to to prove that that is the case but I don't think it's too bold to say that ah Animals. Should touch the ground and the trees sometimes. |
57:34.23 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, ah I when I go to bed night if I if I've spent time in my yard barefoot on the ground moving some shit around whatever it is if I do that between being in the dirt and then. |
57:48.17 | Max Shank | And. |
57:53.42 | mikebledsoe | Being present while the sun is going down my ability to go to to bed that night the mind is relaxed. The body is relaxed. You know that you can look at the studies on what happens with sunsets and hormones. Maybe you're staring at a computer screen. |
57:55.11 | Max Shank | And. |
58:12.14 | mikebledsoe | Or television screen when the sun goes on outside you pretty much missed this your body's missing the signal that it was time to go to bed and that's why it? yeah you got to stop working. |
58:21.79 | Max Shank | That requires good planning. Well I think that's maybe the fourth dimension of environment I'm just riffing here. But if you I always come really prepared. |
58:33.40 | mikebledsoe | I Thought this show was nothing but a big riff. |
58:41.21 | Max Shank | I Don't know what I don't know what you do I don't maybe the audience can tell that difference too. But no I don't know. Ah I think time is is environmental also because time is like a container and it goes back to what we were talking about with when you turn it on. |
58:50.36 | mikebledsoe | Move. Um, well, it's definitely a structure. So yeah, it is container. |
58:59.38 | Max Shank | And focus. Yeah, and I know for myself. Ah, and people I've coached and known if there's ah a timer counting down things seem to happen a lot faster. And if there's not a timer counting down with an endpoint things happen. However, slow or fast they go. There's just no telling what's gonna happen. But if you set out if you set the stage right? and you say this half hour in this space so this environment of space this environment of time I'm going to do x and then you promise yourself that you're going to stop when the timer is done that is a really good way to. Balance that on off switch so you can really be on instead of just being like half on all the time I have a tendency to always be thinking about this kind of stuff that you and I are discussing on Mondays. How to do a better job coaching people. Ah, mentally physically how to do a better job creating books and videos for people how to make the gym run more smoothly. all all that stuff so it's good to just have a notebook close by if you think of something naturally, but. There's also a big advantage to having these time containers I'm going to sit down here. I'm not going to do anything except this one task and when the timer's up I'm done and of course you got to be flexible with that. But I think. |
01:00:46.93 | mikebledsoe | That's um, that's pretty much what I use for work is I use a software called Mardut method and it's got a program my entire business into it and some tasks. |
01:00:47.38 | Max Shank | That That's a really valuable way to hack the environment. |
01:00:58.26 | Max Shank | Here. |
01:01:02.28 | mikebledsoe | Related to projects. Some are one off tasks and there are other things called chores chores are the ones that repeat on a certain frequency and the frequency is completely customizable but I end up like I knew that when I logged into my to work today that I had 12 tasks to complete. Some of those tasks take a minute or 2 some them some of them will take 2 to 3 hours um well a couple of them will take 2 to 3 hours um and Mondays ah along like Mondays and Tuesdays are long and then the the rest of the week kind of dwindles down and you know fucking off. But. |
01:01:24.10 | Max Shank | It's pretty cool. |
01:01:39.91 | mikebledsoe | The ah but I I hit the play button on the task and all the other tasks disappear and a timer starts on that task and so it it over time. It starts predicting how much. |
01:01:40.54 | Max Shank | Sounds optimized for productivity folks. |
01:01:50.29 | Max Shank | On that task. Cool. |
01:01:58.99 | mikebledsoe | How much work you have ahead of you that day. So I logged in this morning goes you have 7.1 hours of work ahead of you today. It's like oh interesting by Friday it'll say like you know an hour and a half or half an hour but the ah just want to give people. |
01:02:13.70 | Max Shank | If my to do list good god if my if my to do list said you're going to work for 7 hours today I think I would just shoot myself. |
01:02:16.42 | mikebledsoe | Um, ah give people a realistic view of how much I work I don't want to think I work myself to death. |
01:02:28.56 | mikebledsoe | It's a long day what you know it's funny is I was I was working I was working like four or five hours a day five days a week and I and I ended up stacking my schedule I actually enjoy just spending two days plowing |
01:02:30.89 | Max Shank | Ah, not actually that's a little too morbid. Yeah. |
01:02:44.77 | Max Shank | Oh yeah. |
01:02:46.30 | mikebledsoe | And then the third day kind of a midday thing and then Thursday Fridays chill but but hitting that play button and knowing that I'm being timed on the task keeps me on task because I I want an accurate recording of what's happening because. |
01:02:54.14 | Max Shank | Um, Ah, yeah. Ice and ah. |
01:03:03.87 | mikebledsoe | But the more accurate it becomes the ah the quicker you know things happen in my business. It is more honest, yeah in a while. |
01:03:09.36 | Max Shank | It's more honest, It's more honest too I started doing timestamps even in my notebook just writing I just put the the time in brackets of when I when I stopped writing and when I started writing and. |
01:03:23.64 | mikebledsoe | Wow I Only do the date I Only have the date I write my notes in order of when they came to the ideas came to me too. |
01:03:26.78 | Max Shank | Ah, because I'll what's that yeah I like to look at how long I was. That's a smart organizational tool. And then what I'll do after is I'll be like okay, stop at Eleven Thirty nine but then I'll maybe jot like a few bullets of what I want to continue writing about for next time. So I can come back? um. |
01:03:53.67 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, nice. |
01:04:00.46 | Max Shank | I Think that's I think that's pretty good I think we covered a lot of important stuff. We didn't really riff too much on the specific differences between cultures and climates. But I think ah is pretty straightforward how that was fun. |
01:04:09.58 | mikebledsoe | Now we didn't get into I think people get it I think we used a couple examples and yeah, yeah, and I think we can appreciate. That's a big benefit of traveling are you and I have both traveled all over the world and. |
01:04:18.88 | Max Shank | Yeah. |
01:04:23.38 | Max Shank | Big time. |
01:04:27.49 | mikebledsoe | You get to see the value in all these different cultures and and get to see that everybody is at the core the same but also seeing all the differences and the beauty and that and. |
01:04:36.56 | Max Shank | M. |
01:04:43.37 | mikebledsoe | You know one place couldn't exist with the existence of the other like like the re yeah the reason the Canadians can have cheap health care is because the Americans are paying for all of it. You know and no, it's just. |
01:04:47.16 | Max Shank | Man Absolutely and. |
01:04:56.66 | Max Shank | Ah, there is a lot of stuff like that I think I think ultimately compassion is about perspective and compassion is sort of a superpower because the further you extend it the less resentful you become. Less ah prideful and superior and fearful you become and compassion ah is all about perspective. Can you can you understand just how different that other person may be you don't know what their environment's like you don't know what their parents were like you don't Know. What kind of stories they used to believe or currently believe and I think environment is a big part of that you know because then you can also have compassion for yourself and you can set up your environment as if you were a retarded chimp. That's what I do basically. I Just imagine that I am a full or half retarded chimp at my core and I'm looking for pleasure and I'm looking to go away from Pain. So if I set my telephone in the drawer out of sight out of mind if I put the cheesecake out of sight out of mind. |
01:06:02.59 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, um. |
01:06:13.48 | Max Shank | It's going to be a lot easier to avoid those things and if I'm doing it from a place of compassion then I'm a little more understanding of the decisions I've made in the past and I recognize that you know you're not going to do everything perfectly and neither is everybody else I think that's. |
01:06:30.22 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah I think the the traveling and seeing where everyone else where a lot of other people came from is is key in having compassion but also just going through a process of being compassionate for yourself because I think that anyone who has really dug deep and found. |
01:06:30.97 | Max Shank | Ah, big part of this too. |
01:06:35.45 | Max Shank | More more more big. |
01:06:49.83 | mikebledsoe | Where they they've judged themselves in you know we tend to judge our our previous self based on what we know now which if we can get out of that and really have compassion for what created the the being that we are right now I've found that. |
01:06:51.38 | Max Shank | Um, oh yeah. |
01:07:07.57 | mikebledsoe | That that's created the most amount of compassion for others because I go man I've been through some shit and you know what it's okay, I'm doing a great job and I'm gonna continue to do better and this and that and then the the more compassion I had for myself I look at other people and go who the fuck knows. What? what? they've been through like if if if I had to Deal. You know my life is pretty good and if I had to go through a lot of crazy stuff that that I needed to forgive myself for these other people they need to as Well. So I don't I don't need to come down on anybody. |
01:07:41.50 | Max Shank | Well, they're animals exactly you me them were animals within an environment and we're just trying to survive and some of us get past just trying to survive and we go ooh how about thriving. |
01:07:45.40 | mikebledsoe | They're they're doing it to themselves. |
01:07:57.59 | mikebledsoe | Now. |
01:07:59.85 | Max Shank | And we try to be like a little more of you know mating possibilities a little more legacy type of opportunities right? But ah, most most people are just trying to survive in the environment using what they know and. |
01:08:14.84 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
01:08:19.39 | Max Shank | Really easy to be compassionate for people if you recognize that. |
01:08:21.70 | mikebledsoe | You know you know what's ah, let's wrap this bad boy up what's where can people find you. |
01:08:31.99 | Max Shank | Http://maxshank.com you can find me and couple spots left for the the partner agility and strength system course June Eleventh ah maxshank dot Com slash pass first one ever. Ah I don't want to I don't want to exaggerate how good it is but it is by far better than any other personal training system in the history of time. So if you're interested. |
01:08:59.89 | mikebledsoe | I I would ah I haven't seen it but I believe you I believe you he's probably right? He's right about a lot of things folks. Ah for the. |
01:09:06.76 | Max Shank | Um, yeah. Save that clip. |
01:09:14.87 | mikebledsoe | For the for the coaches out there. I've got a virtual summit coming up at the end of June June Twenty third through twenty fifth if you go to shop I think if you go to shop http://dotthestrongcoach.com you'll you'll find it there. Um. We'll we'll definitely be taking signups in a week or so be on the lookout for it. It's a name your own price. You can pay anything between a dollar and two hundred and ninety seven dollars I just asked that you pay something that has you committed to the process three day event where I'm bringing in some great speakers that are gonna share how they built their coaching businesses. So. |
01:09:43.81 | Max Shank | Wow. |
01:09:51.70 | mikebledsoe | Have some heavy hitters there. You'll definitely want to make it and we're recording it. So even if you can't make it live super easy. My brother love you. |
01:09:57.59 | Max Shank | Sweet Love you brother take care. Thanks everybody. |